Polymarket Whales

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Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Market Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1638948622000 Will Ethereum reach $5000 by the end of 2021? Buy Yes ✅ $30.00 58.55 0.5123 Tx
1638365211000 What will the fully diluted market cap of Opensea’s token be 1 week after it starts trading? Buy Long 📈 $80.00 139.78 0.5723 Tx
1637072727000 Will Tether lose its peg by November 30, 2021? Buy Yes ✅ $9.00 596.69 0.0151 Tx
1637038784000 What will the price of Terra ($LUNA) be at noon on November 19, 2021? Buy Long 📈 $20.00 44.61 0.4483 Tx
1637038670000 Will Germany or United Kingdom report a higher 7-day COVID-19 case average per capita on November 24? Buy Germany $30.00 93.39 0.3212 Tx
1637038534000 Will OpenSea launch a token by the end of 2021? Buy Yes ✅ $20.00 93.13 0.2148 Tx
1637038482000 What will the fully diluted market cap of Opensea’s token be 1 week after it starts trading? Buy Long 📈 $2.00 3.34 0.5982 Tx
1637038350000 Will ConstitutionDAO win the Sotheby’s auction for the United States Constitution? Buy Yes ✅ $2.00 8.27 0.2417 Tx
1637038286000 Will Ethereum Name Service ($ENS) be listed for trading on Coinbase by November 18th? Buy Yes ✅ $2.00 2.07 0.9645 Tx