Polymarket Whales



Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Market Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1678660641000 Will $USDC repeg by March 31? Sell Yes $2,000.00 2,020.20 0.9900 📖 Tx
1650902115000 Will Twitter announce a Musk acquisition by June 1, 2022? Buy Yes $1,000.00 1,184.42 0.8443 Tx
1633699529000 Which movie will gross more domestically on opening weekend: Venom 2 or No Time to Die? Sell Venom 2 $2,122.34 2,226.57 0.9532 Tx
1633356401000 Which movie will gross more domestically on opening weekend: Venom 2 or No Time to Die? Buy Venom 2 $2,000.00 2,226.57 0.8982 Tx
1632209463000 Which film will gross more in their domestic box office releases: Dune or Shang-Chi? Sell Shang-Chi $1,808.18 2,000.00 0.9041 Tx
1632178780000 Which film will gross more in their domestic box office releases: Dune or Shang-Chi? Sell Shang-Chi $1,813.92 2,003.54 0.9054 Tx
1632151139000 Which film will gross more in their domestic box office releases: Dune or Shang-Chi? Sell Shang-Chi $1,816.51 2,003.44 0.9067 Tx
1630805016000 Which film will gross more in their domestic box office releases: Dune or Shang-Chi? Buy Shang-Chi $1,400.00 1,487.75 0.9410 Tx
1630126595000 Will the US have more than 200,000 new daily COVID-19 cases on or before October 1, 2021? Sell Yes $2,503.63 4,183.39 0.5985 Tx
1629215730000 Will the US have more than 200,000 new daily COVID-19 cases on or before October 1, 2021? Buy Yes $1,329.00 3,406.69 0.3901 Tx