Polymarket Whales



Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Market Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1721499674000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Buy No $178.84 715.35 0.2500 📖 Tx
1721499674000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Buy Yes $590.63 787.51 0.7500 📖 Tx
1719543133000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Sell Yes $250.00 787.51 0.3175 📖 Tx
1719543133000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Buy Yes $187.89 587.16 0.3200 📖 Tx
1714014918000 Trump jail before election day? Sell No $1,000.00 1,176.47 0.8500 📖 Tx
1714014918000 Trump jail before election day? Buy No $425.00 500.00 0.8500 📖 Tx
1714014918000 Trump jail before election day? Sell Yes $54.07 360.47 0.1500 📖 Tx
1714014918000 Trump jail before election day? Buy No $268.60 316.00 0.8500 📖 Tx
1711831098000 Will BTC hit $80,000 in March? Sell Yes $1.81 1,806.45 0.0010 📖 Tx
1711831098000 Will BTC hit $80,000 in March? Buy Yes $1.81 1,806.45 0.0010 📖 Tx
1711830988000 Will BTC hit $80,000 in March? Buy Yes $18.80 606.45 0.0310 📖 Tx
1711830988000 Will BTC hit $80,000 in March? Sell No $1,168.80 1,200.00 0.9740 📖 Tx
1711830988000 Will BTC hit $80,000 in March? Sell Yes $50.00 1,806.45 0.0277 📖 Tx
1710381955000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Buy Yes $137.93 689.65 0.2000 📖 Tx
1710381955000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Buy No $551.72 689.65 0.8000 📖 Tx
1707892873000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Sell No $489.66 689.66 0.7100 📖 Tx
1707892873000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Sell Yes $200.00 689.66 0.2900 📖 Tx
1704266487000 Will Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce break up by March 1? Sell Yes $25.00 279.44 0.0895 📖 Tx
1704266487000 Will Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce break up by March 1? Sell No $240.64 264.44 0.9100 📖 Tx
1698294251000 Israel and Hamas ceasefire in 2023? Sell Yes $100.00 358.21 0.2792 📖 Tx
1693373673000 Will Trump attend the second RNC debate? Sell Yes $25.00 385.71 0.0648 📖 Tx
1693373443000 BTC above $28,000 at end of August? Sell No $235.15 322.12 0.7300 📖 Tx
1693373443000 BTC above $28,000 at end of August? Sell Yes $100.00 376.40 0.2657 📖 Tx
1680666841000 Will Trump smile in his mugshot? Sell No $465.00 500.00 0.9300 📖 Tx
1680666841000 Will Trump smile in his mugshot? Sell Yes $500.00 4,565.28 0.1095 📖 Tx
1680666841000 Will Trump smile in his mugshot? Sell No $450.00 500.00 0.9000 📖 Tx
1680666841000 Will Trump smile in his mugshot? Buy Yes $7.96 265.33 0.0300 📖 Tx
1680666841000 Will Trump smile in his mugshot? Buy Yes $200.00 1,000.00 0.2000 📖 Tx
1680666841000 Will Trump smile in his mugshot? Sell No $1,820.00 2,000.00 0.9100 📖 Tx
1680665331000 Will Sam Altman testify before congress by May 31? Sell No $566.67 666.67 0.8500 📖 Tx
1680665331000 Will Sam Altman testify before congress by May 31? Sell Yes $100.00 666.67 0.1500 📖 Tx