Polymarket Whales

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Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Market Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1629144745000 Will the Suns or the Pelicans win their February 3rd matchup? Sell Pelicans $3,000.00 3,061.22 0.9800 Tx
1629144488000 Will the Suns or the Pelicans win their February 3rd matchup? Buy Pelicans $1,000.00 980.00 1.0204 Tx
1629144446000 Will the Suns or the Pelicans win their February 3rd matchup? Buy Pelicans $1,000.00 980.00 1.0204 Tx
1629144406000 Will the Suns or the Pelicans win their February 3rd matchup? Buy Pelicans $1,000.00 4,410.01 0.2268 Tx
1629144334000 Will the Suns or the Pelicans win their February 3rd matchup? Buy Suns $1,000.00 980.00 1.0204 Tx
1629144320000 Will the Suns or the Pelicans win their February 3rd matchup? Buy Suns $1,000.00 980.00 1.0204 Tx
1629144310000 Will the Suns or the Pelicans win their February 3rd matchup? Buy Suns $1,000.00 980.00 1.0204 Tx
1612413345000 Will the Suns or the Pelicans win their February 3rd matchup? Sell Pelicans $1,288.05 1,332.98 0.9663 Tx
1612412887000 Will the Suns or the Pelicans win their February 3rd matchup? Buy Pelicans $2,000.00 2,067.08 0.9675 Tx
1612412839000 Will the Suns or the Pelicans win their February 3rd matchup? Sell Pelicans $1,233.68 1,340.13 0.9206 Tx
1612412703000 Will the Suns or the Pelicans win their February 3rd matchup? Buy Pelicans $4,000.00 4,165.48 0.9603 Tx
1612412437000 Will the Suns or the Pelicans win their February 3rd matchup? Buy Pelicans $3,000.00 3,462.26 0.8665 Tx
1612386825000 Will the Suns or the Pelicans win their February 3rd matchup? Buy Suns $1,947.80 3,127.78 0.6227 Tx