Polymarket Whales



Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Market Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1679508944000 Will the Fed increase interest rates by 25 bps after its March meeting? Buy Yes $469.13 473.87 0.9900 📖 Tx
1679508944000 Will the Fed increase interest rates by 25 bps after its March meeting? Sell Yes $469.13 473.87 0.9900 📖 Tx
1679464466000 Will the Fed increase interest rates by 25 bps after its March meeting? Sell Yes $387.86 473.00 0.8200 📖 Tx
1679464466000 Will the Fed increase interest rates by 25 bps after its March meeting? Buy Yes $387.86 473.00 0.8200 📖 Tx
1679379990000 Will the Fed increase interest rates by 25 bps after its March meeting? Sell No $39.38 196.89 0.2000 📖 Tx
1679379990000 Will the Fed increase interest rates by 25 bps after its March meeting? Sell Yes $750.00 946.87 0.7921 📖 Tx
1679379990000 Will the Fed increase interest rates by 25 bps after its March meeting? Sell No $52.50 250.00 0.2100 📖 Tx
1679379990000 Will the Fed increase interest rates by 25 bps after its March meeting? Sell No $105.00 499.99 0.2100 📖 Tx