Polymarket Whales



Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Market Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1722111573000 Will an AI win the $5 million AI Math Olympiad Prize before August? Buy Yes $0.38 116.99 0.0032 📖 Tx
1722111573000 Will an AI win the $5 million AI Math Olympiad Prize before August? Sell Yes $0.06 9.46 0.0060 📖 Tx
1722111573000 Will an AI win the $5 million AI Math Olympiad Prize before August? Sell Yes $0.32 107.53 0.0030 📖 Tx
1720525050000 Will an AI win the $5 million AI Math Olympiad Prize before August? Sell Yes $0.02 0.17 0.1400 📖 Tx
1720524992000 Will an AI win the $5 million AI Math Olympiad Prize before August? Sell Yes $3.22 23.00 0.1400 📖 Tx
1720512580000 Will an AI win the $5 million AI Math Olympiad Prize before August? Sell Yes $0.26 1.86 0.1400 📖 Tx
1720493926000 Will an AI win the $5 million AI Math Olympiad Prize before August? Sell No $31.45 37.00 0.8500 📖 Tx
1720493926000 Will an AI win the $5 million AI Math Olympiad Prize before August? Sell Yes $5.55 37.00 0.1500 📖 Tx
1720493880000 Will an AI win the $5 million AI Math Olympiad Prize before August? Sell Yes $7.69 54.96 0.1400 📖 Tx
1720493880000 Will an AI win the $5 million AI Math Olympiad Prize before August? Buy Yes $7.69 54.96 0.1400 📖 Tx