Polymarket Whales



Did Israeli intelligence have advanced knowledge of the Attack?

Whales LPs Trades Polymarket
Outcome: Yes No All
Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1704438734000 Buy Yes $20.00 10,000.00 0.0020 📖 Tx
1703772995000 Sell No $5,000.00 6,725.03 0.7435 📖 Tx
1701416007000 Sell No $3,549.90 5,300.00 0.6698 📖 Tx
1701012664000 Sell No $6,195.73 7,473.74 0.8290 📖 Tx
1701012664000 Buy No $7,990.09 9,635.62 0.8292 📖 Tx
1698115838000 Buy Yes $2,158.55 8,302.13 0.2600 📖 Tx
1698115838000 Buy No $6,143.58 8,302.13 0.7400 📖 Tx
1698094895000 Sell No $4,842.03 6,922.52 0.6995 📖 Tx
1698089893000 Buy No $2,401.36 6,154.46 0.3902 📖 Tx
1698087862000 Sell Yes $2,959.66 5,000.00 0.5919 📖 Tx
1698085281000 Sell No $2,000.00 5,000.00 0.4000 📖 Tx
1698085281000 Buy No $4,626.20 11,000.00 0.4206 📖 Tx
1698079329000 Buy No $3,237.10 6,730.00 0.4810 📖 Tx
1698053159000 Buy No $4,432.19 7,965.00 0.5565 📖 Tx
1697972308000 Buy No $3,629.45 6,175.95 0.5877 📖 Tx
1697359192000 Sell No $6,199.00 6,940.16 0.8932 📖 Tx
1697331602000 Sell Yes $335.00 5,000.00 0.0670 📖 Tx
1697331602000 Buy No $28,692.40 29,367.87 0.9770 📖 Tx
1697331602000 Sell No $44,894.77 46,990.87 0.9554 📖 Tx
1697155965000 Sell Yes $736.35 9,622.00 0.0765 📖 Tx
1697043764000 Sell Yes $150.00 5,000.00 0.0300 📖 Tx
1697041190000 Sell No $9,950.35 10,320.00 0.9642 📖 Tx