Polymarket Whales



NBA: Will the sum of points in Clippers v Celtics be greater than 213.5?

Whales LPs Trades Polymarket
Outcome: Yes No All
Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1639032333000 Sell Yes $97.65 99.76 0.9789 Tx
1639028925000 Buy Yes $2.00 2.90 0.6908 Tx
1639028897000 Sell Yes $6.90 15.00 0.4603 Tx
1639027323000 Buy Yes $5.00 6.93 0.7211 Tx
1639027131000 Buy Yes $5.00 7.22 0.6928 Tx
1639026837000 Buy Yes $10.00 15.56 0.6427 Tx
1639026703000 Buy Yes $25.00 52.62 0.4751 Tx
1639026619000 Sell Yes $1.73 5.00 0.3452 Tx
1639026579000 Sell Yes $3.38 9.00 0.3760 Tx
1639026547000 Sell Yes $3.32 8.00 0.4153 Tx
1639026523000 Sell Yes $2.69 6.00 0.4488 Tx
1639026415000 Buy Yes $10.00 16.72 0.5983 Tx
1639026365000 Buy Yes $5.00 7.45 0.6711 Tx
1639026249000 Buy Yes $1.90 2.93 0.6480 Tx
1639026083000 Buy Yes $7.00 11.39 0.6144 Tx
1639025875000 Buy Yes $10.00 15.93 0.6277 Tx
1639025849000 Buy Yes $5.00 8.81 0.5677 Tx
1639025819000 Buy Yes $5.00 9.59 0.5212 Tx
1639025571000 Buy Yes $10.00 13.73 0.7281 Tx
1639024845000 Buy Yes $25.00 35.83 0.6977 Tx
1639024485000 Buy Yes $10.00 17.30 0.5782 Tx
1639024261000 Buy Yes $10.00 20.74 0.4822 Tx
1639023887000 Buy Yes $4.00 9.84 0.4063 Tx
1639023861000 Buy Yes $1.00 2.65 0.3769 Tx
1639023831000 Buy Yes $10.00 32.98 0.3032 Tx
1639021407000 Buy Yes $25.00 50.90 0.4911 Tx
1639021407000 Buy Yes $2.03 5.72 0.3540 Tx
1639021385000 Buy Yes $25.00 76.82 0.3254 Tx
1639021363000 Sell Yes $25.00 79.83 0.3132 Tx
1639021333000 Sell Yes $25.00 72.56 0.3445 Tx
1639021309000 Sell Yes $25.00 66.66 0.3751 Tx
1639020919000 Sell Yes $25.00 61.80 0.4045 Tx
1639019961000 Sell Yes $45.71 103.00 0.4438 Tx
1639019869000 Buy Yes $88.71 202.76 0.4375 Tx
1639016113000 Sell Yes $4.05 10.00 0.4050 Tx
1639013207000 Sell Yes $4.92 12.00 0.4101 Tx
1639009865000 Sell Yes $2.49 6.00 0.4144 Tx
1639000082000 Sell Yes $4.69 11.20 0.4184 Tx
1638999534000 Sell Yes $10.20 23.90 0.4268 Tx
1638999448000 Sell Yes $19.50 44.00 0.4431 Tx
1638999430000 Sell Yes $20.44 44.00 0.4645 Tx