Polymarket Whales



Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Market Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1710051380000 Saudi and Israel peace deal by March 2024? Buy No $89.09 91.09 0.9780 📖 Tx
1710051380000 Saudi and Israel peace deal by March 2024? Buy Yes $2.00 91.09 0.0220 📖 Tx
1710051282000 Indonesia Presidential Election: Will Prabowo Subianto win? Sell Yes $11.89 12.23 0.9720 📖 Tx
1710051282000 Indonesia Presidential Election: Will Prabowo Subianto win? Sell Yes $75.39 77.56 0.9720 📖 Tx
1710051282000 Indonesia Presidential Election: Will Prabowo Subianto win? Buy Yes $87.28 89.79 0.9720 📖 Tx
1710050748000 Saudi and Israel peace deal by March 2024? Sell Yes $1.09 91.09 0.0120 📖 Tx
1710050748000 Saudi and Israel peace deal by March 2024? Sell No $90.00 91.09 0.9880 📖 Tx
1710050710000 Indonesia Presidential Election: Will Prabowo Subianto win? Sell No $0.24 12.24 0.0200 📖 Tx
1710050710000 Indonesia Presidential Election: Will Prabowo Subianto win? Sell No $1.55 77.55 0.0200 📖 Tx
1710050710000 Indonesia Presidential Election: Will Prabowo Subianto win? Sell Yes $88.00 89.80 0.9800 📖 Tx
1710050684000 Will Zelensky remain President of Ukraine through March? Buy Yes $96.94 99.73 0.9720 📖 Tx
1710050684000 Will Zelensky remain President of Ukraine through March? Sell Yes $96.94 99.73 0.9720 📖 Tx
1710050594000 Will Putin remain President of Russia through March? Buy No $1.43 102.12 0.0140 📖 Tx
1710050594000 Will Putin remain President of Russia through March? Buy Yes $100.69 102.12 0.9860 📖 Tx
1710050292000 Will Zelensky remain President of Ukraine through March? Sell No $0.49 30.47 0.0160 📖 Tx
1710050292000 Will Zelensky remain President of Ukraine through March? Sell No $1.25 69.27 0.0180 📖 Tx
1710050292000 Will Zelensky remain President of Ukraine through March? Sell Yes $98.00 99.73 0.9826 📖 Tx
1710050262000 SBF sentenced to 50+ years? Sell No $1.55 1.91 0.8100 📖 Tx
1710050262000 SBF sentenced to 50+ years? Sell Yes $0.36 1.91 0.1900 📖 Tx
1710050230000 Biden to drop out before April? Buy No $76.83 79.21 0.9700 📖 Tx
1710050230000 Biden to drop out before April? Sell No $76.83 79.21 0.9700 📖 Tx
1710050198000 Will Kamala Harris be the Democratic VP nominee? Buy No $24.78 112.65 0.2200 📖 Tx
1710050198000 Will Kamala Harris be the Democratic VP nominee? Buy Yes $87.87 112.65 0.7800 📖 Tx
1710007844000 Will Putin remain President of Russia through March? Sell No $1.12 102.12 0.0110 📖 Tx
1710007844000 Will Putin remain President of Russia through March? Sell Yes $101.00 102.12 0.9890 📖 Tx
1710007822000 Biden to drop out before April? Sell Yes $2.22 79.22 0.0280 📖 Tx
1710007822000 Biden to drop out before April? Sell No $77.00 79.22 0.9720 📖 Tx
1710007806000 Will Kamala Harris be the Democratic VP nominee? Sell No $23.66 112.66 0.2100 📖 Tx
1710007806000 Will Kamala Harris be the Democratic VP nominee? Sell Yes $89.00 112.66 0.7900 📖 Tx