Polymarket Whales



Will the US have more than 200,000 new daily COVID-19 cases on or before October 1, 2021?

Whales LPs Trades Polymarket

Outcome: Yes No All
Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1633304068000 Sell No $1.94 2.00 0.9691 Tx
1631555505000 Buy Yes $13.00 149.05 0.0872 Tx
1631555013000 Buy Yes $5.00 57.62 0.0868 Tx
1631554893000 Buy Yes $5.00 57.79 0.0865 Tx
1631487410000 Buy Yes $25.00 172.80 0.1447 Tx
1631487290000 Sell No $12.51 15.00 0.8342 Tx
1631295541000 Buy Yes $65.00 380.79 0.1707 Tx
1631295457000 Buy Yes $21.43 126.52 0.1694 Tx
1631284557000 Sell No $196.19 250.00 0.7848 Tx
1631108218000 Sell No $139.20 250.00 0.5568 Tx
1630791017000 Sell No $187.83 332.92 0.5642 Tx
1630512857000 Buy No $135.27 485.10 0.2789 Tx
1630328498000 Buy No $100.00 276.75 0.3613 Tx
1630288337000 Buy No $100.00 281.95 0.3547 Tx
1630288277000 Buy No $100.00 283.21 0.3531 Tx
1630288261000 Buy No $177.52 505.91 0.3509 Tx
1630288229000 Sell Yes $128.34 200.00 0.6417 Tx
1630110954000 Sell Yes $59.23 100.00 0.5923 Tx
1630091096000 Sell Yes $55.82 100.00 0.5582 Tx
1630084990000 Sell Yes $53.69 100.00 0.5369 Tx
1630067984000 Sell Yes $140.55 300.00 0.4685 Tx
1630010738000 Sell Yes $107.14 200.00 0.5357 Tx
1629916285000 Sell Yes $163.25 300.00 0.5442 Tx
1629912761000 Sell Yes $121.94 255.66 0.4770 Tx
1629494756000 Buy Yes $88.70 392.10 0.2262 Tx
1629321537000 Buy Yes $47.92 154.22 0.3108 Tx
1629312200000 Buy Yes $53.33 174.53 0.3056 Tx
1629311292000 Buy Yes $173.31 591.01 0.2933 Tx
1629311202000 Sell No $173.27 248.47 0.6974 Tx
1629311072000 Sell No $247.18 350.61 0.7050 Tx
1629151714000 Buy No $27.08 50.61 0.5351 Tx
1629117930000 Sell No $390.88 794.51 0.4920 Tx
1628978890000 Buy No $114.44 233.37 0.4904 Tx
1628720543000 Buy No $10.00 21.22 0.4712 Tx
1628707219000 Buy No $35.00 104.10 0.3362 Tx
1628702001000 Buy No $35.00 105.11 0.3330 Tx
1628701799000 Buy No $35.00 105.51 0.3317 Tx
1628701401000 Buy No $35.00 106.82 0.3277 Tx
1628701261000 Buy No $25.00 76.55 0.3266 Tx
1628682729000 Buy No $15.00 50.48 0.2971 Tx
1628645343000 Buy No $35.00 111.64 0.3135 Tx
1628613018000 Buy No $10.00 34.60 0.2891 Tx
1628517663000 Buy No $50.00 120.00 0.4167 Tx
1628275264000 Buy No $10.00 25.11 0.3982 Tx