Polymarket Whales



Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Market Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1717110433000 Blast airdrop by June 30? Buy No $5.96 50.50 0.1180 📖 Tx
1717110433000 Blast airdrop by June 30? Sell Yes $792.90 900.00 0.8810 📖 Tx
1717110433000 Blast airdrop by June 30? Sell No $149.75 1,259.61 0.1189 📖 Tx
1717110433000 Blast airdrop by June 30? Buy No $12.97 108.11 0.1200 📖 Tx
1717110433000 Blast airdrop by June 30? Sell Yes $177.28 201.00 0.8820 📖 Tx
1709787000000 zkSync airdrop by April? Sell Yes $763.25 1,957.06 0.3900 📖 Tx
1709732621000 zkSync airdrop by April? Sell Yes $7.03 18.03 0.3900 📖 Tx
1709651149000 zkSync airdrop by April? Sell Yes $446.87 1,145.83 0.3900 📖 Tx
1709619570000 zkSync airdrop by April? Sell Yes $0.64 1.64 0.3900 📖 Tx
1709599296000 zkSync airdrop by April? Buy Yes $762.30 1,815.00 0.4200 📖 Tx
1709599296000 zkSync airdrop by April? Sell Yes $762.30 1,815.00 0.4200 📖 Tx
1709537129000 zkSync airdrop by April? Sell Yes $4.71 14.71 0.3200 📖 Tx
1709493482000 zkSync airdrop by April? Sell Yes $5.65 17.65 0.3200 📖 Tx
1709422167000 zkSync airdrop by April? Sell Yes $4.71 14.71 0.3200 📖 Tx
1709406534000 zkSync airdrop by April? Sell Yes $47.06 147.06 0.3200 📖 Tx
1709397740000 zkSync airdrop by April? Sell Yes $4.71 14.71 0.3200 📖 Tx
1678129063000 Arbitrum airdrop by March 31st? Sell Yes $969.26 2,062.26 0.4700 📖 Tx
1678129063000 Arbitrum airdrop by March 31st? Sell No $1,093.00 2,062.26 0.5300 📖 Tx
1638145818000 Will a picture surface of Kim Kardashian and Pete Davidson kissing before November 30th, 2021? Buy No $497.62 529.80 0.9393 Tx