Polymarket Whales



Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Market Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1722535652000 Which party will control the U.S. Senate after the 2024 election? Buy Democrats 🔵 $1.89 7.00 0.2700 📖 Tx
1722535652000 Which party will control the U.S. Senate after the 2024 election? Sell Democrats 🔴 $1.89 7.00 0.2700 📖 Tx
1722535560000 Which party will control the U.S. Senate after the 2024 election? Sell Democrats 🔴 $1.96 7.00 0.2800 📖 Tx
1722535560000 Which party will control the U.S. Senate after the 2024 election? Buy Democrats 🔵 $1.96 7.00 0.2800 📖 Tx
1722425741000 Ethereum all time high in 2024? Sell Yes $2.70 6.00 0.4500 📖 Tx
1722425741000 Ethereum all time high in 2024? Buy Yes $2.70 6.00 0.4500 📖 Tx
1722425713000 Ethereum all time high in 2024? Sell Yes $3.06 6.00 0.5100 📖 Tx
1722425713000 Ethereum all time high in 2024? Buy Yes $3.06 6.00 0.5100 📖 Tx
1722350726000 Canada federal election in 2024? Buy Yes $0.35 5.00 0.0700 📖 Tx
1722350726000 Canada federal election in 2024? Sell Yes $0.35 5.00 0.0700 📖 Tx
1722350690000 Canada federal election in 2024? Sell Yes $0.30 5.00 0.0600 📖 Tx
1722350690000 Canada federal election in 2024? Sell No $4.70 5.00 0.9400 📖 Tx
1722350660000 Canada federal election in 2024? Sell No $4.70 5.00 0.9400 📖 Tx
1722350660000 Canada federal election in 2024? Sell Yes $0.30 5.00 0.0600 📖 Tx
1722350564000 Canada federal election in 2024? Buy Yes $0.35 5.00 0.0700 📖 Tx
1722350564000 Canada federal election in 2024? Sell Yes $0.35 5.00 0.0700 📖 Tx
1722350520000 Canada federal election in 2024? Buy Yes $0.35 5.00 0.0700 📖 Tx
1722350520000 Canada federal election in 2024? Sell Yes $0.35 5.00 0.0700 📖 Tx
1722350464000 Canada federal election in 2024? Buy Yes $0.35 5.00 0.0700 📖 Tx
1722350464000 Canada federal election in 2024? Sell Yes $0.35 5.00 0.0700 📖 Tx
1722013322000 Which party will control the U.S. Senate after the 2024 election? Sell Democrats 🔴 $1.35 5.00 0.2700 📖 Tx
1722013322000 Which party will control the U.S. Senate after the 2024 election? Sell Republicans 🔵 $3.65 5.00 0.7300 📖 Tx
1722013232000 Which party will control the U.S. Senate after the 2024 election? Sell Republicans 🔵 $8.88 12.16 0.7300 📖 Tx
1722013232000 Which party will control the U.S. Senate after the 2024 election? Sell Democrats 🔴 $3.28 12.16 0.2700 📖 Tx