Polymarket Whales



Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Market Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1716346660000 Ethereum ETF approved by May 31? Buy No $76.80 240.00 0.3200 📖 Tx
1716346660000 Ethereum ETF approved by May 31? Sell No $76.80 240.00 0.3200 📖 Tx
1716346634000 Ethereum spot ETF approved by June 30? Buy No $62.40 240.00 0.2600 📖 Tx
1716346634000 Ethereum spot ETF approved by June 30? Sell No $62.40 240.00 0.2600 📖 Tx
1716309412000 Ethereum ETF approved by May 31? Sell No $75.41 228.51 0.3300 📖 Tx
1716308354000 Ethereum ETF approved by May 31? Sell No $0.49 1.49 0.3300 📖 Tx
1716308008000 Ethereum ETF approved by May 31? Sell No $115.17 349.00 0.3300 📖 Tx
1716308008000 Ethereum ETF approved by May 31? Sell Yes $233.83 349.00 0.6700 📖 Tx
1716307284000 Ethereum ETF approved by May 31? Sell No $2.30 7.18 0.3200 📖 Tx
1716306554000 Ethereum ETF approved by May 31? Sell No $2.82 8.82 0.3200 📖 Tx
1716306488000 Ethereum ETF approved by May 31? Sell No $7.82 24.44 0.3200 📖 Tx
1716305880000 Ethereum spot ETF approved by June 30? Buy No $160.88 618.77 0.2600 📖 Tx
1716302642000 Ethereum ETF approved by May 31? Sell Yes $2,415.00 3,500.00 0.6900 📖 Tx
1716302642000 Ethereum ETF approved by May 31? Sell No $1,085.00 3,500.00 0.3100 📖 Tx
1716301658000 Ethereum ETF approved by May 31? Buy No $2.60 8.67 0.3000 📖 Tx
1716301658000 Ethereum ETF approved by May 31? Sell No $2.60 8.67 0.3000 📖 Tx
1716301648000 Ethereum spot ETF approved by June 30? Sell No $2.17 8.67 0.2500 📖 Tx
1716301648000 Ethereum spot ETF approved by June 30? Buy No $2.17 8.67 0.2500 📖 Tx
1716301602000 Ethereum ETF approved by May 31? Buy No $684.36 2,281.21 0.3000 📖 Tx
1716301602000 Ethereum ETF approved by May 31? Sell No $684.36 2,281.21 0.3000 📖 Tx
1716301592000 Ethereum spot ETF approved by June 30? Buy No $547.49 2,281.21 0.2400 📖 Tx
1716301592000 Ethereum spot ETF approved by June 30? Buy Yes $1,733.72 2,281.21 0.7600 📖 Tx
1716255578000 Will Ethereum hit $15k in 2024? Sell No $28.33 33.33 0.8500 📖 Tx
1716237165000 Will Ethereum hit $15k in 2024? Sell No $1,610.05 1,769.29 0.9100 📖 Tx
1716236893000 Will Ethereum hit $15k in 2024? Sell No $209.95 230.71 0.9100 📖 Tx
1715978154000 Will Bitcoin hit $250k in 2024? Sell No $0.05 0.05 0.9100 📖 Tx
1715978134000 Will Bitcoin hit $250k in 2024? Sell No $1,216.67 1,337.00 0.9100 📖 Tx
1715963619000 Will Bitcoin hit $250k in 2024? Sell No $1.01 1.11 0.9100 📖 Tx
1715948024000 Will Bitcoin hit $250k in 2024? Sell No $20.22 22.22 0.9100 📖 Tx
1715947174000 Will Bitcoin hit $250k in 2024? Sell No $27.20 29.89 0.9100 📖 Tx
1715938024000 Will Bitcoin hit $250k in 2024? Sell No $10.11 11.11 0.9100 📖 Tx
1715937063000 Will Bitcoin hit $250k in 2024? Buy No $845.54 929.17 0.9100 📖 Tx
1715937063000 Will Bitcoin hit $250k in 2024? Sell No $1,301.29 1,429.99 0.9100 📖 Tx
1715937063000 Will Bitcoin hit $250k in 2024? Buy No $455.75 500.82 0.9100 📖 Tx
1715881818000 Will Bitcoin hit $250k in 2024? Sell No $1,840.00 2,000.00 0.9200 📖 Tx
1715776771000 Ethereum spot ETF approved by June 30? Sell No $26.25 31.25 0.8400 📖 Tx
1715772577000 Will Circle IPO by June? Sell Yes $30.10 188.09 0.1600 📖 Tx
1715772577000 Will Circle IPO by June? Sell No $368.00 438.10 0.8400 📖 Tx
1715772577000 Will Circle IPO by June? Sell Yes $40.00 250.00 0.1600 📖 Tx
1715764079000 Ethereum spot ETF approved by June 30? Sell No $765.45 911.25 0.8400 📖 Tx
1715082119000 Trump jail before election day? Sell No $3,183.85 3,979.81 0.8000 📖 Tx
1715082119000 Trump jail before election day? Buy No $3,627.85 4,534.81 0.8000 📖 Tx
1715082119000 Trump jail before election day? Buy Yes $111.00 555.00 0.2000 📖 Tx
1714573264000 Trump jail before election day? Sell No $410.00 500.00 0.8200 📖 Tx
1714472145000 CZ sentenced to prison? Sell Yes $70.38 115.38 0.6100 📖 Tx
1714471823000 CZ sentenced to prison? Sell Yes $234.62 384.62 0.6100 📖 Tx
1714405903000 CZ sentenced to prison? Buy Yes $152.48 238.25 0.6400 📖 Tx
1714405903000 CZ sentenced to prison? Sell Yes $152.48 238.25 0.6400 📖 Tx
1714405127000 CZ sentenced to prison? Sell Yes $308.32 481.75 0.6400 📖 Tx
1714398799000 CZ sentenced to prison? Sell Yes $11.68 18.25 0.6400 📖 Tx
1714375758000 CZ sentenced to prison? Sell Yes $192.07 295.50 0.6500 📖 Tx
1714375750000 CZ sentenced to prison? Sell Yes $132.93 204.50 0.6500 📖 Tx
1714373546000 Ethereum spot ETF approved by June 30? Sell No $850.00 1,000.00 0.8500 📖 Tx
1714372508000 Will Bitcoin hit $250k in 2024? Buy No $529.92 576.00 0.9200 📖 Tx
1714372508000 Will Bitcoin hit $250k in 2024? Sell No $529.92 576.00 0.9200 📖 Tx
1714359244000 Andrew Tate guilty of human trafficking in 2024? Sell Yes $1.15 7.64 0.1500 📖 Tx
1714359244000 Andrew Tate guilty of human trafficking in 2024? Sell No $6.49 7.64 0.8500 📖 Tx
1714359128000 Will Bitcoin hit $250k in 2024? Buy No $662.40 720.00 0.9200 📖 Tx
1714359128000 Will Bitcoin hit $250k in 2024? Sell No $662.40 720.00 0.9200 📖 Tx
1714330751000 CZ sentenced to prison? Sell Yes $330.00 500.00 0.6600 📖 Tx
1714323177000 CZ sentenced to prison? Sell Yes $150.96 222.00 0.6800 📖 Tx
1714323177000 CZ sentenced to prison? Sell No $71.04 222.00 0.3200 📖 Tx
1714228751000 CZ sentenced to prison? Buy Yes $134.00 200.00 0.6700 📖 Tx
1714228751000 CZ sentenced to prison? Sell Yes $134.00 200.00 0.6700 📖 Tx
1714185756000 Ethereum spot ETF approved by June 30? Sell No $1,245.00 1,500.00 0.8300 📖 Tx
1714185756000 Ethereum spot ETF approved by June 30? Sell Yes $255.00 1,500.00 0.1700 📖 Tx
1714129195000 Trump jail before election day? Sell No $3,429.59 4,034.81 0.8500 📖 Tx
1714129195000 Trump jail before election day? Buy No $3,429.59 4,034.81 0.8500 📖 Tx
1714041970000 Ethereum spot ETF approved by June 30? Sell Yes $30.61 218.67 0.1400 📖 Tx
1714041970000 Ethereum spot ETF approved by June 30? Sell No $188.06 218.67 0.8600 📖 Tx
1713969220000 Will WIF hit $5 by April 30? Sell Yes $11.00 115.78 0.0950 📖 Tx
1713969220000 Will WIF hit $5 by April 30? Sell No $104.78 115.78 0.9050 📖 Tx
1713965400000 Will WIF hit $5 by April 30? Buy No $172.20 200.00 0.8610 📖 Tx
1713965400000 Will WIF hit $5 by April 30? Sell No $172.20 200.00 0.8610 📖 Tx
1713965356000 Will WIF hit $5 by April 30? Sell No $215.00 250.00 0.8600 📖 Tx
1713965356000 Will WIF hit $5 by April 30? Sell Yes $35.00 250.00 0.1400 📖 Tx
1713937488000 CZ sentenced to prison? Sell Yes $352.29 518.08 0.6800 📖 Tx
1713937488000 CZ sentenced to prison? Sell No $165.79 518.08 0.3200 📖 Tx
1713879485000 Will Bitcoin hit $250k in 2024? Sell Yes $8.90 98.88 0.0900 📖 Tx
1713879485000 Will Bitcoin hit $250k in 2024? Sell No $999.98 1,098.88 0.9100 📖 Tx
1713879485000 Will Bitcoin hit $250k in 2024? Buy No $910.00 1,000.00 0.9100 📖 Tx
1713717454000 Will WIF hit $5 by April 30? Sell Yes $20.00 250.00 0.0800 📖 Tx
1713717454000 Will WIF hit $5 by April 30? Sell No $499.16 542.56 0.9200 📖 Tx
1713717454000 Will WIF hit $5 by April 30? Sell Yes $16.00 200.00 0.0800 📖 Tx
1713717454000 Will WIF hit $5 by April 30? Sell Yes $7.40 92.56 0.0800 📖 Tx
1713633960000 Will Bitcoin hit $250k in 2024? Sell No $9.00 10.00 0.9000 📖 Tx
1713596633000 Will WIF hit $5 by April 30? Sell Yes $24.00 300.00 0.0800 📖 Tx
1713596633000 Will WIF hit $5 by April 30? Sell Yes $20.00 250.00 0.0800 📖 Tx
1713596633000 Will WIF hit $5 by April 30? Sell No $506.00 550.00 0.9200 📖 Tx
1712730422000 Ethereum ETF approved by May 31? Buy Yes $718.96 3,594.79 0.2000 📖 Tx
1712730422000 Ethereum ETF approved by May 31? Sell Yes $718.96 3,594.79 0.2000 📖 Tx
1712106507000 Will Ethereum hit $15k in 2024? Sell No $98.56 112.00 0.8800 📖 Tx
1712106507000 Will Ethereum hit $15k in 2024? Sell Yes $13.44 112.00 0.1200 📖 Tx
1711626088000 Ethereum ETF approved by May 31? Sell Yes $200.00 1,000.00 0.2000 📖 Tx
1711615157000 Ethereum ETF approved by May 31? Sell Yes $315.00 1,500.00 0.2100 📖 Tx
1711615157000 Ethereum ETF approved by May 31? Sell No $244.81 309.89 0.7900 📖 Tx
1711615157000 Ethereum ETF approved by May 31? Buy Yes $249.92 1,190.11 0.2100 📖 Tx
1711612072000 Ethereum ETF approved by May 31? Sell Yes $207.78 1,093.57 0.1900 📖 Tx
1711610358000 Ethereum ETF approved by May 31? Sell Yes $0.23 1.23 0.1900 📖 Tx
1692017134000 Musk vs. Zuck: Aug 31 Buy Zuck $260.66 491.81 0.5300 📖 Tx