Polymarket Whales



NFL: Will the Bills beat the Jets by more than 12.5 points in their November 14th matchup?

Whales LPs Trades Polymarket
Outcome: Yes No All
Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1637024762000 Buy No $1.50 2,806.61 0.0005 Tx
1636924295000 Sell No $4.63 4,247.00 0.0011 Tx
1636921721000 Buy No $5.00 1,263.27 0.0040 Tx
1636921685000 Sell No $5.57 1,447.75 0.0038 Tx
1636921661000 Sell No $10.38 2,124.74 0.0049 Tx
1636921331000 Buy No $5.00 1,151.86 0.0043 Tx
1636921319000 Sell No $8.86 2,124.95 0.0042 Tx
1636921077000 Sell No $13.84 2,394.71 0.0058 Tx
1636920995000 Sell No $16.65 2,000.00 0.0083 Tx
1636920969000 Sell No $24.90 2,000.00 0.0124 Tx
1636920947000 Sell No $19.31 1,062.37 0.0182 Tx