Polymarket Whales



Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Market Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1671372097000 World Cup Final: France vs. Argentina Sell Argentina $146.33 266.05 0.5500 📖 Tx
1671371961000 World Cup Final: France vs. Argentina Sell Argentina $350.90 638.00 0.5500 📖 Tx
1671371299000 World Cup Final: France vs. Argentina Sell France $430.00 1,000.00 0.4300 📖 Tx
1671371299000 World Cup Final: France vs. Argentina Sell France $473.00 1,100.00 0.4300 📖 Tx
1671371299000 World Cup Final: France vs. Argentina Sell France $176.00 400.00 0.4400 📖 Tx
1671371299000 World Cup Final: France vs. Argentina Sell France $173.80 395.01 0.4400 📖 Tx
1671371077000 World Cup Final: France vs. Argentina Sell Argentina $330.00 600.00 0.5500 📖 Tx
1671370989000 World Cup Final: France vs. Argentina Sell Argentina $244.20 444.00 0.5500 📖 Tx
1671370865000 World Cup Final: France vs. Argentina Sell Argentina $733.15 1,333.00 0.5500 📖 Tx
1671370551000 World Cup Final: France vs. Argentina Sell Argentina $305.25 555.00 0.5500 📖 Tx
1671370453000 World Cup Final: France vs. Argentina Sell Argentina $1,585.73 2,883.14 0.5500 📖 Tx
1671301113000 World Cup Final: France vs. Argentina Sell France $255.00 500.00 0.5100 📖 Tx
1671301089000 World Cup Final: France vs. Argentina Sell France $255.00 500.00 0.5100 📖 Tx
1671301043000 World Cup Final: France vs. Argentina Sell France $283.05 555.00 0.5100 📖 Tx
1671299267000 World Cup Final: France vs. Argentina Sell France $178.50 350.00 0.5100 📖 Tx
1671296314000 World Cup Final: France vs. Argentina Sell France $255.00 500.00 0.5100 📖 Tx
1671292088000 World Cup Final: France vs. Argentina Sell France $687.80 1,348.63 0.5100 📖 Tx
1671290458000 World Cup Final: France vs. Argentina Sell France $577.65 1,132.64 0.5100 📖 Tx
1671247919000 World Cup Final: France vs. Argentina Sell France $510.00 1,000.00 0.5100 📖 Tx
1671198500000 World Cup Final: France vs. Argentina Sell France $510.00 1,000.00 0.5100 📖 Tx
1671165623000 World Cup Final: France vs. Argentina Sell France $757.86 1,486.00 0.5100 📖 Tx
1671156112000 World Cup Final: France vs. Argentina Sell France $137.19 269.00 0.5100 📖 Tx
1671131603000 World Cup Final: France vs. Argentina Sell France $1,040.82 2,040.82 0.5100 📖 Tx
1671120346000 World Cup Final: France vs. Argentina Sell France $168.27 329.95 0.5100 📖 Tx
1670593263000 World Cup: Friday - Brazil vs. Croatia Buy Croatia $272.40 1,534.90 0.1775 Tx
1670591137000 World Cup: Friday - Brazil vs. Croatia Buy Croatia $250.00 1,484.66 0.1684 Tx
1670577359000 World Cup: Friday - Brazil vs. Croatia Buy Croatia $560.00 3,525.65 0.1588 Tx
1670531385000 World Cup: Friday - Brazil vs. Croatia Buy Croatia $370.00 2,142.42 0.1727 Tx
1670495453000 World Cup: Friday - Brazil vs. Croatia Buy Croatia $250.00 1,614.54 0.1548 Tx
1670445992000 World Cup: Friday - Brazil vs. Croatia Buy Croatia $200.00 1,279.23 0.1563 Tx
1670445738000 World Cup: Friday - Brazil vs. Croatia Buy Croatia $100.00 671.98 0.1488 Tx
1666619390000 Republican House and Democratic Senate after U.S. 2022 Midterms? Sell Yes $1,300.02 4,921.61 0.2641 Tx
1665420937000 Republican House and Democratic Senate after U.S. 2022 Midterms? Buy Yes $1,998.40 4,921.61 0.4060 Tx
1650013589000 Will Emmanuel Macron win the 2022 French presidential election? Sell No $404.67 3,326.90 0.1216 Tx
1649961390000 Will Emmanuel Macron win the 2022 French presidential election? Sell No $547.14 4,300.00 0.1272 Tx
1649945206000 Will Emmanuel Macron win the 2022 French presidential election? Sell No $132.33 1,000.00 0.1323 Tx
1649939337000 Will Emmanuel Macron win the 2022 French presidential election? Sell No $464.34 3,408.18 0.1362 Tx
1649684234000 Will the price of a barrel of crude oil be $105 or more on April 15, 2022? Sell Yes $191.89 2,827.69 0.0679 Tx
1649427649000 Will Emmanuel Macron win the 2022 French presidential election? Buy No $3,100.00 12,035.09 0.2576 Tx
1649419050000 Will there be more than 5 million Ukrainian refugees by April 30, 2022? Buy Yes $2,000.00 2,848.84 0.7020 Tx
1649418568000 Will the price of a barrel of crude oil be $105 or more on April 15, 2022? Sell Yes $527.23 2,522.42 0.2090 Tx
1649418098000 Will there be more than 5 million Ukrainian refugees by April 30, 2022? Sell No $1,655.28 4,308.01 0.3842 Tx
1649288401000 Will the 7-day COVID-19 case average in the USA be below 25,000 by May 1st, 2022? Sell Yes $2,159.95 2,282.89 0.9461 Tx
1649201679000 Will the 7-day COVID-19 case average in the USA be below 25,000 by May 1st, 2022? Sell Yes $1,359.63 2,500.00 0.5439 Tx
1649201147000 Will the 7-day COVID-19 case average in the USA be below 25,000 by May 1st, 2022? Buy No $500.00 1,413.91 0.3536 Tx
1649199735000 Will the 7-day COVID-19 case average in the USA be below 25,000 by May 1st, 2022? Buy No $1,000.00 2,482.84 0.4028 Tx
1649199567000 Will the 7-day COVID-19 case average in the USA be below 25,000 by May 1st, 2022? Sell Yes $2,937.99 4,039.98 0.7272 Tx
1649199497000 Will the 7-day COVID-19 case average in the USA be below 25,000 by May 1st, 2022? Sell Yes $2,533.11 3,026.81 0.8369 Tx
1649199038000 Will the 7-day COVID-19 case average in the USA be below 25,000 by May 1st, 2022? Sell Yes $2,533.16 3,026.81 0.8369 Tx
1649164434000 Will MOEX close above 3,000 by April 15, 2022? Buy No $2,000.00 2,640.96 0.7573 Tx
1649164346000 Will the price of a barrel of crude oil be $105 or more on April 15, 2022? Buy No $3,000.00 6,435.88 0.4661 Tx
1649164286000 Will the price of a barrel of crude oil be $105 or more on April 15, 2022? Buy Yes $3,000.00 5,350.11 0.5607 Tx
1649127046000 Will the 7-day COVID-19 case average in the USA be below 25,000 by May 1st, 2022? Buy Yes $9,000.00 10,553.51 0.8528 Tx
1649126966000 Will the 7-day COVID-19 case average in the USA be below 25,000 by May 1st, 2022? Buy Yes $1,000.00 1,296.18 0.7715 Tx
1648512970000 Will Joe Biden's FiveThirtyEight approval rating be 41.8% or higher on March 30? Sell Yes $236.13 500.00 0.4723 Tx
1648512706000 Will Joe Biden's FiveThirtyEight approval rating be 41.8% or higher on March 30? Sell Yes $222.79 400.00 0.5570 Tx
1648420556000 Will Joe Biden's FiveThirtyEight approval rating be 41.8% or higher on March 30? Buy Yes $500.00 905.41 0.5522 Tx
1648214572000 Will there be more than 5 million Ukrainian refugees by April 30, 2022? Buy No $3,000.00 4,308.01 0.6964 Tx
1647398301000 Will there be more than 4 million Ukrainian refugees by March 24? Buy No $1,349.43 2,007.74 0.6721 Tx
1647398225000 Will the 7-day COVID-19 case average in the USA be below 25,000 by April 1? Sell No $1,349.43 4,581.76 0.2945 Tx
1647310283000 Will the 7-day COVID-19 case average in the USA be below 25,000 by April 1? Buy No $2,491.66 4,313.84 0.5776 Tx
1647300971000 Will there be more than 4 million Ukrainian refugees by March 24? Buy No $2,000.00 2,737.02 0.7307 Tx
1647300251000 Will there be more than 4 million Ukrainian refugees by March 24? Buy No $2,000.00 2,908.08 0.6877 Tx
1647299841000 Will there be more than 4 million Ukrainian refugees by March 24? Sell Yes $1,478.23 4,196.80 0.3522 Tx
1647299457000 Will the 7-day COVID-19 case average in the USA be below 25,000 by April 1? Sell Yes $1,853.02 4,050.57 0.4575 Tx
1647299191000 Will there be more than 4 million Ukrainian refugees by March 24? Buy No $3,000.00 4,702.11 0.6380 Tx
1647299087000 Will there be more than 4 million Ukrainian refugees by March 24? Sell Yes $2,217.59 5,044.87 0.4396 Tx
1647298675000 Will there be more than 4 million Ukrainian refugees by March 24? Sell Yes $4,033.19 8,071.79 0.4997 Tx
1647297559000 Will there be more than 4 million Ukrainian refugees by March 24? Buy Yes $2,077.50 3,518.47 0.5905 Tx
1647297407000 Will Marine Le Pen win 2nd place in the first round of the 2022 French presidential election? Sell Yes $2,077.50 3,000.00 0.6925 Tx
1647297343000 Will there be more than 4 million Ukrainian refugees by March 24? Buy Yes $2,096.07 3,900.71 0.5374 Tx
1647297315000 Will the Russian Ruble (RUB) fall below $0.005 by March 25? Sell No $2,096.07 2,610.47 0.8029 Tx
1647296731000 Will there be more than 4 million Ukrainian refugees by March 24? Buy Yes $5,668.99 9,894.36 0.5730 Tx
1647296609000 Will there be more than 4 million Ukrainian refugees by March 24? Sell No $157.21 392.00 0.4010 Tx
1647296515000 Will there be more than 4 million Ukrainian refugees by March 24? Sell No $5,511.78 10,089.74 0.5463 Tx
1647292431000 Will there be more than 4 million Ukrainian refugees by March 24? Buy No $3,138.10 5,916.08 0.5304 Tx
1647292357000 Will there be more than 4 million Ukrainian refugees by March 24? Buy No $2,000.00 4,567.42 0.4379 Tx
1647257997000 Will there be more than 4 million Ukrainian refugees by March 24? Sell Yes $684.45 1,099.37 0.6226 Tx
1647257126000 Will there be more than 4 million Ukrainian refugees by March 24? Sell Yes $650.37 1,000.00 0.6504 Tx
1647256772000 Will there be more than 4 million Ukrainian refugees by March 24? Sell Yes $1,365.72 2,000.00 0.6829 Tx
1647250996000 Will the 7-day COVID-19 case average in the USA be below 25,000 by April 1? Sell Yes $2,437.56 4,500.00 0.5417 Tx
1646967747000 Will Marine Le Pen win 2nd place in the first round of the 2022 French presidential election? Buy Yes $1,285.11 1,802.38 0.7130 Tx
1646967513000 Will the price of a barrel of crude oil be $115 or more on March 15, 2022? Sell Yes $1,285.11 4,783.05 0.2687 Tx
1646967245000 Will Marine Le Pen win 2nd place in the first round of the 2022 French presidential election? Buy Yes $6,456.41 9,289.20 0.6950 Tx
1646845212000 Will the price of a barrel of crude oil reach $150 by March 25, 2022? Buy No $8,000.00 9,721.19 0.8229 Tx
1646837271000 Will the Russian Ruble (RUB) fall below $0.005 by March 25? Sell Yes $637.10 2,520.48 0.2528 Tx
1646737806000 Will the price of a barrel of crude oil be $115 or more on March 15, 2022? Buy Yes $1,500.00 1,944.94 0.7712 Tx
1646696672000 Will the 7-day COVID-19 case average in the USA be below 25,000 by April 1? Buy Yes $2,450.00 2,918.64 0.8394 Tx
1646691203000 Will the price of a barrel of crude oil be $115 or more on March 15, 2022? Buy Yes $2,000.00 2,838.12 0.7047 Tx
1646690857000 Will there be more than 4 million Ukrainian refugees by March 24? Buy Yes $3,000.00 4,099.37 0.7318 Tx
1646670596000 Will the Russian Ruble (RUB) fall below $0.005 by March 25? Buy Yes $1,250.00 2,520.49 0.4959 Tx
1646610126000 Will the 7-day COVID-19 case average in the USA be below 25,000 by April 1? Buy Yes $4,000.00 5,542.94 0.7216 Tx
1646610064000 Will the Russian Ruble (RUB) fall below $0.005 by March 25? Buy No $2,000.00 2,610.53 0.7661 Tx
1644918415000 Will Boris Johnson be the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom on May 20, 2022? Sell No $156.24 470.05 0.3324 Tx
1644918163000 Will Boris Johnson be the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom on May 20, 2022? Sell No $183.76 504.49 0.3642 Tx
1644917899000 Will Boris Johnson be the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom on May 20, 2022? Sell No $203.00 504.49 0.4024 Tx
1644286917000 Will the U.S. 7-day COVID-19 Case average be below 100,000 by March 1, 2022? Buy Yes $3,625.91 6,767.35 0.5358 Tx
1644286845000 Will the U.S. 7-day COVID-19 Case average be below 100,000 by March 15, 2022? Sell Yes $3,625.91 5,044.84 0.7187 Tx
1644286481000 Will the U.S. 7-day COVID-19 Case average be below 100,000 by March 1, 2022? Buy Yes $2,287.53 5,277.06 0.4335 Tx
1644286297000 Will the U.S. 7-day COVID-19 Case average be below 100,000 by April 1, 2022? Sell Yes $1,724.83 2,136.67 0.8073 Tx