Polymarket Whales



Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Market Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1652825812000 Will $UST be above $0.99 on May 17, 2022? Sell Yes $0.01 32,484.40 0.0000 Tx
1652825810000 Will $UST be above $0.99 on May 17, 2022? Sell Yes $1.51 32,485.63 0.0000 Tx
1652701960000 Will $UST be above $0.99 on May 17, 2022? Sell Yes $2.09 332.95 0.0063 Tx
1652693568000 Will $UST be above $0.99 on May 17, 2022? Buy No $5.00 5.03 0.9948 Tx
1652520044000 Will $UST be above $0.99 on May 17, 2022? Buy Yes $0.99 85.29 0.0116 🥪 Tx
1652520044000 Will $UST be above $0.99 on May 17, 2022? Buy No $50.00 50.00 1.0000 Tx
1652520044000 Will $UST be above $0.99 on May 17, 2022? Sell Yes $1.43 85.29 0.0167 🥪 Tx
1652404879000 Will $UST be above $0.99 on May 17, 2022? Sell Yes $0.29 11.56 0.0254 Tx
1652392589000 Will $UST be above $0.99 on May 17, 2022? Buy Yes $0.30 11.57 0.0259 Tx
1652362330000 Will $UST be above $0.99 on May 17, 2022? Sell Yes $10.27 299.90 0.0342 Tx
1652361326000 Will $UST be above $0.99 on May 17, 2022? Buy Yes $2.92 63.88 0.0457 🥪 Tx
1652361326000 Will $UST be above $0.99 on May 17, 2022? Buy No $100.00 103.98 0.9617 Tx
1652361326000 Will $UST be above $0.99 on May 17, 2022? Sell Yes $3.85 63.88 0.0602 🥪 Tx
1652354248000 Will $UST be above $0.99 on May 17, 2022? Buy No $100.00 107.67 0.9288 Tx
1652345899000 Will $UST be above $0.99 on May 17, 2022? Buy Yes $1.95 20.79 0.0938 Tx
1652345897000 Will $UST be above $0.99 on May 17, 2022? Buy No $99.00 110.17 0.8986 Tx
1652345897000 Will $UST be above $0.99 on May 17, 2022? Sell Yes $2.91 20.79 0.1399 Tx
1652342151000 Will $UST be above $0.99 on May 17, 2022? Buy No $5.00 5.82 0.8595 Tx
1652340174000 Will $UST be above $0.99 on May 17, 2022? Buy No $50.00 59.74 0.8370 Tx
1652326739000 Will $UST be above $0.99 on May 17, 2022? Buy Yes $1.80 9.37 0.1922 🥪 Tx
1652326739000 Will $UST be above $0.99 on May 17, 2022? Buy No $20.00 24.65 0.8114 Tx
1652326739000 Will $UST be above $0.99 on May 17, 2022? Sell Yes $1.96 9.37 0.2095 🥪 Tx
1652326701000 Will $UST be above $0.99 on May 17, 2022? Buy Yes $1.73 8.07 0.2144 🥪 Tx
1652326701000 Will $UST be above $0.99 on May 17, 2022? Buy No $20.00 25.40 0.7873 Tx
1652326701000 Will $UST be above $0.99 on May 17, 2022? Sell Yes $1.89 8.07 0.2348 🥪 Tx
1652325557000 Will $UST be above $0.99 on May 17, 2022? Buy No $20.00 26.62 0.7514 Tx
1652325519000 Will $UST be above $0.99 on May 17, 2022? Buy Yes $1.56 5.77 0.2706 🥪 Tx
1652325519000 Will $UST be above $0.99 on May 17, 2022? Buy No $30.00 41.85 0.7169 Tx
1652325519000 Will $UST be above $0.99 on May 17, 2022? Sell Yes $1.83 5.77 0.3182 🥪 Tx
1652324226000 Will $UST be above $0.99 on May 17, 2022? Buy No $4.00 6.71 0.5961 Tx