Polymarket Whales



Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Market Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1707787200000 More migrant encounters at border in February compared to January? Sell Yes $16.75 25.00 0.6700 📖 Tx
1707787200000 More migrant encounters at border in February compared to January? Sell No $8.25 25.00 0.3300 📖 Tx
1707786881000 Will Trump be Speaker by Mar 1? Sell Yes $0.11 6.00 0.0180 📖 Tx
1707786881000 Will Trump be Speaker by Mar 1? Sell No $5.89 6.00 0.9820 📖 Tx
1707785591000 Will the feds cut the razor wire in Shelby Park, Texas? Sell No $28.92 30.00 0.9640 📖 Tx
1707785591000 Will the feds cut the razor wire in Shelby Park, Texas? Sell Yes $1.08 30.00 0.0360 📖 Tx
1707752166000 Will SpaceX's Starship launch before March? Buy No $6.36 12.00 0.5300 📖 Tx
1707334480000 Will Nikki Haley drop out before Super Tuesday? Sell No $33.42 87.95 0.3800 📖 Tx
1707334480000 Will Nikki Haley drop out before Super Tuesday? Sell Yes $54.53 87.95 0.6200 📖 Tx
1707334162000 Will Taylor Swift attend the Super Bowl? Buy No $0.25 6.58 0.0380 📖 Tx
1707334162000 Will Taylor Swift attend the Super Bowl? Sell No $0.25 6.58 0.0380 📖 Tx
1707334034000 Will Taylor Swift endorse Biden at the Super Bowl? Sell Yes $0.39 23.00 0.0170 📖 Tx
1707334034000 Will Taylor Swift endorse Biden at the Super Bowl? Sell No $22.61 23.00 0.9830 📖 Tx
1707333684000 Will Travis Kelce propose to Taylor Swift at the Super Bowl? Sell Yes $0.90 15.00 0.0600 📖 Tx
1707333684000 Will Travis Kelce propose to Taylor Swift at the Super Bowl? Sell No $14.10 15.00 0.9400 📖 Tx
1707333108000 Will SpaceX's Starship launch before March? Sell Yes $27.26 58.00 0.4700 📖 Tx
1707333108000 Will SpaceX's Starship launch before March? Sell No $30.74 58.00 0.5300 📖 Tx
1707332377000 Taylor Swift Super Bowl Parlay Sell Yes $24.64 88.00 0.2800 📖 Tx
1707332377000 Taylor Swift Super Bowl Parlay Sell No $63.36 88.00 0.7200 📖 Tx
1706984103000 Will Nikki Haley drop out before Super Tuesday? Sell Yes $2.47 4.05 0.6100 📖 Tx
1706984103000 Will Nikki Haley drop out before Super Tuesday? Sell No $1.58 4.05 0.3900 📖 Tx
1706983728000 Nikki Haley wins >50% of the vote in Nevada Republican primary? Buy Yes $0.25 1.09 0.2300 📖 Tx
1706983728000 Nikki Haley wins >50% of the vote in Nevada Republican primary? Sell Yes $0.25 1.09 0.2300 📖 Tx
1706498373000 Will Nikki Haley drop out before South Carolina primary? Sell No $40.00 50.00 0.8000 📖 Tx
1706486172000 49ers vs. Lions Sell Lions $3.59 13.29 0.2700 📖 Tx
1700079764000 Israel and Hamas ceasefire by Nov 30? Sell No $26.00 40.00 0.6500 📖 Tx
1700078522000 Will there be a US government shutdown by November 19? Sell Yes $20.00 1,052.63 0.0190 📖 Tx
1700078522000 Will there be a US government shutdown by November 19? Sell No $1,032.63 1,052.63 0.9810 📖 Tx
1699719799000 Israel and Hamas ceasefire by Nov 30? Sell No $36.00 50.00 0.7200 📖 Tx
1699552782000 Will Sweden join NATO by December 31? Sell Yes $45.00 100.00 0.4500 📖 Tx
1699532519000 Will there be a US government shutdown by November 19? Sell Yes $6.30 15.00 0.4200 📖 Tx
1699532519000 Will there be a US government shutdown by November 19? Sell No $8.70 15.00 0.5800 📖 Tx
1699491598000 Will "ceasefire" be said 5 or more times in the 3rd RNC primary debate? Sell Yes $3.30 15.00 0.2200 📖 Tx
1699491598000 Will "ceasefire" be said 5 or more times in the 3rd RNC primary debate? Sell No $11.70 15.00 0.7800 📖 Tx
1699491564000 Will "Ukraine" be said 10 or more times in the 3rd RNC primary debate? Sell No $12.15 15.00 0.8100 📖 Tx
1699491564000 Will "Ukraine" be said 10 or more times in the 3rd RNC primary debate? Sell Yes $2.85 15.00 0.1900 📖 Tx
1699491550000 Will "Israel" be said 15 or more times in the 3rd RNC primary debate? Sell Yes $9.45 15.00 0.6300 📖 Tx
1699491550000 Will "Israel" be said 15 or more times in the 3rd RNC primary debate? Sell No $5.55 15.00 0.3700 📖 Tx
1699491530000 Will "Biden" be said by every candidate in the 3rd RNC primary debate? Sell Yes $10.00 15.38 0.6500 📖 Tx
1699491530000 Will "Biden" be said by every candidate in the 3rd RNC primary debate? Sell No $5.38 15.38 0.3500 📖 Tx
1699491502000 Will "Trump" be said by every candidate in the 3rd RNC primary debate? Sell No $9.00 15.00 0.6000 📖 Tx
1699491502000 Will "Trump" be said by every candidate in the 3rd RNC primary debate? Sell Yes $6.00 15.00 0.4000 📖 Tx
1699491295000 Will anyone say "alien" in the 3rd RNC primary debate? Sell No $9.00 10.00 0.9000 📖 Tx
1699489349000 Will "Hamas" be said 15 or more times in the 3rd RNC primary debate? Sell No $10.00 13.33 0.7500 📖 Tx
1699489349000 Will "Hamas" be said 15 or more times in the 3rd RNC primary debate? Sell Yes $3.33 13.33 0.2500 📖 Tx
1699407466000 Will there be a US government shutdown by November 19? Sell Yes $23.50 50.00 0.4700 📖 Tx
1699397810000 Mississippi gubernatorial election: Presley (D) vs. Reeves (R) Sell Reeves $59.63 67.00 0.8900 📖 Tx
1699389601000 Will a Democrat win the Kentucky gubernatorial election? Sell No $34.10 155.00 0.2200 📖 Tx
1699389601000 Will a Democrat win the Kentucky gubernatorial election? Sell Yes $120.90 155.00 0.7800 📖 Tx
1699022392000 Will Hikaru win the FIDE Grand Swiss 2023? Sell Yes $13.20 146.67 0.0900 📖 Tx
1699022392000 Will Hikaru win the FIDE Grand Swiss 2023? Sell No $133.47 146.67 0.9100 📖 Tx
1698451466000 Will there be a US government shutdown by November 19? Sell Yes $58.35 162.08 0.3600 📖 Tx
1698244362000 Will Mike Johnson be the next Speaker? Sell No $16.00 200.00 0.0800 📖 Tx
1698244180000 Will any Dem vote for the next speaker? Sell Yes $0.30 30.00 0.0100 📖 Tx
1698244180000 Will any Dem vote for the next speaker? Buy No $54.45 55.00 0.9900 📖 Tx
1698244180000 Will any Dem vote for the next speaker? Buy Yes $1.75 100.00 0.0175 📖 Tx
1698244180000 Will any Dem vote for the next speaker? Sell Yes $0.90 15.00 0.0600 📖 Tx
1698113618000 Will Kevin McCarthy be the next Speaker? Buy Yes $12.00 200.00 0.0600 📖 Tx
1698074472000 Will the next speaker be elected by Oct 31? Buy No $21.46 28.61 0.7500 📖 Tx
1697828552000 Will the next speaker be elected by Oct 31? Sell No $21.38 46.38 0.4610 📖 Tx
1697743834000 Will a hurricane make landfall in the US in October? Sell No $18.33 20.83 0.8800 📖 Tx
1697669299000 Will there be 21+ named storms during the Atlantic Hurricane Season? Sell No $27.50 125.00 0.2200 📖 Tx
1697663847000 Will any Dem vote for the next speaker? Sell Yes $31.00 100.00 0.3100 📖 Tx
1697647953000 Will Steve Scalise be the next Speaker? Sell Yes $9.88 125.00 0.0790 📖 Tx
1697647953000 Will Steve Scalise be the next Speaker? Sell No $115.13 125.00 0.9210 📖 Tx
1697581256000 Will Jim Jordan be the next Speaker? Sell No $4.78 6.54 0.7310 📖 Tx
1697577252000 Will Jim Jordan be the next Speaker? Buy Yes $13.01 48.38 0.2690 📖 Tx
1697566019000 Will Kevin McCarthy be the next Speaker? Sell Yes $10.00 200.00 0.0500 📖 Tx
1697560941000 Will Jim Jordan be the next Speaker? Sell Yes $30.00 48.39 0.6200 📖 Tx
1697560941000 Will Jim Jordan be the next Speaker? Sell No $18.39 48.39 0.3800 📖 Tx
1697484203000 Will Hakeem Jeffries get the most votes in next vote for Speaker? Buy No $0.88 2.21 0.4000 📖 Tx
1697481407000 Will Hakeem Jeffries get the most votes in next vote for Speaker? Buy No $54.82 137.05 0.4000 📖 Tx
1697481407000 Will Hakeem Jeffries get the most votes in next vote for Speaker? Sell Yes $13.42 22.00 0.6100 📖 Tx
1697481407000 Will Hakeem Jeffries get the most votes in next vote for Speaker? Sell Yes $24.40 40.00 0.6100 📖 Tx
1697480881000 Will Hakeem Jeffries get the most votes in next vote for Speaker? Sell Yes $6.10 10.00 0.6100 📖 Tx
1697171873000 Will a hurricane make landfall in the US in October? Buy No $130.50 150.00 0.8700 📖 Tx
1697133430000 Israel and Hamas ceasefire by Oct 31? Sell No $37.56 43.68 0.8600 📖 Tx
1697131166000 Will there be 19 or more named storms during the 2023 Atlantic Hurricane Season? Buy Yes $99.64 104.88 0.9500 📖 Tx
1697131166000 Will there be 19 or more named storms during the 2023 Atlantic Hurricane Season? Sell No $0.60 30.12 0.0200 📖 Tx
1697131166000 Will there be 19 or more named storms during the 2023 Atlantic Hurricane Season? Sell No $7.00 100.00 0.0700 📖 Tx
1697131166000 Will there be 19 or more named storms during the 2023 Atlantic Hurricane Season? Buy No $13.75 265.00 0.0519 📖 Tx
1697131166000 Will there be 19 or more named storms during the 2023 Atlantic Hurricane Season? Sell No $0.90 30.00 0.0300 📖 Tx
1697058100000 Will Hakeem Jeffries get the most votes in next vote for Speaker? Sell No $24.50 50.00 0.4900 📖 Tx
1697053525000 Israeli troops on the ground in Gaza by the end of this week? Sell No $10.40 20.00 0.5200 📖 Tx
1697048194000 Will Hakeem Jeffries get the most votes in next vote for Speaker? Sell No $46.42 89.27 0.5200 📖 Tx
1697048194000 Will Hakeem Jeffries get the most votes in next vote for Speaker? Sell Yes $42.85 89.27 0.4800 📖 Tx
1697047446000 Will the next speaker be elected by Oct 15? Sell No $22.46 72.46 0.3100 📖 Tx
1697041254000 Will Hakeem Jeffries get the most votes in next vote for Speaker? Buy Yes $17.00 50.00 0.3400 📖 Tx
1697040868000 Will 'Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour' movie gross over $125m opening weekend? Sell No $0.71 0.97 0.7310 📖 Tx
1697040172000 Will there be 21+ named storms during the Atlantic Hurricane Season? Sell No $13.00 25.00 0.5200 📖 Tx
1697031539000 Israeli troops on the ground in Gaza by the end of this week? Sell No $6.75 15.00 0.4500 📖 Tx
1696569809000 Will there be 19 or more named storms during the 2023 Atlantic Hurricane Season? Sell No $9.00 100.00 0.0900 📖 Tx
1696524508000 Will Donald Trump be the next Speaker? Sell No $48.40 50.00 0.9680 📖 Tx
1696471560000 Will there be 21+ named storms during the Atlantic Hurricane Season? Sell No $28.00 50.00 0.5600 📖 Tx
1696433529000 Will Joe Biden be President of the United States on December 1, 2023? Buy Yes $98.96 101.81 0.9720 📖 Tx
1696432147000 Will a hurricane make landfall in the US in October? Sell No $41.00 50.00 0.8200 📖 Tx
1696431193000 Will the next speaker be elected by Oct 15? Sell Yes $37.00 50.00 0.7400 📖 Tx
1696431023000 Will Steve Scalise be the next Speaker? Sell Yes $15.00 25.00 0.6000 📖 Tx
1696428893000 Will Steve Scalise be the next Speaker? Sell Yes $31.50 50.00 0.6300 📖 Tx
1696423064000 Will a hurricane make landfall in the US in October? Sell Yes $16.00 100.00 0.1600 📖 Tx