Polymarket Whales



Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Market Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1723222125000 Trump jail before election day? Sell No $8.49 9.00 0.9430 📖 Tx
1723222125000 Trump jail before election day? Sell No $5.66 6.00 0.9440 📖 Tx
1723222125000 Trump jail before election day? Buy No $14.15 15.00 0.9434 📖 Tx
1723219727000 Trump jail before election day? Sell No $4.75 5.00 0.9500 📖 Tx
1723219599000 Trump jail before election day? Sell No $4.79 5.00 0.9590 📖 Tx
1723218431000 Trump jail before election day? Sell No $4.79 5.00 0.9590 📖 Tx
1723212197000 Trump jail before election day? Sell No $4.75 5.00 0.9500 📖 Tx
1723212197000 Trump jail before election day? Buy No $4.75 5.00 0.9500 📖 Tx
1723205232000 Will ≥10% of Votes go to 3rd Party Candidates in the 2024 US Presidential Election? Sell No $4.45 5.00 0.8900 📖 Tx
1723205232000 Will ≥10% of Votes go to 3rd Party Candidates in the 2024 US Presidential Election? Buy No $4.45 5.00 0.8900 📖 Tx
1723199771000 Trump jail before election day? Sell Yes $0.17 5.00 0.0330 📖 Tx
1723199771000 Trump jail before election day? Sell No $4.83 5.00 0.9670 📖 Tx
1723199739000 Trump jail before election day? Buy No $9.60 10.00 0.9600 📖 Tx
1723199739000 Trump jail before election day? Sell No $9.60 10.00 0.9600 📖 Tx
1723197824000 Canada federal election in 2024? Sell Yes $0.21 5.00 0.0420 📖 Tx
1723197042000 Trump jail before election day? Sell No $4.83 5.00 0.9670 📖 Tx
1723197042000 Trump jail before election day? Sell Yes $0.17 5.00 0.0330 📖 Tx
1723197040000 Trump jail before election day? Sell No $4.83 5.00 0.9670 📖 Tx
1723197040000 Trump jail before election day? Sell Yes $0.17 5.00 0.0330 📖 Tx
1723177243000 Which party will win the 2024 United States presidential election? Sell Democratic 🔴 $4.90 10.00 0.4900 📖 Tx
1723177243000 Which party will win the 2024 United States presidential election? Buy Democratic 🔵 $4.90 10.00 0.4900 📖 Tx
1723177147000 Will 2024 be the hottest year on record? Sell Yes $9.30 10.00 0.9300 📖 Tx
1723177147000 Will 2024 be the hottest year on record? Buy Yes $9.30 10.00 0.9300 📖 Tx
1723174891000 Will 2024 be the hottest year on record? Sell Yes $4.75 5.00 0.9500 📖 Tx
1723174891000 Will 2024 be the hottest year on record? Sell No $0.25 5.00 0.0500 📖 Tx
1723174829000 Which party will win the 2024 United States presidential election? Sell Democratic 🔴 $2.50 5.00 0.5000 📖 Tx
1723174829000 Which party will win the 2024 United States presidential election? Sell Republican 🔵 $2.50 5.00 0.5000 📖 Tx
1723174643000 Will 2024 be the hottest year on record? Sell No $0.25 5.00 0.0500 📖 Tx
1723174643000 Will 2024 be the hottest year on record? Sell Yes $4.75 5.00 0.9500 📖 Tx
1723172439000 Which party will win the 2024 United States presidential election? Sell Democratic 🔴 $2.50 5.00 0.5000 📖 Tx
1723172439000 Which party will win the 2024 United States presidential election? Sell Republican 🔵 $2.50 5.00 0.5000 📖 Tx