Polymarket Whales



Will Harriet Tubman appear on the face of the $20 bill by July 1, 2021?

Whales LPs Trades Polymarket

Outcome: Yes No All
Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1623164497000 Sell No $14.50 15.03 0.9646 Tx
1615657970000 Sell No $117.51 130.36 0.9014 Tx
1615311763000 Buy No $10.00 12.09 0.8269 Tx
1615311693000 Sell No $11.80 14.83 0.7954 Tx
1615311619000 Buy No $10.00 12.88 0.7765 Tx
1615311589000 Buy No $1.00 1.95 0.5121 Tx