Polymarket Whales



Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Market Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1723215559000 House control after 2024 election? Sell Republican 🔵 $80.00 200.00 0.4000 📖 Tx
1723208744000 House control after 2024 election? Sell Republican 🔵 $66.67 166.67 0.4000 📖 Tx
1723160253000 Which party will control the U.S. Senate after the 2024 election? Buy Republicans 🔴 $72.00 100.00 0.7200 📖 Tx
1723087449000 Which party will control the U.S. Senate after the 2024 election? Sell Republicans 🔵 $301.57 418.85 0.7200 📖 Tx
1723081276000 Which party will control the U.S. Senate after the 2024 election? Sell Republicans 🔵 $72.00 100.00 0.7200 📖 Tx
1723079512000 Which party will control the U.S. Senate after the 2024 election? Sell Republicans 🔵 $94.42 131.14 0.7200 📖 Tx
1723076026000 Which party will control the U.S. Senate after the 2024 election? Sell Republicans 🔵 $72.00 100.00 0.7200 📖 Tx
1723043041000 House control after 2024 election? Sell Republican 🔵 $195.00 500.00 0.3900 📖 Tx
1723043041000 House control after 2024 election? Buy Republican 🔴 $195.00 500.00 0.3900 📖 Tx
1723041218000 Will a new country buy Bitcoin in 2024? Sell No $7.18 13.06 0.5500 📖 Tx
1723018020000 House control after 2024 election? Sell Republican 🔵 $170.61 379.14 0.4500 📖 Tx
1723009451000 Which party will control the U.S. Senate after the 2024 election? Buy Democrats 🔵 $72.25 258.04 0.2800 📖 Tx
1723009423000 Which party will control the U.S. Senate after the 2024 election? Buy Democrats 🔵 $28.34 101.23 0.2800 📖 Tx
1723004545000 Which party will control the U.S. Senate after the 2024 election? Buy Democrats 🔵 $0.54 1.93 0.2800 📖 Tx
1722998331000 Will the US ban sharing deepfake nudes in 2024? Sell Yes $55.35 190.85 0.2900 📖 Tx
1722983690000 House control after 2024 election? Buy Republican 🔴 $79.27 172.33 0.4600 📖 Tx
1722981184000 House control after 2024 election? Buy Republican 🔴 $75.13 163.33 0.4600 📖 Tx
1722971650000 House control after 2024 election? Buy Republican 🔴 $20.00 43.48 0.4600 📖 Tx
1722970922000 Which party will control the U.S. Senate after the 2024 election? Buy Democrats 🔵 $50.00 178.57 0.2800 📖 Tx
1722970492000 Which party will control the U.S. Senate after the 2024 election? Buy Democrats 🔵 $27.69 98.90 0.2800 📖 Tx
1722966944000 Which party will control the U.S. Senate after the 2024 election? Buy Democrats 🔵 $6.24 22.29 0.2800 📖 Tx
1722964949000 House control after 2024 election? Buy Democratic 🔵 $155.57 288.10 0.5400 📖 Tx
1722964949000 House control after 2024 election? Sell Republican 🔵 $230.00 500.00 0.4600 📖 Tx
1722953538000 Which party will control the U.S. Senate after the 2024 election? Sell Democrats 🔴 $210.00 750.00 0.2800 📖 Tx
1722953538000 Which party will control the U.S. Senate after the 2024 election? Buy Republicans 🔴 $540.00 750.00 0.7200 📖 Tx
1722931463000 Will the US ban sharing deepfake nudes in 2024? Sell No $1.15 1.69 0.6800 📖 Tx
1722848552000 Will a new country buy Bitcoin in 2024? Buy Yes $0.16 0.35 0.4600 📖 Tx
1722846724000 Will the US ban sharing deepfake nudes in 2024? Sell Yes $0.29 1.04 0.2800 📖 Tx
1722833227000 Which party will control the U.S. Senate after the 2024 election? Sell Republicans 🔵 $467.99 649.98 0.7200 📖 Tx
1722824497000 Will the US ban sharing deepfake nudes in 2024? Sell No $34.00 50.00 0.6800 📖 Tx
1722760283000 House control after 2024 election? Sell Democratic 🔴 $270.00 500.00 0.5400 📖 Tx
1722591223000 Will the US ban sharing deepfake nudes in 2024? Buy No $135.72 196.69 0.6900 📖 Tx
1722591223000 Will the US ban sharing deepfake nudes in 2024? Buy Yes $60.97 196.69 0.3100 📖 Tx
1722570491000 Will the US ban sharing deepfake nudes in 2024? Sell Yes $53.85 153.85 0.3500 📖 Tx
1722559573000 Will the US ban sharing deepfake nudes in 2024? Sell Yes $15.00 42.85 0.3500 📖 Tx
1722553606000 House control after 2024 election? Sell Republican 🔵 $225.00 500.00 0.4500 📖 Tx
1722516744000 Which party will control the U.S. Senate after the 2024 election? Sell Republicans 🔵 $72.01 100.02 0.7200 📖 Tx
1722395026000 Who's out first: Benjamin Netanyahu or Yahya Sinwar? Sell Sinwar $112.00 200.00 0.5600 📖 Tx
1722395026000 Who's out first: Benjamin Netanyahu or Yahya Sinwar? Sell Netanyahu $88.00 200.00 0.4400 📖 Tx
1722378091000 Will weed be rescheduled in 2024? Buy Yes $39.00 78.00 0.5000 📖 Tx
1722377801000 Will the US ban sharing deepfake nudes in 2024? Buy No $84.00 150.00 0.5600 📖 Tx
1722355564000 Will the US ban sharing deepfake nudes in 2024? Sell No $78.00 150.00 0.5200 📖 Tx
1722351440000 Will weed be rescheduled in 2024? Buy Yes $5.00 10.00 0.5000 📖 Tx
1722351432000 Will weed be rescheduled in 2024? Buy Yes $5.00 10.00 0.5000 📖 Tx
1722336373000 Will a new country buy Bitcoin in 2024? Sell Yes $115.00 250.00 0.4600 📖 Tx
1722324548000 Will weed be rescheduled in 2024? Buy Yes $1.00 2.00 0.5000 📖 Tx
1722304859000 Will weed be rescheduled in 2024? Sell Yes $120.00 240.00 0.5000 📖 Tx
1722280814000 House control after 2024 election? Buy Democratic 🔵 $100.00 178.57 0.5600 📖 Tx
1722278543000 Will weed be rescheduled in 2024? Sell Yes $50.00 100.00 0.5000 📖 Tx
1722274867000 Will weed be rescheduled in 2024? Sell Yes $5.00 10.00 0.5000 📖 Tx
1722257713000 House control after 2024 election? Buy Democratic 🔵 $1.00 1.79 0.5600 📖 Tx
1722251085000 House control after 2024 election? Buy Democratic 🔵 $1.00 1.79 0.5600 📖 Tx
1722249999000 House control after 2024 election? Buy Democratic 🔵 $1.00 1.79 0.5600 📖 Tx
1722249113000 House control after 2024 election? Buy Democratic 🔵 $1.00 1.79 0.5600 📖 Tx
1722248849000 House control after 2024 election? Buy Democratic 🔵 $0.66 1.18 0.5600 📖 Tx
1722245703000 House control after 2024 election? Buy Democratic 🔵 $1.00 1.79 0.5600 📖 Tx
1722245029000 House control after 2024 election? Buy Democratic 🔵 $1.00 1.79 0.5600 📖 Tx
1722244285000 House control after 2024 election? Buy Democratic 🔵 $1.00 1.79 0.5600 📖 Tx
1722242113000 House control after 2024 election? Buy Democratic 🔵 $1.00 1.79 0.5600 📖 Tx
1722239346000 House control after 2024 election? Buy Democratic 🔵 $1.00 1.79 0.5600 📖 Tx
1722239294000 House control after 2024 election? Buy Democratic 🔵 $1.00 1.79 0.5600 📖 Tx
1722237810000 House control after 2024 election? Buy Democratic 🔵 $1.00 1.79 0.5600 📖 Tx
1722237330000 House control after 2024 election? Buy Democratic 🔵 $1.00 1.79 0.5600 📖 Tx
1722237324000 House control after 2024 election? Buy Democratic 🔵 $1.00 1.79 0.5600 📖 Tx
1722234253000 House control after 2024 election? Buy Democratic 🔵 $1.00 1.79 0.5600 📖 Tx
1722232148000 House control after 2024 election? Buy Democratic 🔵 $1.00 1.79 0.5600 📖 Tx
1722231666000 House control after 2024 election? Buy Democratic 🔵 $1.00 1.79 0.5600 📖 Tx
1722227055000 House control after 2024 election? Buy Democratic 🔵 $1.00 1.79 0.5600 📖 Tx
1722225971000 House control after 2024 election? Buy Democratic 🔵 $1.00 1.79 0.5600 📖 Tx
1722221729000 House control after 2024 election? Buy Republican 🔴 $220.00 500.00 0.4400 📖 Tx
1722221729000 House control after 2024 election? Sell Democratic 🔴 $279.44 499.00 0.5600 📖 Tx
1722179759000 House control after 2024 election? Sell Republican 🔵 $215.00 500.00 0.4300 📖 Tx
1722143566000 Which party will control the U.S. Senate after the 2024 election? Sell Republicans 🔵 $180.00 250.00 0.7200 📖 Tx
1722143566000 Which party will control the U.S. Senate after the 2024 election? Buy Republicans 🔴 $180.00 250.00 0.7200 📖 Tx
1722094834000 Will the US ban sharing deepfake nudes in 2024? Buy No $86.76 147.05 0.5900 📖 Tx
1722094834000 Will the US ban sharing deepfake nudes in 2024? Sell No $25.97 44.02 0.5900 📖 Tx
1722094834000 Will the US ban sharing deepfake nudes in 2024? Sell No $60.79 103.03 0.5900 📖 Tx
1722031640000 House control after 2024 election? Sell Republican 🔵 $105.78 246.00 0.4300 📖 Tx
1722031640000 House control after 2024 election? Buy Republican 🔴 $215.43 501.00 0.4300 📖 Tx
1722031640000 House control after 2024 election? Sell Republican 🔵 $109.65 255.00 0.4300 📖 Tx
1721996658000 Will weed be rescheduled in 2024? Buy Yes $114.26 243.11 0.4700 📖 Tx
1721996658000 Will weed be rescheduled in 2024? Sell No $132.50 250.00 0.5300 📖 Tx
1721996332000 Will weed be rescheduled in 2024? Buy Yes $0.88 1.88 0.4700 📖 Tx
1721963539000 Will weed be rescheduled in 2024? Buy Yes $2.35 5.00 0.4700 📖 Tx
1721919234000 Will the US ban sharing deepfake nudes in 2024? Sell No $38.82 58.82 0.6600 📖 Tx
1721917940000 Will the US ban sharing deepfake nudes in 2024? Sell No $58.24 88.24 0.6600 📖 Tx
1721894420000 Will weed be rescheduled in 2024? Buy No $81.74 154.22 0.5300 📖 Tx
1721894420000 Will weed be rescheduled in 2024? Sell Yes $116.61 248.11 0.4700 📖 Tx
1721879905000 Will weed be rescheduled in 2024? Sell Yes $0.89 1.89 0.4700 📖 Tx
1721722905000 Will weed be rescheduled in 2024? Sell Yes $43.99 93.60 0.4700 📖 Tx
1721702413000 Will weed be rescheduled in 2024? Sell Yes $1.02 2.18 0.4700 📖 Tx
1721701663000 Will weed be rescheduled in 2024? Buy Yes $206.80 440.00 0.4700 📖 Tx
1721701663000 Will weed be rescheduled in 2024? Sell No $132.50 250.00 0.5300 📖 Tx
1721698709000 Sundar Pichai out as Google CEO in 2024? Buy No $38.99 44.31 0.8800 📖 Tx
1721698709000 Sundar Pichai out as Google CEO in 2024? Sell No $38.99 44.31 0.8800 📖 Tx
1721694193000 Which party will control the U.S. Senate after the 2024 election? Buy Democrats 🔵 $65.00 250.00 0.2600 📖 Tx
1721694193000 Which party will control the U.S. Senate after the 2024 election? Sell Republicans 🔵 $185.00 250.00 0.7400 📖 Tx
1721693803000 Sundar Pichai out as Google CEO in 2024? Sell Yes $1.24 11.24 0.1100 📖 Tx
1721690631000 House control after 2024 election? Buy Democratic 🔵 $260.00 500.00 0.5200 📖 Tx
1721690631000 House control after 2024 election? Sell Republican 🔵 $240.00 500.00 0.4800 📖 Tx