Polymarket Whales



Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Market Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1721613325000 Will Bitcoin hit $250k in 2024? Sell Yes $2.75 68.75 0.0400 📖 Tx
1721613091000 Doge ETF approved in 2024? Sell No $417.80 444.00 0.9410 📖 Tx
1721611650000 OpenSea token in 2024? Buy No $11.00 12.09 0.9100 📖 Tx
1721611586000 Will Bitcoin hit $250k in 2024? Sell Yes $2.04 51.04 0.0400 📖 Tx
1721610140000 OpenSea token in 2024? Buy No $11.00 12.09 0.9100 📖 Tx
1721610062000 Will Bitcoin hit $250k in 2024? Sell Yes $2.96 73.96 0.0400 📖 Tx
1721609174000 Will Bitcoin hit $250k in 2024? Sell Yes $2.17 54.17 0.0400 📖 Tx
1721608210000 OpenSea token in 2024? Buy No $11.00 12.09 0.9100 📖 Tx
1721608178000 Will Bitcoin hit $250k in 2024? Sell Yes $2.13 53.13 0.0400 📖 Tx
1721596038000 Will Bitcoin hit $250k in 2024? Sell Yes $0.42 10.42 0.0400 📖 Tx
1721587465000 Meissner effect confirmed near room temperature? Sell No $516.15 555.00 0.9300 📖 Tx
1721584774000 Will Ethereum hit $15k in 2024? Sell No $182.00 200.00 0.9100 📖 Tx
1721584740000 Will Ethereum hit $15k in 2024? Sell No $111.14 122.13 0.9100 📖 Tx
1721571063000 Will Bitcoin hit $250k in 2024? Sell Yes $4.17 104.17 0.0400 📖 Tx
1721559428000 Will Bitcoin hit $250k in 2024? Sell Yes $0.04 1.04 0.0400 📖 Tx
1721559412000 Will Bitcoin hit $250k in 2024? Sell Yes $8.33 208.33 0.0400 📖 Tx
1721557875000 Will Bitcoin hit $250k in 2024? Sell Yes $3.92 97.92 0.0400 📖 Tx
1721556758000 Will Bitcoin hit $250k in 2024? Sell Yes $0.04 1.04 0.0400 📖 Tx
1721556586000 Will Bitcoin hit $250k in 2024? Sell Yes $4.00 100.00 0.0400 📖 Tx
1721555938000 Will Bitcoin hit $250k in 2024? Sell Yes $4.17 104.17 0.0400 📖 Tx
1721554728000 Will Bitcoin hit $250k in 2024? Sell Yes $3.96 98.96 0.0400 📖 Tx
1721552470000 Will Bitcoin hit $250k in 2024? Sell Yes $3.75 93.75 0.0400 📖 Tx
1721552376000 Will Bitcoin hit $250k in 2024? Sell Yes $0.21 5.21 0.0400 📖 Tx
1721551319000 Will Bitcoin hit $250k in 2024? Sell Yes $3.88 96.88 0.0400 📖 Tx
1721550843000 OpenSea token in 2024? Buy No $15.00 16.48 0.9100 📖 Tx
1721550793000 Will Bitcoin hit $250k in 2024? Sell Yes $1.92 47.92 0.0400 📖 Tx
1721549859000 Will Bitcoin hit $250k in 2024? Sell Yes $3.40 85.04 0.0400 📖 Tx
1721548863000 OpenSea token in 2024? Buy No $3.00 3.30 0.9100 📖 Tx
1721541756000 OpenSea token in 2024? Buy No $6.00 6.59 0.9100 📖 Tx
1721516999000 Will Bitcoin hit $100k in 2024? Sell Yes $62.16 222.00 0.2800 📖 Tx
1721506329000 Will Michelle Obama announce presidential run before August? Sell Yes $2.66 222.00 0.0120 📖 Tx
1721493764000 Doge ETF approved in 2024? Sell No $318.98 338.98 0.9410 📖 Tx
1721480182000 OpenSea token in 2024? Buy No $3.00 3.30 0.9100 📖 Tx
1721479042000 Will Ethereum hit $15k in 2024? Sell No $227.50 250.00 0.9100 📖 Tx
1721472765000 OpenSea token in 2024? Buy No $2.00 2.20 0.9100 📖 Tx
1721469207000 OpenSea token in 2024? Buy No $2.00 2.20 0.9100 📖 Tx
1721444975000 OpenSea token in 2024? Buy No $5.00 5.49 0.9100 📖 Tx
1721444667000 OpenSea token in 2024? Buy No $3.00 3.30 0.9100 📖 Tx
1721443269000 OpenSea token in 2024? Buy No $3.00 3.30 0.9100 📖 Tx
1721417774000 Will Michelle Obama announce presidential run before August? Buy Yes $8.25 250.00 0.0330 📖 Tx
1721417404000 Doge ETF approved in 2024? Sell No $15.95 16.95 0.9410 📖 Tx
1721384938000 Will Michelle Obama announce presidential run before August? Sell No $213.34 222.00 0.9610 📖 Tx
1721380022000 Will Bitcoin hit $250k in 2024? Sell No $2,066.46 2,222.00 0.9300 📖 Tx
1721375346000 Will Ethereum hit $15k in 2024? Sell Yes $77.77 1,111.00 0.0700 📖 Tx
1721354903000 Doge ETF approved in 2024? Sell Yes $57.77 1,111.00 0.0520 📖 Tx
1721342480000 Will Joe Biden win the U.S. 2024 Democratic presidential nomination? Buy No $6,019.16 7,252.00 0.8300 📖 Tx
1721342480000 Will Joe Biden win the U.S. 2024 Democratic presidential nomination? Sell No $8,300.00 10,000.00 0.8300 📖 Tx
1721342480000 Will Joe Biden win the U.S. 2024 Democratic presidential nomination? Buy No $2,280.84 2,748.00 0.8300 📖 Tx
1721342394000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Buy Yes $733.33 833.33 0.8800 📖 Tx
1721342394000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Sell No $2.52 21.00 0.1200 📖 Tx
1721342394000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Sell Yes $751.81 854.33 0.8800 📖 Tx
1721320269000 Trump and Biden both win nomination? Sell No $1,466.05 1,929.01 0.7600 📖 Tx
1721320269000 Trump and Biden both win nomination? Buy No $1,466.05 1,929.01 0.7600 📖 Tx
1721315706000 Will China invade Taiwan in 2024? Sell No $988.79 1,111.00 0.8900 📖 Tx
1721314674000 Will China invade Taiwan in 2024? Sell No $999.90 1,111.00 0.9000 📖 Tx
1721313766000 Will Joe Biden win the U.S. 2024 Democratic presidential nomination? Sell No $8,880.30 13,455.00 0.6600 📖 Tx
1721313766000 Will Joe Biden win the U.S. 2024 Democratic presidential nomination? Buy No $8,880.30 13,455.00 0.6600 📖 Tx
1721313591000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Sell No $56.00 200.00 0.2800 📖 Tx
1721313591000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Buy Yes $900.00 1,250.00 0.7200 📖 Tx
1721313591000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Sell Yes $1,044.00 1,450.00 0.7200 📖 Tx
1721307540000 Solana ETF approved in 2024? Sell Yes $26.64 333.00 0.0800 📖 Tx
1721302476000 Will OpenAI announce it has achieved AGI in 2024? Sell No $32.77 35.58 0.9210 📖 Tx
1721297539000 Will OpenAI announce it has achieved AGI in 2024? Sell No $150.12 163.00 0.9210 📖 Tx
1721292055000 Will OpenAI announce it has achieved AGI in 2024? Sell No $0.09 0.10 0.9210 📖 Tx
1721274937000 Solana ETF approved in 2024? Sell Yes $34.94 388.21 0.0900 📖 Tx
1721271299000 OpenSea token in 2024? Buy No $3.00 3.30 0.9100 📖 Tx
1721270937000 OpenSea token in 2024? Buy No $5.00 5.49 0.9100 📖 Tx
1721269163000 OpenSea token in 2024? Buy No $5.00 5.49 0.9100 📖 Tx
1721268905000 OpenSea token in 2024? Buy No $3.00 3.30 0.9100 📖 Tx
1721264191000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Sell No $68.00 200.00 0.3400 📖 Tx
1721264191000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Sell No $170.00 500.00 0.3400 📖 Tx
1721264191000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Sell Yes $2,976.22 4,509.42 0.6600 📖 Tx
1721264191000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Sell No $68.00 200.00 0.3400 📖 Tx
1721264191000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Buy Yes $2,382.22 3,609.42 0.6600 📖 Tx
1721264031000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Sell No $79.08 225.93 0.3500 📖 Tx
1721264031000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Sell Yes $205.35 315.93 0.6500 📖 Tx
1721264031000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Buy Yes $26.00 40.00 0.6500 📖 Tx
1721264031000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Sell No $17.50 50.00 0.3500 📖 Tx
1721261713000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Sell Yes $264.00 400.00 0.6600 📖 Tx
1721261713000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Sell No $68.00 200.00 0.3400 📖 Tx
1721261713000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Sell No $68.00 200.00 0.3400 📖 Tx
1721261305000 Will Joe Biden win the U.S. 2024 Democratic presidential nomination? Sell No $285.00 500.00 0.5700 📖 Tx
1721261305000 Will Joe Biden win the U.S. 2024 Democratic presidential nomination? Sell Yes $215.00 500.00 0.4300 📖 Tx
1721258414000 OpenSea token in 2024? Buy No $11.00 12.09 0.9100 📖 Tx
1721256440000 OpenSea token in 2024? Buy No $5.00 5.49 0.9100 📖 Tx
1721246324000 Will OpenAI announce it has achieved AGI in 2024? Sell No $21.48 23.32 0.9210 📖 Tx
1721222845000 OpenSea token in 2024? Buy No $11.00 12.09 0.9100 📖 Tx
1721222507000 OpenSea token in 2024? Buy No $6.00 6.59 0.9100 📖 Tx
1721221107000 OpenSea token in 2024? Buy No $2.00 2.20 0.9100 📖 Tx
1721176468000 Will Ethereum hit $15k in 2024? Sell No $20.22 22.22 0.9100 📖 Tx
1721168577000 Will Bitcoin hit $250k in 2024? Sell Yes $55.55 1,111.00 0.0500 📖 Tx
1721146422000 Solana ETF approved in 2024? Sell No $296.37 333.00 0.8900 📖 Tx
1721131940000 Will Ron DeSantis win the U.S. 2024 Republican presidential nomination? Buy No $1,156.59 1,158.91 0.9980 📖 Tx
1721131940000 Will Ron DeSantis win the U.S. 2024 Republican presidential nomination? Sell No $1,156.59 1,158.91 0.9980 📖 Tx
1721131932000 Will Peter Thiel win the U.S. 2024 Republican presidential nomination? Sell No $7,192.80 7,200.00 0.9990 📖 Tx
1721131932000 Will Peter Thiel win the U.S. 2024 Republican presidential nomination? Sell Yes $7.20 7,200.00 0.0010 📖 Tx
1721131918000 Will Joe Rogan win the U.S. 2024 Republican presidential nomination? Sell No $7,302.58 7,309.89 0.9990 📖 Tx
1721131918000 Will Joe Rogan win the U.S. 2024 Republican presidential nomination? Sell Yes $7.30 7,300.00 0.0010 📖 Tx
1721131918000 Will Joe Rogan win the U.S. 2024 Republican presidential nomination? Buy No $9.88 9.89 0.9990 📖 Tx
1721131914000 Will Ben Shapiro win the U.S. 2024 Republican presidential nomination? Sell No $4,054.21 4,058.27 0.9990 📖 Tx