Polymarket Whales



Will the Hamas x Israel ceasefire last the full 4 days?

Whales LPs Trades Polymarket

Outcome: Yes No All
Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1700928597000 Sell No $312.48 1,953.00 0.1600 📖 Tx
1700927312000 Sell No $7.47 46.67 0.1600 📖 Tx
1700904459000 Sell No $127.16 605.52 0.2100 📖 Tx
1700867885000 Sell No $177.13 843.49 0.2100 📖 Tx
1700839652000 Sell No $6.72 32.00 0.2100 📖 Tx
1700783885000 Sell No $3.99 18.99 0.2100 📖 Tx
1700775644000 Sell No $50.00 227.44 0.2198 📖 Tx
1700775644000 Buy No $0.75 3.57 0.2100 📖 Tx
1700775644000 Buy No $49.25 223.87 0.2200 📖 Tx
1700775580000 Buy No $57.00 271.43 0.2100 📖 Tx
1700775580000 Sell No $57.00 271.43 0.2100 📖 Tx