Polymarket Whales

πŸŒ™ β˜€


Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Market Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1710281045000 Kanye digital release of 'Vultures' Vol. 2 by Friday? Sell No βœ… $422.92 556.48 0.7600 πŸ“– Tx
1710281045000 Kanye digital release of 'Vultures' Vol. 2 by Friday? Sell No βœ… $192.50 250.00 0.7700 πŸ“– Tx
1710281045000 Kanye digital release of 'Vultures' Vol. 2 by Friday? Sell Yes ❌ $263.26 1,111.48 0.2369 πŸ“– Tx
1709992234000 Kanye "Carnival" #1 Billboard Hot 100 next week? Sell Yes ❌ $263.25 405.00 0.6500 πŸ“– Tx
1709842948000 Kanye "Carnival" #1 Billboard Hot 100 next week? Sell No βœ… $85.00 250.00 0.3400 πŸ“– Tx
1709842948000 Kanye "Carnival" #1 Billboard Hot 100 next week? Sell Yes ❌ $165.00 250.00 0.6600 πŸ“– Tx
1709833335000 Kanye "Carnival" #1 Billboard Hot 100 next week? Sell Yes ❌ $155.00 250.00 0.6200 πŸ“– Tx
1709833335000 Kanye "Carnival" #1 Billboard Hot 100 next week? Sell No βœ… $95.00 250.00 0.3800 πŸ“– Tx
1709827250000 Kanye "Carnival" #1 Billboard Hot 100 next week? Sell Yes ❌ $150.00 250.00 0.6000 πŸ“– Tx
1709827250000 Kanye "Carnival" #1 Billboard Hot 100 next week? Sell No βœ… $100.00 250.00 0.4000 πŸ“– Tx
1709823222000 Kanye "Carnival" #1 Billboard Hot 100 next week? Sell No βœ… $127.50 250.00 0.5100 πŸ“– Tx
1709823222000 Kanye "Carnival" #1 Billboard Hot 100 next week? Sell Yes ❌ $237.70 490.00 0.4851 πŸ“– Tx
1709310284000 Kanye "Carnival" #1 Billboard Hot 100 this week? Sell Yes ❌ $299.57 998.57 0.3000 πŸ“– Tx
1708430226000 Will Kanye release 'Vultures' Vol. 2 by March 8? Buy Yes βœ… $96.00 300.00 0.3200 πŸ“– Tx
1708318848000 Will Kanye release 'Vultures' Vol. 2 by March 8? Buy No ❌ $339.03 498.58 0.6800 πŸ“– Tx
1708318848000 Will Kanye release 'Vultures' Vol. 2 by March 8? Sell Yes ❌ $96.00 300.00 0.3200 πŸ“– Tx
1708318848000 Will Kanye release 'Vultures' Vol. 2 by March 8? Buy Yes βœ… $255.55 798.58 0.3200 πŸ“– Tx
1708248047000 Will Kanye release 'Vultures' Vol. 2 by March 8? Sell No βœ… $276.00 400.00 0.6900 πŸ“– Tx
1708248047000 Will Kanye release 'Vultures' Vol. 2 by March 8? Sell Yes ❌ $426.87 1,377.00 0.3100 πŸ“– Tx
1708248047000 Will Kanye release 'Vultures' Vol. 2 by March 8? Sell No βœ… $382.95 555.00 0.6900 πŸ“– Tx
1707688237000 Israel x Hamas ceasefire before March? Sell No βœ… $226.97 372.08 0.6100 πŸ“– Tx
1707688237000 Israel x Hamas ceasefire before March? Buy No ❌ $409.97 672.08 0.6100 πŸ“– Tx
1707553999000 Will Kanye release β€˜Vultures’ Vol. 1 by Feb 9? Sell No βœ… $81.06 4,052.93 0.0200 πŸ“– Tx
1707553999000 Will Kanye release β€˜Vultures’ Vol. 1 by Feb 9? Sell No βœ… $5.00 5,000.00 0.0010 πŸ“– Tx
1707553999000 Will Kanye release β€˜Vultures’ Vol. 1 by Feb 9? Buy Yes βœ… $7,911.36 7,919.28 0.9990 πŸ“– Tx
1707553999000 Will Kanye release β€˜Vultures’ Vol. 1 by Feb 9? Sell No βœ… $20.00 10,000.00 0.0020 πŸ“– Tx
1707553999000 Will Kanye release β€˜Vultures’ Vol. 1 by Feb 9? Buy No ❌ $113.98 26,972.21 0.0042 πŸ“– Tx
1707552089000 Will Kanye release β€˜Vultures’ Vol. 1 by Feb 9? Sell No βœ… $2,498.53 9,994.12 0.2500 πŸ“– Tx
1707551891000 Will Kanye release β€˜Vultures’ Vol. 1 by Feb 9? Sell Yes ❌ $358.40 512.00 0.7000 πŸ“– Tx
1707551891000 Will Kanye release β€˜Vultures’ Vol. 1 by Feb 9? Sell Yes ❌ $435.68 555.00 0.7850 πŸ“– Tx
1707551891000 Will Kanye release β€˜Vultures’ Vol. 1 by Feb 9? Sell Yes ❌ $307.32 394.00 0.7800 πŸ“– Tx
1707551891000 Will Kanye release β€˜Vultures’ Vol. 1 by Feb 9? Sell No βœ… $1,000.00 4,016.00 0.2490 πŸ“– Tx
1707551891000 Will Kanye release β€˜Vultures’ Vol. 1 by Feb 9? Sell Yes ❌ $394.61 555.00 0.7110 πŸ“– Tx
1707551891000 Will Kanye release β€˜Vultures’ Vol. 1 by Feb 9? Sell Yes ❌ $1,520.00 2,000.00 0.7600 πŸ“– Tx
1707551728000 Will Kanye release β€˜Vultures’ Vol. 1 by Feb 9? Sell No βœ… $1,174.22 5,871.09 0.2000 πŸ“– Tx
1707551678000 Will Kanye release β€˜Vultures’ Vol. 1 by Feb 9? Buy Yes βœ… $1,174.22 2,498.33 0.4700 πŸ“– Tx
1707551678000 Will Kanye release β€˜Vultures’ Vol. 1 by Feb 9? Sell Yes ❌ $1,174.22 2,498.33 0.4700 πŸ“– Tx
1707551336000 Will Kanye release β€˜Vultures’ Vol. 1 by Feb 9? Sell Yes ❌ $260.00 693.33 0.3750 πŸ“– Tx
1707551336000 Will Kanye release β€˜Vultures’ Vol. 1 by Feb 9? Sell No βœ… $433.33 693.33 0.6250 πŸ“– Tx
1707551306000 Will Kanye release β€˜Vultures’ Vol. 1 by Feb 9? Buy Yes βœ… $890.00 1,780.00 0.5000 πŸ“– Tx
1707551306000 Will Kanye release β€˜Vultures’ Vol. 1 by Feb 9? Sell Yes ❌ $890.00 1,780.00 0.5000 πŸ“– Tx
1707551046000 Will Kanye release β€˜Vultures’ Vol. 1 by Feb 9? Buy No ❌ $1,032.50 1,475.00 0.7000 πŸ“– Tx
1707550992000 Will Kanye release β€˜Vultures’ Vol. 1 by Feb 9? Buy No ❌ $1,365.00 1,950.00 0.7000 πŸ“– Tx
1707550656000 Will Kanye release β€˜Vultures’ Vol. 1 by Feb 9? Buy No ❌ $1,700.00 2,000.00 0.8500 πŸ“– Tx
1707550650000 Will Kanye release β€˜Vultures’ Vol. 1 by Feb 9? Buy No ❌ $562.42 661.67 0.8500 πŸ“– Tx
1707445741000 Will Kanye release β€˜Vultures’ Vol. 1 by Feb 9? Sell No βœ… $788.28 1,407.65 0.5600 πŸ“– Tx
1707445456000 Will Kanye release β€˜Vultures’ Vol. 1 by Feb 9? Sell No βœ… $985.45 1,699.05 0.5800 πŸ“– Tx
1707445087000 Will Kanye release β€˜Vultures’ Vol. 1 by Feb 9? Sell No βœ… $190.40 340.00 0.5600 πŸ“– Tx
1707427542000 Will Kanye release β€˜Vultures’ Vol. 1 by Feb 9? Sell No βœ… $344.70 1,044.55 0.3300 πŸ“– Tx
1707355640000 Will Kanye release β€˜Vultures’ Vol. 1 by Feb 9? Sell Yes ❌ $197.50 250.00 0.7900 πŸ“– Tx
1707355640000 Will Kanye release β€˜Vultures’ Vol. 1 by Feb 9? Sell No βœ… $94.50 450.00 0.2100 πŸ“– Tx
1707355628000 Will Kanye release β€˜Vultures’ Vol. 1 by Feb 9? Sell No βœ… $340.00 1,700.00 0.2000 πŸ“– Tx
1707355628000 Will Kanye release β€˜Vultures’ Vol. 1 by Feb 9? Sell Yes ❌ $1,200.00 1,500.00 0.8000 πŸ“– Tx
1707249943000 Will Kanye release β€˜Vultures’ Vol. 1 by Feb 9? Sell Yes ❌ $162.50 250.00 0.6500 πŸ“– Tx
1707249943000 Will Kanye release β€˜Vultures’ Vol. 1 by Feb 9? Sell No βœ… $87.50 250.00 0.3500 πŸ“– Tx
1707248539000 Will Kanye release β€˜Vultures’ Vol. 1 by Feb 9? Sell No βœ… $148.50 450.00 0.3300 πŸ“– Tx
1707248539000 Will Kanye release β€˜Vultures’ Vol. 1 by Feb 9? Sell Yes ❌ $167.50 250.00 0.6700 πŸ“– Tx
1707248439000 Will Kanye release β€˜Vultures’ Vol. 1 by Feb 9? Sell Yes ❌ $170.00 250.00 0.6800 πŸ“– Tx
1707248439000 Will Kanye release β€˜Vultures’ Vol. 1 by Feb 9? Sell No βœ… $288.00 900.00 0.3200 πŸ“– Tx
1707248439000 Will Kanye release β€˜Vultures’ Vol. 1 by Feb 9? Sell Yes ❌ $170.00 250.00 0.6800 πŸ“– Tx
1707171285000 Will Kanye release β€˜Vultures’ Vol. 1 by Feb 9? Sell Yes ❌ $165.75 255.00 0.6500 πŸ“– Tx
1707171285000 Will Kanye release β€˜Vultures’ Vol. 1 by Feb 9? Sell No βœ… $176.75 505.00 0.3500 πŸ“– Tx
1707171285000 Will Kanye release β€˜Vultures’ Vol. 1 by Feb 9? Sell Yes ❌ $162.50 250.00 0.6500 πŸ“– Tx
1707167574000 Will Kanye release β€˜Vultures’ Vol. 1 by Feb 9? Sell No βœ… $238.00 700.00 0.3400 πŸ“– Tx
1707167574000 Will Kanye release β€˜Vultures’ Vol. 1 by Feb 9? Sell Yes ❌ $330.00 500.00 0.6600 πŸ“– Tx
1707167404000 Will Kanye release β€˜Vultures’ Vol. 1 by Feb 9? Sell No βœ… $139.50 450.00 0.3100 πŸ“– Tx
1707167404000 Will Kanye release β€˜Vultures’ Vol. 1 by Feb 9? Sell Yes ❌ $172.50 250.00 0.6900 πŸ“– Tx
1707157856000 Will Kanye release β€˜Vultures’ Vol. 1 by Feb 9? Sell No βœ… $94.22 314.08 0.3000 πŸ“– Tx
1707110150000 Will Kanye release β€˜Vultures’ Vol. 1 by Feb 9? Sell No βœ… $100.00 333.33 0.3000 πŸ“– Tx
1707092093000 US response to Iran’s drone attack by Jan 31? Buy No ❌ $4,575.10 4,579.68 0.9990 πŸ“– Tx
1707092093000 US response to Iran’s drone attack by Jan 31? Buy Yes βœ… $2.52 2,522.62 0.0010 πŸ“– Tx
1707092093000 US response to Iran’s drone attack by Jan 31? Buy Yes βœ… $2.06 2,057.06 0.0010 πŸ“– Tx
1707091477000 US response to Iran’s drone attack by Jan 31? Buy No ❌ $299.70 300.00 0.9990 πŸ“– Tx
1707091477000 US response to Iran’s drone attack by Jan 31? Buy Yes βœ… $0.30 300.00 0.0010 πŸ“– Tx
1706754313000 US response to Iran’s drone attack by Jan 31? Sell Yes ❌ $102.50 250.00 0.4100 πŸ“– Tx
1706754313000 US response to Iran’s drone attack by Jan 31? Sell No βœ… $719.08 1,118.41 0.6429 πŸ“– Tx
1706754313000 US response to Iran’s drone attack by Jan 31? Sell Yes ❌ $275.54 810.41 0.3400 πŸ“– Tx
1706718342000 US response to Iran’s drone attack by Jan 31? Sell No βœ… $615.23 1,056.32 0.5824 πŸ“– Tx
1706718342000 US response to Iran’s drone attack by Jan 31? Sell Yes ❌ $351.09 856.32 0.4100 πŸ“– Tx
1706657021000 US response to Iran’s drone attack by Jan 31? Sell Yes ❌ $160.65 255.00 0.6300 πŸ“– Tx
1706657021000 US response to Iran’s drone attack by Jan 31? Sell Yes ❌ $109.53 312.95 0.3500 πŸ“– Tx
1706657021000 US response to Iran’s drone attack by Jan 31? Sell No βœ… $1,199.22 2,704.95 0.4433 πŸ“– Tx
1706657021000 US response to Iran’s drone attack by Jan 31? Buy No ❌ $92.50 250.00 0.3700 πŸ“– Tx
1706657021000 US response to Iran’s drone attack by Jan 31? Sell Yes ❌ $209.79 333.00 0.6300 πŸ“– Tx
1706497235000 Israel x Hamas ceasefire before March? Sell Yes ❌ $355.20 555.00 0.6400 πŸ“– Tx
1706497235000 Israel x Hamas ceasefire before March? Sell No βœ… $241.95 672.08 0.3600 πŸ“– Tx
1706485922000 49ers vs. Lions Sell 49ers $176.65 289.59 0.6100 πŸ“– Tx
1706485922000 49ers vs. Lions Sell Lions $112.94 289.59 0.3900 πŸ“– Tx
1706450450000 Ravens vs. Chiefs Sell Chiefs $101.13 288.94 0.3500 πŸ“– Tx
1706387239000 Will Kanye release β€˜Vultures’ Vol. 1 by Feb 9? Sell Yes ❌ $166.50 302.73 0.5500 πŸ“– Tx
1706387239000 Will Kanye release β€˜Vultures’ Vol. 1 by Feb 9? Sell No βœ… $220.23 502.73 0.4381 πŸ“– Tx
1691303539000 Is the Room-Temp Superconductor real? Buy Yes βœ… $237.69 742.78 0.3200 πŸ“– Tx
1691303539000 Is the Room-Temp Superconductor real? Sell Yes ❌ $276.43 863.84 0.3200 πŸ“– Tx
1691299834000 Is the Room-Temp Superconductor real? Sell Yes ❌ $104.38 326.19 0.3200 πŸ“– Tx
1691296698000 Jake Paul vs. Nate Diaz Buy Diaz $87.38 436.88 0.2000 πŸ“– Tx
1691295517000 Jake Paul vs. Nate Diaz Sell Diaz $118.26 514.19 0.2300 πŸ“– Tx
1691295517000 Jake Paul vs. Nate Diaz Sell Paul $395.93 514.19 0.7700 πŸ“– Tx