Polymarket Whales



Will The Build Back Better Act pass the House of Representatives by November 19, 2021?

Whales LPs Trades Polymarket

Outcome: Yes No All
Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1637323743000 Sell Yes $6.65 7.00 0.9498 Tx
1637275284000 Buy Yes $94.45 101.91 0.9269 Tx
1637269246000 Sell Yes $34.35 49.97 0.6875 Tx
1637267518000 Sell Yes $16.21 24.15 0.6712 Tx
1637267188000 Sell Yes $43.89 66.09 0.6642 Tx
1637254487000 Sell Yes $6.87 10.00 0.6871 Tx
1637020009000 Buy Yes $2.00 4.53 0.4417 Tx
1637019971000 Buy Yes $20.00 45.37 0.4408 Tx
1637010772000 Sell Yes $29.83 60.00 0.4972 Tx
1636860494000 Buy Yes $5.00 11.60 0.4307 Tx
1636860118000 Buy Yes $5.00 11.62 0.4303 Tx
1636842001000 Buy Yes $6.37 13.57 0.4696 Tx
1636831869000 Buy Yes $60.00 114.54 0.5238 Tx
1636577333000 Sell Yes $0.35 0.68 0.5141 Tx
1636482621000 Buy Yes $4.27 9.68 0.4407 Tx