Polymarket Whales



Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Market Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1722236043000 Taylor Swift engaged in 2024? Sell No $11.80 20.00 0.5900 📖 Tx
1722236043000 Taylor Swift engaged in 2024? Sell No $12.00 20.00 0.6000 📖 Tx
1721263339000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Buy No $3.58 10.24 0.3500 📖 Tx
1721263339000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Buy Yes $6.66 10.24 0.6500 📖 Tx
1720275597000 Trump jail before election day? Sell Yes $1.60 20.00 0.0800 📖 Tx
1720275597000 Trump jail before election day? Buy Yes $1.60 20.00 0.0800 📖 Tx
1720275221000 Taylor Swift engaged in 2024? Sell No $1.95 3.00 0.6500 📖 Tx
1720275221000 Taylor Swift engaged in 2024? Sell Yes $1.05 3.00 0.3500 📖 Tx
1720274775000 Joe Biden impeached before 2024 election? Buy Yes $0.02 0.38 0.0600 📖 Tx
1720274775000 Joe Biden impeached before 2024 election? Sell Yes $0.02 0.38 0.0600 📖 Tx
1720274703000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Buy No $1.14 3.00 0.3800 📖 Tx
1720274703000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Sell No $1.14 3.00 0.3800 📖 Tx
1719939672000 Joe Biden impeached before 2024 election? Buy Yes $2.50 50.00 0.0500 📖 Tx
1719939672000 Joe Biden impeached before 2024 election? Sell Yes $2.50 50.00 0.0500 📖 Tx
1719640473000 Trump jail before election day? Sell Yes $2.00 20.00 0.1000 📖 Tx
1719640473000 Trump jail before election day? Buy Yes $2.00 20.00 0.1000 📖 Tx
1719640229000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Sell No $5.00 7.25 0.6900 📖 Tx
1719640229000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Buy No $5.00 7.25 0.6900 📖 Tx
1717622559000 Joe Biden impeached before 2024 election? Buy No $47.00 50.00 0.9400 📖 Tx
1717622559000 Joe Biden impeached before 2024 election? Buy Yes $3.00 50.00 0.0600 📖 Tx
1716525670000 Taylor Swift engaged in 2024? Sell Yes $1.28 3.28 0.3900 📖 Tx
1716525670000 Taylor Swift engaged in 2024? Sell No $2.00 3.28 0.6100 📖 Tx
1716525638000 Taylor Swift engaged in 2024? Sell Yes $1.28 3.28 0.3900 📖 Tx
1716525638000 Taylor Swift engaged in 2024? Sell No $2.00 3.28 0.6100 📖 Tx
1716525131000 Netanyahu out by June 30? Sell Yes $0.53 14.64 0.0360 📖 Tx
1716525131000 Netanyahu out by June 30? Buy Yes $0.53 14.64 0.0360 📖 Tx
1716525091000 Will Trump and Biden debate before presidential election? Sell No $3.50 50.00 0.0700 📖 Tx
1716525091000 Will Trump and Biden debate before presidential election? Buy No $3.50 50.00 0.0700 📖 Tx
1716525057000 Ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine by June? Sell Yes $1.05 50.00 0.0210 📖 Tx
1716525057000 Ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine by June? Buy Yes $1.05 50.00 0.0210 📖 Tx
1715301134000 NATO/EU troops fighting in Ukraine before July? Buy Yes $0.58 15.00 0.0390 📖 Tx
1715301134000 NATO/EU troops fighting in Ukraine before July? Buy No $14.41 15.00 0.9610 📖 Tx
1715301098000 Will Bitcoin hit $250k in 2024? Buy No $9.20 10.00 0.9200 📖 Tx
1715301098000 Will Bitcoin hit $250k in 2024? Buy Yes $0.80 10.00 0.0800 📖 Tx
1715301042000 Will a new country buy Bitcoin in 2024? Sell Yes $4.30 10.00 0.4300 📖 Tx
1715301042000 Will a new country buy Bitcoin in 2024? Buy Yes $4.30 10.00 0.4300 📖 Tx
1715301018000 Taylor Swift engaged in 2024? Buy No $6.10 10.00 0.6100 📖 Tx
1715301018000 Taylor Swift engaged in 2024? Buy Yes $3.90 10.00 0.3900 📖 Tx
1715149116000 Will a nuclear weapon detonate by June 30, 2024? Buy No $2.98 3.17 0.9410 📖 Tx
1715149116000 Will a nuclear weapon detonate by June 30, 2024? Sell No $2.98 3.17 0.9410 📖 Tx
1714442642000 Who's out first: Benjamin Netanyahu or Yahya Sinwar? Sell Netanyahu $3.10 5.00 0.6200 📖 Tx
1714442642000 Who's out first: Benjamin Netanyahu or Yahya Sinwar? Buy Netanyahu $3.10 5.00 0.6200 📖 Tx
1713444524000 NATO/EU troops fighting in Ukraine before July? Sell Yes $0.80 10.00 0.0800 📖 Tx
1713444524000 NATO/EU troops fighting in Ukraine before July? Sell No $9.20 10.00 0.9200 📖 Tx
1712545073000 Which party will control the U.S. Senate after the 2024 election? Sell Republicans 🔵 $7.60 10.00 0.7600 📖 Tx
1712545073000 Which party will control the U.S. Senate after the 2024 election? Sell Democrats 🔴 $2.40 10.00 0.2400 📖 Tx
1712524839000 NATO/EU troops fighting in Ukraine before July? Sell No $4.60 5.00 0.9200 📖 Tx
1712524839000 NATO/EU troops fighting in Ukraine before July? Buy No $4.60 5.00 0.9200 📖 Tx
1711304867000 Israel x Hamas ceasefire before April? Sell No $4.25 5.00 0.8500 📖 Tx
1711304867000 Israel x Hamas ceasefire before April? Sell Yes $0.75 5.00 0.1500 📖 Tx
1711304851000 Israel x Hamas ceasefire before April? Sell No $4.25 5.00 0.8500 📖 Tx
1711304851000 Israel x Hamas ceasefire before April? Sell Yes $0.75 5.00 0.1500 📖 Tx
1711219771000 Will NYC give migrant families $10,000? Sell No $4.50 5.00 0.9000 📖 Tx
1711219771000 Will NYC give migrant families $10,000? Sell Yes $0.50 5.00 0.1000 📖 Tx
1710907678000 Will Trump tweet again by April 1? Sell No $3.90 4.05 0.9620 📖 Tx
1710907678000 Will Trump tweet again by April 1? Sell Yes $0.15 4.05 0.0380 📖 Tx
1710903955000 Will 2024 be the hottest year on record? Sell No $2.59 4.99 0.5200 📖 Tx
1710903955000 Will 2024 be the hottest year on record? Buy No $2.59 4.99 0.5200 📖 Tx
1710903923000 North Korea nuke by March 31? Sell No $4.99 5.12 0.9750 📖 Tx
1710903923000 North Korea nuke by March 31? Buy No $4.99 5.12 0.9750 📖 Tx
1710903897000 Taylor Swift pregnant in 2024? Sell No $5.39 6.49 0.8300 📖 Tx
1710903897000 Taylor Swift pregnant in 2024? Buy No $5.39 6.49 0.8300 📖 Tx
1710903811000 Trump and Biden both win nomination? Sell Yes $8.20 10.00 0.8200 📖 Tx
1710903811000 Trump and Biden both win nomination? Buy Yes $8.20 10.00 0.8200 📖 Tx
1710903787000 Hunter Biden arrested before April? Buy Yes $0.18 9.52 0.0190 📖 Tx
1710903787000 Hunter Biden arrested before April? Buy No $9.34 9.52 0.9810 📖 Tx
1710845057000 Biden cognitive test before April? Buy No $5.38 5.43 0.9900 📖 Tx
1710845057000 Biden cognitive test before April? Buy Yes $0.05 5.43 0.0100 📖 Tx
1710844983000 Will Nikki Haley endorse Trump in March? Buy No $4.70 5.00 0.9400 📖 Tx
1710844983000 Will Nikki Haley endorse Trump in March? Sell No $4.70 5.00 0.9400 📖 Tx
1710844965000 Haiti intervention in March? Buy No $4.75 5.00 0.9500 📖 Tx
1710844965000 Haiti intervention in March? Sell No $4.75 5.00 0.9500 📖 Tx
1710844941000 Taylor Swift engaged in 2024? Buy No $2.18 3.89 0.5600 📖 Tx
1710844941000 Taylor Swift engaged in 2024? Sell No $2.18 3.89 0.5600 📖 Tx
1710844903000 Will 2024 be the hottest year on record? Sell No $4.62 8.89 0.5200 📖 Tx
1710844903000 Will 2024 be the hottest year on record? Buy No $4.62 8.89 0.5200 📖 Tx
1710844867000 Will Trump receive a gag order Before April? Buy Yes $1.40 7.00 0.2000 📖 Tx
1710844867000 Will Trump receive a gag order Before April? Buy No $5.60 7.00 0.8000 📖 Tx
1710844791000 Kate Middleton video appearance in March? Sell Yes $9.99 10.00 0.9990 📖 Tx
1710844791000 Kate Middleton video appearance in March? Buy Yes $9.99 10.00 0.9990 📖 Tx
1710746283000 Will Zelensky remain President of Ukraine through March? Buy No $0.06 9.27 0.0070 📖 Tx
1710746283000 Will Zelensky remain President of Ukraine through March? Buy Yes $9.21 9.27 0.9930 📖 Tx
1710745215000 Kate Middleton video appearance in March? Sell No $4.40 10.00 0.4400 📖 Tx
1710745215000 Kate Middleton video appearance in March? Sell Yes $5.60 10.00 0.5600 📖 Tx
1710745075000 Taylor Swift engaged by April 1? Buy Yes $0.24 6.97 0.0340 📖 Tx
1710745075000 Taylor Swift engaged by April 1? Buy No $6.73 6.97 0.9660 📖 Tx
1710213912000 Haiti intervention in March? Sell Yes $0.70 5.00 0.1400 📖 Tx
1710213912000 Haiti intervention in March? Sell No $4.30 5.00 0.8600 📖 Tx
1710020325000 Fani Willis removed from Trump case by March 15? Buy Yes $2.00 5.00 0.4000 📖 Tx
1709789616000 Will Zelensky remain President of Ukraine through March? Buy No $4.07 40.73 0.1000 📖 Tx
1709787728000 Ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine by June? Sell Yes $3.90 30.00 0.1300 📖 Tx
1709787728000 Ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine by June? Sell No $26.10 30.00 0.8700 📖 Tx
1709787446000 Russian nuke in space in 2024? Buy Yes $0.75 5.00 0.1500 📖 Tx
1709787446000 Russian nuke in space in 2024? Buy No $4.25 5.00 0.8500 📖 Tx
1709787386000 Netanyahu out by June 30? Sell No $1.64 2.00 0.8200 📖 Tx
1709787386000 Netanyahu out by June 30? Sell Yes $0.36 2.00 0.1800 📖 Tx
1709787326000 Russian nuke in space by March 31? Buy No $5.15 5.26 0.9800 📖 Tx
1709787326000 Russian nuke in space by March 31? Buy Yes $0.11 5.26 0.0200 📖 Tx
1709787274000 Hunter Biden arrested before April? Buy No $0.97 1.00 0.9740 📖 Tx
1709787274000 Hunter Biden arrested before April? Sell No $0.97 1.00 0.9740 📖 Tx