Polymarket Whales



Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Market Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1639703649000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy Yes $0.10 0.98 0.1020 Tx
1639663160000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy Yes $0.20 1.96 0.1020 Tx
1639619209000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Sell No $1.37 1.56 0.8821 Tx
1639618999000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Sell No $70.54 79.93 0.8826 Tx
1639618791000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $74.91 81.52 0.9189 Tx
1639609912000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy Yes $0.00 0.01 0.1020 Tx
1639597715000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy Yes $3.00 29.47 0.1018 Tx
1639570551000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $0.20 0.22 0.9188 Tx
1639560036000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $1.00 1.09 0.9188 Tx
1639559090000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $1.00 1.09 0.9188 Tx
1639546748000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Sell Yes $0.49 5.00 0.0976 Tx
1639521750000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $20.00 21.77 0.9186 Tx
1639518044000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Sell Yes $12.89 130.58 0.0987 Tx
1639501441000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $1.00 1.09 0.9168 Tx
1639501091000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $1.00 1.09 0.9168 Tx
1639491529000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy Yes $1.00 9.66 0.1036 Tx
1639490365000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $1.00 1.09 0.9169 Tx
1639481060000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $0.25 0.27 0.9169 Tx
1639480340000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $0.50 0.55 0.9169 Tx
1639479652000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $1.00 1.09 0.9169 Tx
1639478320000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $0.50 0.55 0.9169 Tx
1639476694000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $0.50 0.55 0.9169 Tx
1639471029000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $108.83 118.79 0.9161 Tx
1639467139000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Sell No $7.50 8.53 0.8792 Tx
1639448666000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Sell Yes $28.51 278.24 0.1025 Tx
1639430791000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $15.00 16.45 0.9118 Tx
1639410114000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $411.43 452.80 0.9086 Tx
1639378238000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy Yes $0.02 0.17 0.1149 Tx
1639358723000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $10.00 11.04 0.9054 Tx
1639347547000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy Yes $5.00 43.57 0.1148 Tx
1639344133000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy Yes $5.00 43.81 0.1141 Tx
1639338356000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $5.00 5.52 0.9065 Tx
1639333448000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy Yes $1.00 8.78 0.1138 Tx
1639286407000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $1.00 1.10 0.9066 Tx
1639264551000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $2.00 2.21 0.9066 Tx
1639263361000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Sell No $0.97 1.11 0.8707 Tx
1639263271000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Sell Yes $0.11 1.01 0.1093 Tx
1639251565000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $100.00 110.40 0.9058 Tx
1639242453000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $0.30 0.33 0.9050 Tx
1639234834000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $1.00 1.10 0.9050 Tx
1639231690000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $7.50 8.29 0.9049 Tx
1639195226000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $0.89 0.98 0.9049 Tx
1639172181000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $0.89 0.98 0.9049 Tx
1639169505000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $5.00 5.53 0.9048 Tx
1639160706000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy Yes $1.00 8.65 0.1156 Tx
1639158312000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy Yes $1.00 8.66 0.1155 Tx
1639136073000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy Yes $1.00 8.67 0.1153 Tx
1639119588000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $7.72 8.53 0.9051 Tx
1639113408000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Sell Yes $1.00 9.05 0.1109 Tx
1639091642000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy Yes $2.00 17.33 0.1154 Tx
1639084932000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $1.00 1.10 0.9051 Tx
1639074446000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $1.00 1.10 0.9051 Tx
1639061447000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $1.00 1.10 0.9051 Tx
1639060823000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $1.00 1.10 0.9051 Tx
1639060229000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy Yes $4.00 34.76 0.1151 Tx
1639049709000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy Yes $5.00 43.66 0.1145 Tx
1638960118000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $10.00 11.04 0.9061 Tx
1638954757000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Sell Yes $5.50 49.87 0.1102 Tx
1638932915000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $100.00 110.55 0.9045 Tx
1638932693000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $1.50 1.66 0.9037 Tx
1638906967000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $100.00 110.75 0.9029 Tx
1638895488000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy Yes $0.12 1.01 0.1183 Tx
1638883989000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy Yes $0.80 6.77 0.1182 Tx
1638883955000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Sell No $0.87 1.00 0.8665 Tx
1638883723000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Sell No $0.87 1.00 0.8665 Tx
1638833232000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy Yes $5.00 42.42 0.1179 Tx
1638822350000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Sell Yes $1.92 16.99 0.1130 Tx
1638822300000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $1.06 1.17 0.9026 Tx
1638822078000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy Yes $2.00 16.99 0.1177 Tx
1638813197000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $0.50 0.55 0.9028 Tx
1638813023000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy Yes $0.50 4.25 0.1175 Tx
1638802075000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy Yes $1.00 8.51 0.1174 Tx
1638771474000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $2.00 2.21 0.9030 Tx
1638771018000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $3.00 3.32 0.9030 Tx
1638760782000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $1.00 1.11 0.9029 Tx
1638706040000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $2.00 2.22 0.9029 Tx
1638699931000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy Yes $1.00 8.51 0.1175 Tx
1638689035000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $1.00 1.11 0.9030 Tx
1638687867000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $0.42 0.47 0.9030 Tx
1638686007000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $1.00 1.11 0.9030 Tx
1638685873000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy Yes $0.61 5.20 0.1174 Tx
1638684523000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $0.41 0.45 0.9031 Tx
1638682925000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy Yes $0.10 0.85 0.1174 Tx
1638682579000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy Yes $0.47 4.01 0.1173 Tx
1638682551000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy Yes $0.48 4.09 0.1173 Tx
1638672189000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy Yes $5.00 42.76 0.1169 Tx
1638652026000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy Yes $3.00 25.77 0.1164 Tx
1638644417000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $2.00 2.21 0.9042 Tx
1638641861000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy Yes $25.00 217.93 0.1147 Tx
1638641201000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $2.00 2.20 0.9072 Tx
1638633276000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $0.20 0.22 0.9072 Tx
1638610897000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy Yes $1.00 8.84 0.1132 Tx
1638602435000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $0.50 0.55 0.9073 Tx
1638593129000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy Yes $3.00 26.57 0.1129 Tx
1638580640000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $1.50 1.65 0.9077 Tx
1638571584000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $0.01 0.01 0.9077 Tx
1638569948000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $0.01 0.01 0.9077 Tx
1638568428000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $0.01 0.01 0.9077 Tx
1638564554000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Sell No $191.22 219.00 0.8731 Tx
1638564360000 Will Ethereum switch to Proof-of-Stake (EIP-3675) by February 22, 2022? Buy No $0.01 0.01 0.9106 Tx