Polymarket Whales

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Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Market Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1633424295000 What will the price of $ADA be on October 15, 2021? Sell Long πŸ“‰ $9.98 20.65 0.4833 Tx
1633424261000 What will the price of $MATIC be on October 10, 2021? Sell Long πŸ“‰ $99.80 172.04 0.5801 Tx
1633424219000 What will the fully diluted market cap of Opensea’s token be 1 week after it starts trading? Sell Long πŸ“‰ $100.30 156.43 0.6412 Tx
1633424175000 What will the price of $ADA be on October 15, 2021? Buy Long πŸ“ˆ $10.00 20.65 0.4843 Tx
1633424113000 What will the fully diluted market cap of Opensea’s token be 1 week after it starts trading? Buy Long πŸ“ˆ $100.00 156.43 0.6392 Tx
1633423963000 What will the price of $MATIC be on October 10, 2021? Buy Long πŸ“ˆ $100.00 172.04 0.5812 Tx