Polymarket Whales



Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Market Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1605219491000 Which party will win Arizona in the 2020 Presidential Election? Buy Democratic 🔵 $6,913.00 7,382.29 0.9364 Tx
1604977117000 Which party will win Arizona in the 2020 Presidential Election? Buy Democratic 🔵 $6,594.00 7,295.72 0.9038 Tx
1604946305000 Which party will win Arizona in the 2020 Presidential Election? Sell Republican 🔵 $895.58 8,212.03 0.1091 Tx
1604887543000 Which party will win Arizona in the 2020 Presidential Election? Buy Republican 🔴 $800.00 8,230.92 0.0972 Tx
1604767117000 Which party will win Arizona in the 2020 Presidential Election? Buy Democratic 🔵 $5,000.00 5,585.10 0.8952 Tx
1604678653000 Which party will win Arizona in the 2020 Presidential Election? Buy Democratic 🔵 $20,000.00 21,787.32 0.9180 Tx
1604637793000 Will the Associated Press publish a tweet calling the 2020 US presidential election before November 6? Buy No $6,000.00 6,045.69 0.9924 Tx
1604636305000 Will the Associated Press publish a tweet calling the 2020 US presidential election before November 6? Buy No $5,000.00 5,192.52 0.9629 Tx
1604633371000 Which party will win Arizona in the 2020 Presidential Election? Buy Democratic 🔵 $5,000.00 6,666.17 0.7501 Tx
1604587711000 Will BTC break $15k before 2021? Buy Yes $10,000.00 10,602.96 0.9431 Tx