Polymarket Whales



NFL: Will the Raiders beat the Giants by more than 2.5 points in their November 7th matchup?

Whales LPs Trades Polymarket

Outcome: Yes No All
Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1636308409000 Sell Yes $47.31 95.30 0.4964 Tx
1636308403000 Buy No $50.00 101.84 0.4910 Tx
1636308373000 Buy No $49.00 102.51 0.4780 Tx
1636307177000 Buy Yes $0.01 0.02 0.5489 Tx
1636305457000 Buy No $41.00 87.99 0.4660 Tx
1636305383000 Buy No $14.00 30.53 0.4585 Tx
1636304687000 Buy No $50.00 111.12 0.4500 Tx
1636304655000 Buy Yes $100.00 176.51 0.5665 Tx
1636304655000 Sell No $19.58 43.64 0.4485 Tx
1636303573000 Buy No $23.00 49.30 0.4665 Tx
1636303521000 Buy No $44.00 96.20 0.4574 Tx
1636302835000 Buy Yes $10.00 17.61 0.5680 Tx
1636302219000 Buy No $50.00 111.97 0.4466 Tx
1636302199000 Buy Yes $150.00 265.86 0.5642 Tx
1636302199000 Sell No $38.32 83.44 0.4593 Tx
1636297612000 Buy Yes $50.00 94.18 0.5309 Tx
1636297600000 Buy No $49.00 100.18 0.4891 Tx
1636292267000 Buy No $1.00 2.07 0.4826 Tx
1636292267000 Buy Yes $50.00 93.99 0.5320 Tx
1636292239000 Buy Yes $50.00 96.18 0.5198 Tx
1636292215000 Buy No $98.00 198.36 0.4941 Tx
1636292215000 Buy No $17.12 35.74 0.4792 Tx
1636292165000 Buy No $1.00 2.10 0.4768 Tx
1636292119000 Buy Yes $50.00 92.96 0.5379 Tx
1636292101000 Buy Yes $50.00 95.07 0.5259 Tx
1636292085000 Buy Yes $50.00 97.34 0.5136 Tx
1636292069000 Buy No $147.00 297.57 0.4940 Tx
1636292069000 Buy No $17.12 36.20 0.4728 Tx
1636278329000 Buy Yes $50.00 91.90 0.5441 Tx
1636261285000 Buy Yes $5.00 9.30 0.5377 Tx
1636256619000 Buy Yes $10.00 18.65 0.5359 Tx
1636256421000 Buy No $35.00 72.75 0.4811 Tx
1636250531000 Sell No $0.46 1.00 0.4577 Tx
1636250503000 Sell No $30.48 66.00 0.4618 Tx
1636250451000 Sell No $31.01 66.00 0.4698 Tx
1636250419000 Sell No $31.54 66.00 0.4779 Tx
1636250387000 Sell No $32.07 66.00 0.4860 Tx