Polymarket Whales

πŸŒ™ β˜€


Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Market Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1718437705000 Swell airdrop by June 30? Sell No βœ… $223.93 244.73 0.9150 πŸ“– Tx
1718437705000 Swell airdrop by June 30? Buy No ❌ $223.93 244.73 0.9150 πŸ“– Tx
1718339329000 Swell airdrop by June 30? Buy No ❌ $4.09 6.11 0.6700 πŸ“– Tx
1718339329000 Swell airdrop by June 30? Sell Yes ❌ $1.65 5.00 0.3300 πŸ“– Tx
1718339329000 Swell airdrop by June 30? Sell Yes ❌ $2.06 7.91 0.2600 πŸ“– Tx
1718339329000 Swell airdrop by June 30? Sell Yes ❌ $2.31 7.01 0.3300 πŸ“– Tx
1718339329000 Swell airdrop by June 30? Sell No βœ… $171.09 244.74 0.6991 πŸ“– Tx
1718339329000 Swell airdrop by June 30? Sell Yes ❌ $65.61 218.71 0.3000 πŸ“– Tx
1718193896000 Zircuit airdrop by June 30? Sell No βœ… $95.00 100.00 0.9500 πŸ“– Tx
1718193896000 Zircuit airdrop by June 30? Sell Yes ❌ $5.00 100.00 0.0500 πŸ“– Tx
1716464899000 Swell airdrop by June 30? Buy Yes βœ… $104.94 169.26 0.6200 πŸ“– Tx
1716464899000 Swell airdrop by June 30? Sell Yes ❌ $104.94 169.26 0.6200 πŸ“– Tx
1716436193000 Swell airdrop by June 30? Sell No βœ… $10.77 26.60 0.4050 πŸ“– Tx
1716436193000 Swell airdrop by June 30? Sell No βœ… $58.49 142.67 0.4100 πŸ“– Tx
1716436193000 Swell airdrop by June 30? Sell Yes ❌ $100.00 169.27 0.5908 πŸ“– Tx
1716397883000 Ethereum ETF approved by May 31? Sell Yes ❌ $123.44 209.22 0.5900 πŸ“– Tx
1716397883000 Ethereum ETF approved by May 31? Buy Yes βœ… $151.46 256.72 0.5900 πŸ“– Tx
1716397883000 Ethereum ETF approved by May 31? Sell Yes ❌ $28.03 47.50 0.5900 πŸ“– Tx
1715942174000 Ethereum ETF approved by May 31? Sell No βœ… $183.33 208.33 0.8800 πŸ“– Tx
1715942174000 Ethereum ETF approved by May 31? Sell Yes ❌ $25.00 208.33 0.1200 πŸ“– Tx
1710237330000 Ethereum ETF approved by May 31? Sell No βœ… $33.39 48.39 0.6900 πŸ“– Tx
1710237330000 Ethereum ETF approved by May 31? Sell Yes ❌ $15.00 48.39 0.3100 πŸ“– Tx
1704868549000 Will ETH hit $2,500 by Jan 31? Buy Yes βœ… $85.91 121.00 0.7100 πŸ“– Tx
1704868549000 Will ETH hit $2,500 by Jan 31? Sell Yes ❌ $85.91 121.00 0.7100 πŸ“– Tx
1704715870000 Will ETH hit $2,500 by Jan 31? Sell Yes ❌ $52.19 91.56 0.5700 πŸ“– Tx
1704715870000 Will ETH hit $2,500 by Jan 31? Buy Yes βœ… $52.19 91.56 0.5700 πŸ“– Tx
1704288642000 Will ETH hit $2,500 by Jan 31? Sell Yes ❌ $70.00 129.63 0.5400 πŸ“– Tx
1704288642000 Will ETH hit $2,500 by Jan 31? Sell No βœ… $59.63 129.63 0.4600 πŸ“– Tx
1704281093000 Will ETH hit $2,500 by Jan 31? Sell Yes ❌ $111.38 156.88 0.7100 πŸ“– Tx
1704281093000 Will ETH hit $2,500 by Jan 31? Buy Yes βœ… $122.18 171.88 0.7109 πŸ“– Tx
1704281093000 Will ETH hit $2,500 by Jan 31? Sell Yes ❌ $10.80 15.00 0.7200 πŸ“– Tx
1704085983000 Will ETH hit $2,500 by Jan 31? Sell No βœ… $56.72 171.88 0.3300 πŸ“– Tx
1704085983000 Will ETH hit $2,500 by Jan 31? Sell Yes ❌ $115.16 171.88 0.6700 πŸ“– Tx
1704026728000 Will ETH hit $2,500 by EOY? Sell Yes ❌ $2.00 50.00 0.0400 πŸ“– Tx
1704026728000 Will ETH hit $2,500 by EOY? Sell No βœ… $48.00 50.00 0.9600 πŸ“– Tx
1703925451000 Will ETH hit $2,500 by EOY? Buy Yes βœ… $3.00 75.00 0.0400 πŸ“– Tx
1703925451000 Will ETH hit $2,500 by EOY? Sell Yes ❌ $3.00 75.00 0.0400 πŸ“– Tx
1703912473000 Will BTC hit $50,000 in 2023? Sell No βœ… $63.82 64.92 0.9830 πŸ“– Tx
1703912473000 Will BTC hit $50,000 in 2023? Buy No ❌ $63.82 64.92 0.9830 πŸ“– Tx
1703912371000 Will ETH hit $2,500 by EOY? Buy Yes βœ… $7.00 140.00 0.0500 πŸ“– Tx
1703912371000 Will ETH hit $2,500 by EOY? Sell Yes ❌ $7.00 140.00 0.0500 πŸ“– Tx
1703737156000 Will ETH hit $2,500 by EOY? Buy Yes βœ… $36.35 62.67 0.5800 πŸ“– Tx
1703737156000 Will ETH hit $2,500 by EOY? Sell Yes ❌ $36.35 62.67 0.5800 πŸ“– Tx
1703573131000 Will ETH hit $2,500 by EOY? Buy Yes βœ… $9.59 53.29 0.1800 πŸ“– Tx
1703573131000 Will ETH hit $2,500 by EOY? Sell Yes ❌ $11.00 62.67 0.1755 πŸ“– Tx
1703573131000 Will ETH hit $2,500 by EOY? Sell No βœ… $7.97 9.38 0.8500 πŸ“– Tx
1702532705000 Will BTC hit $50,000 in 2023? Buy No ❌ $38.00 50.00 0.7600 πŸ“– Tx
1702532705000 Will BTC hit $50,000 in 2023? Buy Yes βœ… $12.00 50.00 0.2400 πŸ“– Tx
1702532665000 Will BTC hit $50,000 in 2023? Buy No ❌ $89.64 114.92 0.7800 πŸ“– Tx
1702532665000 Will BTC hit $50,000 in 2023? Sell No βœ… $89.64 114.92 0.7800 πŸ“– Tx
1702532555000 LayerZero airdrop in 2023? Buy No ❌ $39.36 41.09 0.9580 πŸ“– Tx
1702532555000 LayerZero airdrop in 2023? Sell No βœ… $39.36 41.09 0.9580 πŸ“– Tx
1701668765000 LayerZero airdrop in 2023? Sell Yes ❌ $11.10 41.10 0.2700 πŸ“– Tx
1701668765000 LayerZero airdrop in 2023? Sell No βœ… $30.00 41.10 0.7300 πŸ“– Tx
1689957750000 Will the Fed raise interest rates by 0 bps after its July meeting? Sell Yes ❌ $26.00 866.67 0.0300 πŸ“– Tx
1689957750000 Will the Fed raise interest rates by 0 bps after its July meeting? Sell No βœ… $840.67 866.67 0.9700 πŸ“– Tx
1685610195000 Will the Fed increase interest rates by 0 bps after its June meeting? Sell No βœ… $10.40 40.00 0.2600 πŸ“– Tx
1685610195000 Will the Fed increase interest rates by 0 bps after its June meeting? Buy No ❌ $10.40 40.00 0.2600 πŸ“– Tx
1685610157000 US debt ceiling hike by June 1? Sell No βœ… $95.00 100.00 0.9500 πŸ“– Tx
1685610157000 US debt ceiling hike by June 1? Sell Yes ❌ $5.00 100.00 0.0500 πŸ“– Tx
1684600267000 Will the Fed increase interest rates by 0 bps after its June meeting? Sell No βœ… $10.00 40.00 0.2500 πŸ“– Tx
1684600267000 Will the Fed increase interest rates by 0 bps after its June meeting? Sell Yes ❌ $30.00 40.00 0.7500 πŸ“– Tx
1678943644000 Arbitrum airdrop by March 31st? Sell Yes ❌ $75.63 126.05 0.6000 πŸ“– Tx
1678943644000 Arbitrum airdrop by March 31st? Sell No βœ… $50.42 126.05 0.4000 πŸ“– Tx
1678468898000 Will Huobi become insolvent by Mar 31, 2023? Sell Yes ❌ $4.50 50.00 0.0900 πŸ“– Tx
1677903247000 Arbitrum airdrop by March 31st? Buy Yes βœ… $5.39 24.49 0.2200 πŸ“– Tx
1677903247000 Arbitrum airdrop by March 31st? Buy No ❌ $46.18 58.77 0.7858 πŸ“– Tx
1677903247000 Arbitrum airdrop by March 31st? Buy Yes βœ… $7.20 34.28 0.2100 πŸ“– Tx
1677336319000 Arbitrum airdrop by March 31st? Sell Yes ❌ $1.04 3.35 0.3100 πŸ“– Tx
1677336319000 Arbitrum airdrop by March 31st? Sell No βœ… $40.00 58.77 0.6806 πŸ“– Tx
1677336319000 Arbitrum airdrop by March 31st? Sell Yes ❌ $17.73 55.42 0.3200 πŸ“– Tx
1675266031000 Will the Fed increase interest rates by 0 bps after its February meeting? Sell No βœ… $98.00 100.00 0.9800 πŸ“– Tx
1675265989000 Will the Fed increase interest rates by 50 bps after its February meeting? Buy Yes βœ… $1.18 11.79 0.1000 πŸ“– Tx
1675265989000 Will the Fed increase interest rates by 50 bps after its February meeting? Buy Yes βœ… $4.25 25.00 0.1700 πŸ“– Tx
1675265989000 Will the Fed increase interest rates by 50 bps after its February meeting? Sell No βœ… $20.82 25.39 0.8200 πŸ“– Tx
1663497417000 Will the Fed increase interest rates by 25 bps after their September meeting? Buy Yes βœ… $3.14 272.17 0.0115 Tx
1663497381000 Will the Fed increase interest rates by 75 bps after their September meeting? Sell Yes ❌ $3.14 3.50 0.8958 Tx
1663223216000 Will the Fed increase interest rates by 75 bps after their September meeting? Buy Yes βœ… $57.60 64.24 0.8966 Tx
1663223184000 Will the Fed increase interest rates by 100 bps after their September meeting? Buy Yes βœ… $15.00 139.59 0.1075 Tx
1663223086000 Will the Fed increase interest rates by 50 bps after their September meeting? Buy Yes βœ… $3.00 99.38 0.0302 Tx
1663084767000 Will the Fed increase interest rates by 75 bps after their September meeting? Sell No βœ… $20.53 220.91 0.0929 Tx
1662175061000 Will the Fed increase interest rates by 75 bps after their September meeting? Buy No ❌ $93.91 220.91 0.4251 Tx
1660646898000 Will the Fed increase interest rates by 50 bps after their September meeting? Sell Yes ❌ $93.49 169.03 0.5531 Tx
1660226118000 Will the Fed increase interest rates by 50 bps after their September meeting? Buy Yes βœ… $100.00 166.31 0.6013 Tx
1660225994000 Will the Fed increase interest rates by 50 bps after their September meeting? Buy Yes βœ… $59.13 101.06 0.5851 Tx
1660130942000 Will U.S. inflation be more than 0.3% from June to July 2022? Buy Yes βœ… $20.00 56.92 0.3513 Tx
1660130174000 Will U.S. inflation be more than 0.5% from June to July 2022? Buy Yes βœ… $5.00 53.19 0.0940 Tx
1659422184000 Will $ETH be above $1,700 on August 5? Sell Yes ❌ $17.75 81.46 0.2179 Tx
1659414665000 Will $ETH be above $1,700 on August 5? Buy Yes βœ… $20.00 81.46 0.2455 Tx
1659414551000 Will Nancy Pelosi visit Taiwan before September 2022? Sell No βœ… $41.37 731.40 0.0566 Tx
1659374050000 Will Nancy Pelosi visit Taiwan before September 2022? Buy No ❌ $41.28 569.01 0.0725 Tx
1659330421000 Will Nancy Pelosi visit Taiwan before September 2022? Buy No ❌ $50.00 162.39 0.3079 Tx
1659274870000 Will Kim Kardashian announce she’s pregnant by July 31, 2022? Buy Yes βœ… $5.00 2,452.68 0.0020 Tx
1658209445000 Will the Fed set interest rates above 2.50% (100 bps or more) after their scheduled July meeting? Buy Yes βœ… $20.00 145.60 0.1374 Tx
1657784783000 Will the Fed set interest rates above 2.00% (50 bps or more) after their scheduled July meeting? Buy No ❌ $2.00 428.34 0.0047 Tx
1657784723000 Will the Fed set interest rates above 2.25% (75 bps or more) after their scheduled July meeting? Buy No ❌ $10.00 245.07 0.0408 Tx
1656601389000 Will $ETH be above $1,200 on July 1? Buy Yes βœ… $5.00 300.60 0.0166 Tx
1654927409000 Will $ETH be above $1,700 on June 17? Buy Yes βœ… $100.00 220.99 0.4525 Tx
1654005918000 Will Optimism ($OP) close above $1 on its 1st day of trading? Sell Yes ❌ $476.16 545.78 0.8724 Tx
1653992238000 Will Optimism ($OP) close above $2 on its 1st day of trading? Sell Yes ❌ $245.55 445.74 0.5509 Tx