Polymarket Whales

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Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Market Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1723011577000 Which party will win the 2024 United States presidential election? Sell Democratic 🔴 $12,304.25 25,633.85 0.4800 📖 Tx
1723011577000 Which party will win the 2024 United States presidential election? Buy Democratic 🔵 $12,304.25 25,633.85 0.4800 📖 Tx
1722943880000 Which party will win the 2024 United States presidential election? Sell Republican 🔵 $115.50 210.00 0.5500 📖 Tx
1722943880000 Which party will win the 2024 United States presidential election? Buy Democratic 🔵 $3,046.64 6,770.30 0.4500 📖 Tx
1722943880000 Which party will win the 2024 United States presidential election? Buy Democratic 🔵 $1,642.39 3,649.76 0.4500 📖 Tx
1722943880000 Which party will win the 2024 United States presidential election? Buy Democratic 🔵 $1,499.85 3,333.00 0.4500 📖 Tx
1722943880000 Which party will win the 2024 United States presidential election? Buy Democratic 🔵 $90.00 200.00 0.4500 📖 Tx
1722943880000 Which party will win the 2024 United States presidential election? Buy Democratic 🔵 $22.50 50.00 0.4500 📖 Tx
1722943880000 Which party will win the 2024 United States presidential election? Sell Republican 🔵 $110.00 200.00 0.5500 📖 Tx
1722943880000 Which party will win the 2024 United States presidential election? Sell Democratic 🔴 $6,485.88 14,413.06 0.4500 📖 Tx
1722830791000 Which party will win the 2024 United States presidential election? Buy Democratic 🔵 $3,347.79 7,439.53 0.4500 📖 Tx
1722830791000 Which party will win the 2024 United States presidential election? Sell Democratic 🔴 $3,347.79 7,439.53 0.4500 📖 Tx
1722792599000 Which party will win the 2024 United States presidential election? Sell Republican 🔵 $55.00 100.00 0.5500 📖 Tx
1722792599000 Which party will win the 2024 United States presidential election? Buy Democratic 🔵 $3,375.00 7,500.00 0.4500 📖 Tx
1722792599000 Which party will win the 2024 United States presidential election? Buy Democratic 🔵 $135.00 300.00 0.4500 📖 Tx
1722792599000 Which party will win the 2024 United States presidential election? Sell Republican 🔵 $123.75 225.00 0.5500 📖 Tx
1722792599000 Which party will win the 2024 United States presidential election? Sell Democratic 🔴 $8,397.14 18,660.32 0.4500 📖 Tx
1722792599000 Which party will win the 2024 United States presidential election? Buy Democratic 🔵 $3,840.89 8,535.32 0.4500 📖 Tx
1722792599000 Which party will win the 2024 United States presidential election? Buy Democratic 🔵 $90.00 200.00 0.4500 📖 Tx
1722792599000 Which party will win the 2024 United States presidential election? Sell Republican 🔵 $990.00 1,800.00 0.5500 📖 Tx