Polymarket Whales

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Will the Lakers or the Celtics win their January 30th matchup?

Whales LPs Trades Polymarket

Outcome: Lakers Celtics All
Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1612064306000 Buy Celtics $24.94 304.22 0.0820 Tx
1612064104000 Sell Celtics $270.39 722.68 0.3742 Tx
1612063392000 Buy Celtics $69.56 254.71 0.2731 Tx
1612063024000 Buy Lakers $137.02 428.12 0.3201 Tx
1612063006000 Buy Lakers $97.34 404.94 0.2404 Tx
1612062850000 Buy Lakers $65.25 256.31 0.2546 Tx
1612062710000 Buy Lakers $137.15 595.46 0.2303 Tx
1612062614000 Sell Lakers $146.47 329.02 0.4452 Tx
1612061933000 Sell Celtics $100.26 275.64 0.3637 Tx
1612060225000 Sell Celtics $121.93 318.67 0.3826 Tx
1612060133000 Sell Celtics $151.35 409.69 0.3694 Tx
1612059781000 Buy Celtics $425.48 1,522.80 0.2794 Tx
1612059683000 Buy Celtics $159.39 636.12 0.2506 Tx
1612059667000 Buy Celtics $315.59 1,334.97 0.2364 Tx
1612059579000 Buy Celtics $170.53 863.19 0.1976 Tx
1612059499000 Buy Celtics $361.51 2,165.18 0.1670 Tx
1612059463000 Buy Celtics $323.29 1,827.70 0.1769 Tx
1612059317000 Sell Celtics $542.92 1,796.08 0.3023 Tx
1612059257000 Sell Celtics $296.88 928.15 0.3199 Tx
1612059079000 Sell Celtics $153.20 471.12 0.3252 Tx
1612058983000 Sell Celtics $488.35 1,442.82 0.3385 Tx
1612057549000 Buy Lakers $287.88 488.01 0.5899 Tx