Polymarket Whales



Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Market Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1722817079000 Will Bitcoin hit $250k in 2024? Buy No $1.07 1.11 0.9670 📖 Tx
1722817079000 Will Bitcoin hit $250k in 2024? Sell No $1.07 1.11 0.9670 📖 Tx
1722816993000 Will OpenAI announce it has achieved AGI in 2024? Sell No $0.99 1.06 0.9310 📖 Tx
1722816993000 Will OpenAI announce it has achieved AGI in 2024? Buy No $0.99 1.06 0.9310 📖 Tx
1722385176000 Will OpenAI announce it has achieved AGI in 2024? Sell No $1.00 1.06 0.9390 📖 Tx
1722385176000 Will OpenAI announce it has achieved AGI in 2024? Buy No $1.00 1.06 0.9390 📖 Tx
1722385150000 Will an AI win the $5 million AI Math Olympiad Prize before August? Sell Yes $0.00 1.00 0.0030 📖 Tx
1722385150000 Will an AI win the $5 million AI Math Olympiad Prize before August? Sell No $1.00 1.00 0.9970 📖 Tx
1716857580000 Will Joe Biden be President of the United States on June 1, 2024? Sell Yes $49.00 50.00 0.9800 📖 Tx
1716857580000 Will Joe Biden be President of the United States on June 1, 2024? Sell No $1.00 50.00 0.0200 📖 Tx
1716857476000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Buy No $1.00 1.20 0.8300 📖 Tx
1716857476000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Sell No $1.00 1.20 0.8300 📖 Tx
1716512919000 Will Bitcoin hit $250k in 2024? Sell Yes $0.11 1.11 0.1000 📖 Tx
1716512919000 Will Bitcoin hit $250k in 2024? Sell No $1.00 1.11 0.9000 📖 Tx