Polymarket Whales



Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Market Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1722752908000 Ethereum all time high in 2024? Sell No $58.33 83.33 0.7000 📖 Tx
1722752908000 Ethereum all time high in 2024? Sell Yes $25.00 83.33 0.3000 📖 Tx
1722450149000 Fed rate cut by September 18? Sell No $3.94 28.94 0.1360 📖 Tx
1722450149000 Fed rate cut by September 18? Sell Yes $25.00 28.94 0.8640 📖 Tx
1722269937000 Ethereum all time high in 2024? Sell Yes $25.00 49.02 0.5100 📖 Tx
1722269937000 Ethereum all time high in 2024? Sell No $24.02 49.02 0.4900 📖 Tx
1721968471000 Ethereum all time high in 2024? Sell Yes $25.00 56.82 0.4400 📖 Tx
1721968471000 Ethereum all time high in 2024? Sell No $31.82 56.82 0.5600 📖 Tx
1721922436000 Ethereum all time high in 2024? Sell Yes $25.00 50.00 0.5000 📖 Tx
1721922436000 Ethereum all time high in 2024? Sell No $25.00 50.00 0.5000 📖 Tx
1721921842000 Ethereum all time high in 2024? Sell Yes $25.00 52.16 0.4793 📖 Tx
1721921842000 Ethereum all time high in 2024? Sell No $5.96 12.16 0.4900 📖 Tx
1721921842000 Ethereum all time high in 2024? Sell No $21.20 40.00 0.5300 📖 Tx
1720961253000 Fed rate cut by September 18? Buy Yes $25.00 32.89 0.7600 📖 Tx
1720961253000 Fed rate cut by September 18? Sell Yes $25.00 32.89 0.7600 📖 Tx
1720961099000 Ethereum all time high in 2024? Sell Yes $25.00 49.02 0.5100 📖 Tx
1720961099000 Ethereum all time high in 2024? Sell No $24.02 49.02 0.4900 📖 Tx
1720960819000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Sell Yes $25.00 55.56 0.4500 📖 Tx
1720960819000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Sell No $30.56 55.56 0.5500 📖 Tx