Polymarket Whales



Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Market Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1623807308000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Sell Yes $968.50 1,000.00 0.9685 Tx
1623747773000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Sell No $638.06 10,000.00 0.0638 Tx
1623747699000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy No $794.17 15,329.76 0.0518 Tx
1623375945000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Sell Yes $969.75 999.88 0.9699 Tx
1622406743000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy Yes $400.00 400.31 0.9992 Tx
1621602895000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy Yes $500.00 507.17 0.9859 Tx
1621543513000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy Yes $300.00 304.58 0.9850 Tx
1621447878000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy Yes $1,000.00 1,015.77 0.9845 Tx
1621416642000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy Yes $250.00 253.80 0.9850 Tx
1621391821000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy Yes $500.00 507.53 0.9852 Tx
1621369162000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy Yes $500.00 507.49 0.9852 Tx
1621337004000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy No $373.18 7,017.56 0.0532 Tx
1621302673000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy Yes $500.00 508.09 0.9841 Tx
1621298301000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy Yes $500.00 506.97 0.9862 Tx
1620867637000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Sell Yes $946.59 1,000.00 0.9466 Tx
1620867563000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Sell Yes $995.00 1,050.00 0.9476 Tx
1620863409000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Sell Yes $999.95 1,052.00 0.9505 Tx
1620861606000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Sell Yes $999.67 1,054.00 0.9485 Tx
1620523008000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy Yes $935.88 950.91 0.9842 Tx
1620503165000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy Yes $589.76 600.53 0.9821 Tx
1620356395000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy Yes $1,000.00 1,010.41 0.9897 Tx
1620247985000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy No $400.00 9,166.85 0.0436 Tx
1620148052000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy Yes $2,500.00 2,538.13 0.9850 Tx
1620132834000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy Yes $322.00 327.05 0.9846 Tx
1620044166000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy Yes $1,000.00 1,020.01 0.9804 Tx
1620031826000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Sell No $688.12 10,022.38 0.0687 Tx
1620031644000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy No $1,466.20 23,638.24 0.0620 Tx
1619823657000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy Yes $586.00 600.25 0.9763 Tx
1619793622000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy Yes $10,000.00 10,187.30 0.9816 Tx
1619783636000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy Yes $300.00 307.34 0.9761 Tx
1619730015000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy Yes $250.00 256.28 0.9755 Tx
1619665075000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Sell Yes $1,176.00 1,258.00 0.9348 Tx
1619626278000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy Yes $2,264.18 2,320.07 0.9759 Tx
1619519391000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy Yes $500.00 512.55 0.9755 Tx
1619481263000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy Yes $300.00 307.74 0.9749 Tx
1619447258000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy Yes $999.00 1,024.20 0.9754 Tx
1619425452000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Sell Yes $909.89 972.92 0.9352 Tx
1619392935000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy Yes $500.00 511.99 0.9766 Tx
1619379649000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy Yes $500.00 511.65 0.9772 Tx
1619281150000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Sell No $285.44 5,787.37 0.0493 Tx
1619234744000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy Yes $1,000.00 1,023.25 0.9773 Tx
1619190868000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy Yes $1,000.00 1,022.53 0.9780 Tx
1619189073000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy Yes $450.28 461.02 0.9767 Tx
1619084105000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy Yes $500.00 511.62 0.9773 Tx
1619056838000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy Yes $1,000.00 1,024.63 0.9760 Tx
1619019551000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy Yes $1,000.00 1,024.00 0.9766 Tx
1618945314000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy Yes $1,000.00 1,025.55 0.9751 Tx
1618862120000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy Yes $1,000.00 1,023.25 0.9773 Tx
1618790724000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy No $450.00 8,995.53 0.0500 Tx
1618607885000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy Yes $5,000.00 5,103.97 0.9796 Tx
1618548328000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy Yes $1,000.00 1,024.33 0.9763 Tx
1618370429000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy Yes $1,000.00 1,023.81 0.9767 Tx
1618353728000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy Yes $950.00 972.92 0.9764 Tx
1618292359000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy Yes $1,000.00 1,023.89 0.9767 Tx
1618282816000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy No $555.00 10,795.64 0.0514 Tx
1618177984000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Sell No $354.03 8,926.28 0.0397 Tx
1618166307000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy No $460.83 8,911.09 0.0517 Tx
1618166183000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy No $300.00 6,336.83 0.0473 Tx
1618126214000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy No $333.00 7,556.71 0.0441 Tx
1618097709000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy No $555.00 12,776.59 0.0434 Tx
1618092861000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Sell No $254.44 6,272.31 0.0406 Tx
1618079423000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy No $444.00 10,106.10 0.0439 Tx
1618028062000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy No $555.00 12,483.86 0.0445 Tx
1617984801000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Sell No $508.17 11,283.96 0.0450 🥪 Tx
1617984801000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy No $500.00 10,639.74 0.0470 Tx
1617984801000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy No $492.76 11,295.70 0.0436 🥪 Tx
1617978826000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Sell No $305.37 7,873.14 0.0388 Tx
1617937702000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Sell No $386.37 9,000.00 0.0429 Tx
1617936170000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Sell No $364.01 7,999.00 0.0455 Tx
1617935954000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Sell No $377.13 8,557.00 0.0441 Tx
1617935924000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Sell No $421.60 9,000.00 0.0468 Tx
1617932535000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Sell No $444.43 8,918.84 0.0498 Tx
1617932367000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Sell Yes $4,279.95 4,608.25 0.9288 Tx
1617930525000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Sell No $261.89 5,000.00 0.0524 Tx
1617930457000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy No $400.00 7,394.45 0.0541 Tx
1617925342000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Sell No $261.38 5,000.00 0.0523 Tx
1617925294000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Sell No $628.20 11,347.03 0.0554 🥪 Tx
1617925294000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy No $1,200.00 21,555.02 0.0557 Tx
1617925294000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy No $564.86 11,358.85 0.0497 🥪 Tx
1617916535000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy Yes $4,000.00 4,124.04 0.9699 Tx
1617915677000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy Yes $1,000.00 1,031.84 0.9691 Tx
1617908329000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Sell No $250.66 5,000.00 0.0501 Tx
1617908011000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Sell No $692.13 12,682.62 0.0546 🥪 Tx
1617908011000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy No $1,000.00 17,877.71 0.0559 Tx
1617908011000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy No $647.08 12,695.83 0.0510 🥪 Tx
1617882187000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Sell No $267.63 5,463.76 0.0490 Tx
1617880865000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Sell No $457.38 8,967.27 0.0510 Tx
1617864196000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy No $500.00 9,156.11 0.0546 Tx
1617852552000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy Yes $250.00 258.85 0.9658 Tx
1617847150000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Sell No $753.43 13,559.87 0.0556 🥪 Tx
1617847150000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy No $1,200.00 21,196.80 0.0566 Tx
1617847150000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy No $695.89 13,573.99 0.0513 🥪 Tx
1617838864000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Sell No $284.42 5,900.00 0.0482 Tx
1617838590000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Sell No $401.20 8,000.00 0.0502 Tx
1617826188000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy No $600.00 11,087.19 0.0541 Tx
1617787505000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Sell No $514.22 10,000.00 0.0514 Tx
1617775494000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy No $500.00 9,159.46 0.0546 Tx
1617771782000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy Yes $4,000.00 4,138.22 0.9666 Tx
1617757264000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Buy No $300.00 5,459.57 0.0549 Tx
1617740782000 Will Joe Biden be President of the USA on June 30, 2021? Sell No $719.08 13,087.96 0.0549 🥪 Tx