Polymarket Whales

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Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Market Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1636756561000 NBA: Who will win the Grizzlies v. Suns game on November 12th? Buy Grizzlies $1.00 1.95 0.5117 Tx
1636756291000 NBA: Who will win the Grizzlies v. Suns game on November 12th? Buy Grizzlies $99.00 198.42 0.4990 Tx
1636756291000 NBA: Who will win the Grizzlies v. Suns game on November 12th? Buy Grizzlies $17.47 36.09 0.4840 Tx
1636756159000 NBA: Who will win the Grizzlies v. Suns game on November 12th? Sell Grizzlies $36.46 78.00 0.4674 Tx
1636754703000 NBA: Who will win the Grizzlies v. Suns game on November 12th? Buy Suns $2.00 3.78 0.5285 Tx
1636749648000 NBA: Who will win the Grizzlies v. Suns game on November 12th? Sell Grizzlies $10.43 22.00 0.4740 Tx
1636749584000 NBA: Who will win the Grizzlies v. Suns game on November 12th? Sell Grizzlies $21.03 44.00 0.4780 Tx
1636749552000 NBA: Who will win the Grizzlies v. Suns game on November 12th? Sell Grizzlies $15.93 33.00 0.4827 Tx
1636749442000 NBA: Who will win the Grizzlies v. Suns game on November 12th? Sell Grizzlies $16.06 33.00 0.4868 Tx
1636749294000 NBA: Who will win the Grizzlies v. Suns game on November 12th? Buy Suns $5.00 9.79 0.5108 Tx