Polymarket Whales

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Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Market Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1706661847000 US response to Iran’s drone attack by Jan 31? Buy Yes βœ… $22.15 38.19 0.5800 πŸ“– Tx
1706661847000 US response to Iran’s drone attack by Jan 31? Sell No βœ… $2.15 5.00 0.4300 πŸ“– Tx
1706661847000 US response to Iran’s drone attack by Jan 31? Sell Yes ❌ $25.00 43.19 0.5788 πŸ“– Tx
1706661825000 Will US attack Iran by February 15? Sell No βœ… $121.36 136.36 0.8900 πŸ“– Tx
1706661825000 Will US attack Iran by February 15? Sell Yes ❌ $15.00 136.36 0.1100 πŸ“– Tx
1705947968000 Houthis strike U.S. military by end of January? Sell Yes ❌ $15.00 33.33 0.4500 πŸ“– Tx
1705947968000 Houthis strike U.S. military by end of January? Buy Yes βœ… $15.00 33.33 0.4500 πŸ“– Tx
1705798158000 Will Trump win every state in Republican Nomination? Sell No βœ… $25.00 100.00 0.2500 πŸ“– Tx
1705798158000 Will Trump win every state in Republican Nomination? Sell Yes ❌ $75.00 100.00 0.7500 πŸ“– Tx