Polymarket Whales

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Which party will control the U.S. Senate after the 2024 election?

Whales LPs Trades Polymarket

Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1718343752000 Buy Republicans 🔴 $360.00 500.00 0.7200 📖 Tx
1718059027000 Sell Republicans 🔵 $365.00 500.00 0.7300 📖 Tx
1715561504000 Buy Democrats 🔵 $559.44 2,151.69 0.2600 📖 Tx
1715561504000 Sell Democrats 🔴 $559.44 2,151.69 0.2600 📖 Tx
1712543249000 Sell Republicans 🔵 $900.00 1,200.00 0.7500 📖 Tx
1712542794000 Sell Republicans 🔵 $1,875.00 2,500.00 0.7500 📖 Tx
1712026023000 Sell Democrats 🔴 $1,440.00 6,000.00 0.2400 📖 Tx
1710892255000 Sell Republicans 🔵 $2,250.00 3,000.00 0.7500 📖 Tx
1710343794000 Sell Democrats 🔴 $624.00 2,600.00 0.2400 📖 Tx
1710332862000 Sell Democrats 🔴 $96.00 400.00 0.2400 📖 Tx
1709040663000 Sell Republicans 🔵 $260.48 361.78 0.7200 📖 Tx
1708174361000 Sell Democrats 🔴 $65.00 250.00 0.2600 📖 Tx