Polymarket Whales

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Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Market Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1638549177000 (In-Game Trading)Who will win the Celtics v. Hornets game on October 25th? Sell Hornets $1.05 249,748.46 0.0000 Tx
1635215058000 (In-Game Trading)Who will win the Celtics v. Hornets game on October 25th? Buy Hornets $1.70 2,030.97 0.0008 Tx
1635212536000 (In-Game Trading)Who will win the Celtics v. Hornets game on October 25th? Sell Hornets $0.43 1,499.99 0.0003 Tx
1635212098000 (In-Game Trading)Who will win the Celtics v. Hornets game on October 25th? Sell Hornets $32.83 1,277.13 0.0257 Tx
1635212092000 (In-Game Trading)Who will win the Celtics v. Hornets game on October 25th? Sell Hornets $76.57 1,586.44 0.0483 Tx
1635210224000 (In-Game Trading)Who will win the Celtics v. Hornets game on October 25th? Sell Celtics $56.75 1,500.00 0.0378 Tx
1635204285000 (In-Game Trading)Who will win the Celtics v. Hornets game on October 25th? Sell Celtics $299.72 1,017.45 0.2946 Tx