Polymarket Whales

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Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Market Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1624762697000 What will the price of $DOGE be on June 26? Buy Long 📈 $194.30 99,130.80 0.0020 Tx
1624762635000 What will the price of $DOGE be on June 26? Sell Long 📉 $170.26 87,639.28 0.0019 Tx
1624762453000 What will the price of $DOGE be on June 26? Buy Long 📈 $170.60 87,639.28 0.0019 Tx
1624762393000 What will the price of $DOGE be on June 26? Sell Long 📉 $170.60 87,806.08 0.0019 Tx
1624758453000 What will the price of $DOGE be on June 26? Buy Long 📈 $164.78 87,806.08 0.0019 Tx
1624758285000 What will the price of $DOGE be on June 26? Sell Long 📉 $164.78 87,973.34 0.0019 Tx
1624738521000 What will the price of $DOGE be on June 26? Buy Long 📈 $135.29 87,973.34 0.0015 Tx
1623593393000 Will Robert Leshner or Anthony Pompliano win in their CryptoChamps chess match? Sell Pompliano $163.17 132,699.65 0.0012 Tx
1623538841000 Will Robert Leshner or Anthony Pompliano win in their CryptoChamps chess match? Buy Pompliano $1,000.00 101,530.53 0.0098 Tx