Polymarket Whales



Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Market Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1718163782000 Will Young Thug be found guilty of racketeering conspiracy? Sell Yes $0.84 1.69 0.5000 📖 Tx
1718163782000 Will Young Thug be found guilty of racketeering conspiracy? Buy Yes $0.84 1.69 0.5000 📖 Tx
1714009164000 George Santos wins NY-1 Republican Primary? Buy Yes $0.00 0.36 0.0010 📖 Tx
1714009164000 George Santos wins NY-1 Republican Primary? Buy No $0.36 0.36 0.9990 📖 Tx
1714009104000 Who's out first: Benjamin Netanyahu or Yahya Sinwar? Sell Netanyahu $0.68 1.13 0.6000 📖 Tx
1714009104000 Who's out first: Benjamin Netanyahu or Yahya Sinwar? Buy Netanyahu $0.68 1.13 0.6000 📖 Tx
1713064045000 Ansem vs. Barney Buy Barney $0.94 1.75 0.5400 📖 Tx
1713064045000 Ansem vs. Barney Buy Ansem $0.81 1.75 0.4600 📖 Tx
1712721739000 Ansem vs. Barney Sell Ansem $1.00 1.75 0.5700 📖 Tx
1712721739000 Ansem vs. Barney Buy Ansem $1.00 1.75 0.5700 📖 Tx
1711484210000 SBF reduced sentence because autism? Sell Yes $1.00 7.69 0.1300 📖 Tx
1711484210000 SBF reduced sentence because autism? Buy Yes $1.00 7.69 0.1300 📖 Tx
1711258981000 Will Young Thug be found guilty of racketeering conspiracy? Sell Yes $1.00 1.69 0.5900 📖 Tx
1711258981000 Will Young Thug be found guilty of racketeering conspiracy? Sell No $0.69 1.69 0.4100 📖 Tx
1711258941000 Who's out first: Benjamin Netanyahu or Yahya Sinwar? Sell Netanyahu $0.50 1.14 0.4400 📖 Tx
1711258941000 Who's out first: Benjamin Netanyahu or Yahya Sinwar? Buy Netanyahu $0.50 1.14 0.4400 📖 Tx
1711178319000 George Santos wins NY-1 Republican Primary? Sell Yes $0.08 0.36 0.2200 📖 Tx
1711178319000 George Santos wins NY-1 Republican Primary? Sell No $0.28 0.36 0.7800 📖 Tx
1711148986000 Boeing whistleblower foul play determined in March? Sell Yes $0.75 41.66 0.0180 📖 Tx
1711148986000 Boeing whistleblower foul play determined in March? Buy Yes $0.75 41.66 0.0180 📖 Tx
1710975700000 Will Nikki Haley endorse Trump in March? Sell Yes $0.11 1.83 0.0600 📖 Tx
1710975700000 Will Nikki Haley endorse Trump in March? Sell No $1.72 1.83 0.9400 📖 Tx
1710630765000 Trump and Biden both win nomination? Sell Yes $0.98 1.20 0.8200 📖 Tx
1710630765000 Trump and Biden both win nomination? Buy Yes $0.98 1.20 0.8200 📖 Tx
1710628693000 Trump and Biden both win nomination? Buy Yes $2.00 2.41 0.8300 📖 Tx
1710628693000 Trump and Biden both win nomination? Sell Yes $2.00 2.41 0.8300 📖 Tx
1710628589000 Boeing whistleblower foul play determined in March? Sell No $40.67 41.67 0.9760 📖 Tx
1710628589000 Boeing whistleblower foul play determined in March? Sell Yes $1.00 41.67 0.0240 📖 Tx
1710628509000 Dave Calhoun out as Boeing CEO before May? Buy Yes $5.00 8.33 0.6000 📖 Tx
1710628509000 Dave Calhoun out as Boeing CEO before May? Sell Yes $5.00 8.33 0.6000 📖 Tx