Polymarket Whales

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Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Market Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1626550182000 Will $ETH (Ethereum) be above $2500 on July 22? Buy Yes ✅ $5.86 158.48 0.0370 Tx
1624846802000 Will the 7-day average COVID-19 case count in the US be less than 15,000 for the day of July 22? Buy Yes ✅ $5.00 10.99 0.4548 Tx
1624846724000 Who will win UFC 264: McGregor vs. Poirier? Buy McGregor $5.00 10.26 0.4871 Tx
1624846666000 Will 183 million people have received a dose of an approved COVID-19 vaccine in the US by July 15, 2021? Buy Yes ✅ $5.00 5.86 0.8533 Tx
1624594867000 What will the price of $DOGE be on June 26? Buy Long 📈 $5.00 47.60 0.1050 Tx
1624594747000 Will LeVar Burton be announced as the next permanent host of Jeopardy by August 15? Buy Yes ✅ $5.00 32.22 0.1552 Tx
1624594671000 Will the 2021 Tokyo Olympics take place? Buy Yes ✅ $5.00 5.16 0.9689 Tx