Polymarket Whales



NFL: Will the Packers beat the Browns by more than 6.5 points in their December 25 matchup?

Whales LPs Trades Polymarket
Outcome: Yes No All
Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1640478890000 Sell Yes $0.40 1,481.41 0.0003 Tx
1640478882000 Sell Yes $0.47 1,144.14 0.0004 Tx
1640478862000 Sell Yes $0.21 381.40 0.0005 Tx
1640478858000 Sell Yes $0.23 362.22 0.0006 Tx
1640478852000 Sell Yes $0.25 334.00 0.0007 Tx
1640478848000 Sell Yes $0.27 308.00 0.0009 Tx
1640478844000 Sell Yes $0.29 284.03 0.0010 Tx
1640478818000 Sell Yes $0.32 261.94 0.0012 Tx
1640478555000 Sell Yes $2.78 308.16 0.0090 Tx
1640478081000 Buy Yes $10.00 394.69 0.0253 Tx
1640477753000 Sell Yes $71.52 1,215.09 0.0589 Tx
1640477511000 Sell Yes $55.89 289.08 0.1933 Tx
1640477340000 Sell Yes $81.36 274.06 0.2969 🥪 Tx
1640477340000 Buy Yes $79.59 274.32 0.2901 🥪 Tx