Polymarket Whales



Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Market Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1723022158000 Will 2024 be the hottest year on record? Sell Yes $0.22 0.23 0.9400 📖 Tx
1723022158000 Will 2024 be the hottest year on record? Sell No $0.01 0.23 0.0600 📖 Tx
1722560103000 Fed rate cut by September 18? Sell Yes $0.26 0.29 0.8900 📖 Tx
1722560103000 Fed rate cut by September 18? Sell No $0.03 0.29 0.1100 📖 Tx
1722246761000 Will Bitcoin hit $100k in 2024? Buy No $1.82 3.03 0.6000 📖 Tx
1722246761000 Will Bitcoin hit $100k in 2024? Sell No $1.82 3.03 0.6000 📖 Tx
1718771046000 Will Bitcoin hit $100k in 2024? Sell Yes $0.54 1.54 0.3500 📖 Tx
1718771046000 Will Bitcoin hit $100k in 2024? Sell No $1.00 1.54 0.6500 📖 Tx
1718770870000 Blast airdrop by June 30? Buy Yes $1.00 1.03 0.9690 📖 Tx
1718770870000 Blast airdrop by June 30? Sell Yes $1.00 1.03 0.9690 📖 Tx
1716170684000 Will Bitcoin hit $100k in 2024? Sell No $1.00 1.49 0.6700 📖 Tx
1716170684000 Will Bitcoin hit $100k in 2024? Buy No $1.00 1.49 0.6700 📖 Tx