Polymarket Whales

πŸŒ™ β˜€


Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Market Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1721644206000 Will Michelle Obama announce presidential run before August? Sell Yes ❌ $34.91 698.30 0.0500 πŸ“– Tx
1721644206000 Will Michelle Obama announce presidential run before August? Buy Yes βœ… $53.16 1,203.30 0.0442 πŸ“– Tx
1721644206000 Will Michelle Obama announce presidential run before August? Sell Yes ❌ $0.25 5.00 0.0500 πŸ“– Tx
1721644206000 Will Michelle Obama announce presidential run before August? Sell Yes ❌ $18.00 500.00 0.0360 πŸ“– Tx
1721000094000 Will China invade Taiwan in 2024? Sell Yes ❌ $90.00 1,000.00 0.0900 πŸ“– Tx
1720822703000 Will Michelle Obama announce presidential run before August? Sell Yes ❌ $10.43 316.00 0.0330 πŸ“– Tx
1720822703000 Will Michelle Obama announce presidential run before August? Sell No βœ… $107.34 111.00 0.9670 πŸ“– Tx
1720822703000 Will Michelle Obama announce presidential run before August? Sell No βœ… $198.24 205.00 0.9670 πŸ“– Tx
1720822689000 Will Michelle Obama announce presidential run before August? Sell Yes ❌ $48.00 1,500.00 0.0320 πŸ“– Tx
1720822689000 Will Michelle Obama announce presidential run before August? Sell No βœ… $1,452.00 1,500.00 0.9680 πŸ“– Tx
1720822683000 Will Michelle Obama announce presidential run before August? Sell Yes ❌ $68.88 2,222.00 0.0310 πŸ“– Tx
1720822683000 Will Michelle Obama announce presidential run before August? Sell No βœ… $215.12 222.00 0.9690 πŸ“– Tx
1720822683000 Will Michelle Obama announce presidential run before August? Sell No βœ… $1,938.00 2,000.00 0.9690 πŸ“– Tx
1720822671000 Will Michelle Obama announce presidential run before August? Sell Yes ❌ $3.15 105.00 0.0300 πŸ“– Tx
1720822671000 Will Michelle Obama announce presidential run before August? Sell No βœ… $101.85 105.00 0.9700 πŸ“– Tx
1720822667000 Will Michelle Obama announce presidential run before August? Sell Yes ❌ $3.04 105.00 0.0290 πŸ“– Tx
1720822667000 Will Michelle Obama announce presidential run before August? Sell No βœ… $101.95 105.00 0.9710 πŸ“– Tx
1720822651000 Will Michelle Obama announce presidential run before August? Buy Yes βœ… $84.00 3,000.00 0.0280 πŸ“– Tx
1720822651000 Will Michelle Obama announce presidential run before August? Sell Yes ❌ $84.00 3,000.00 0.0280 πŸ“– Tx
1720294549000 Will China invade Taiwan in 2024? Sell No βœ… $900.00 1,000.00 0.9000 πŸ“– Tx
1720294549000 Will China invade Taiwan in 2024? Sell Yes ❌ $100.00 1,000.00 0.1000 πŸ“– Tx
1719656491000 Will China invade Taiwan in 2024? Sell Yes ❌ $5.00 62.50 0.0800 πŸ“– Tx
1719656491000 Will China invade Taiwan in 2024? Sell No βœ… $57.50 62.50 0.9200 πŸ“– Tx
1719302015000 Ethereum all time high in 2024? Sell Yes ❌ $6.36 11.36 0.5600 πŸ“– Tx
1719302015000 Ethereum all time high in 2024? Sell No βœ… $5.00 11.36 0.4400 πŸ“– Tx
1719267156000 Will the US confirm that aliens exist by June? Sell Yes ❌ $1.00 20.41 0.0490 πŸ“– Tx
1719267156000 Will the US confirm that aliens exist by June? Sell No βœ… $19.41 20.41 0.9510 πŸ“– Tx
1718984086000 Will a new country buy Bitcoin in 2024? Sell No βœ… $5.64 10.64 0.5300 πŸ“– Tx
1718984086000 Will a new country buy Bitcoin in 2024? Sell Yes ❌ $5.00 10.64 0.4700 πŸ“– Tx
1718547978000 zkSync airdrop by June 30? Buy No ❌ $0.14 13.63 0.0100 πŸ“– Tx
1718547978000 zkSync airdrop by June 30? Buy Yes βœ… $13.49 13.63 0.9900 πŸ“– Tx
1718547716000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Sell Yes ❌ $1.00 4.17 0.2400 πŸ“– Tx
1718547716000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Sell No βœ… $3.17 4.17 0.7600 πŸ“– Tx
1718547584000 LayerZero airdrop by June 30? Buy Yes βœ… $33.13 34.91 0.9490 πŸ“– Tx
1718547584000 LayerZero airdrop by June 30? Sell Yes ❌ $33.13 34.91 0.9490 πŸ“– Tx
1718547397000 Will Republican VP nominee be a woman? Sell No βœ… $22.78 27.78 0.8200 πŸ“– Tx
1718547397000 Will Republican VP nominee be a woman? Sell Yes ❌ $5.00 27.78 0.1800 πŸ“– Tx
1717082317000 zkSync airdrop by June 30? Sell Yes ❌ $9.00 13.64 0.6600 πŸ“– Tx
1717082317000 zkSync airdrop by June 30? Sell No βœ… $4.64 13.64 0.3400 πŸ“– Tx
1716386320000 OpenSea token in 2024? Buy Yes βœ… $1.00 1.43 0.7000 πŸ“– Tx
1716385754000 OpenSea token in 2024? Buy Yes βœ… $1.00 1.43 0.7000 πŸ“– Tx
1716381869000 OpenSea token in 2024? Buy Yes βœ… $1.00 1.43 0.7000 πŸ“– Tx
1716381443000 OpenSea token in 2024? Buy Yes βœ… $1.00 1.43 0.7000 πŸ“– Tx
1716253234000 OpenSea token in 2024? Buy Yes βœ… $1.00 1.43 0.7000 πŸ“– Tx
1715839637000 OpenSea token in 2024? Buy Yes βœ… $1.00 1.43 0.7000 πŸ“– Tx
1715839591000 OpenSea token in 2024? Buy Yes βœ… $1.00 1.43 0.7000 πŸ“– Tx
1715839515000 OpenSea token in 2024? Buy Yes βœ… $1.00 1.43 0.7000 πŸ“– Tx
1715839263000 OpenSea token in 2024? Buy Yes βœ… $1.00 1.43 0.7000 πŸ“– Tx
1714940312000 LayerZero airdrop by June 30? Sell No βœ… $4.19 34.91 0.1200 πŸ“– Tx
1714940312000 LayerZero airdrop by June 30? Sell Yes ❌ $30.72 34.91 0.8800 πŸ“– Tx
1708248579000 Will China invade Taiwan in 2024? Buy Yes βœ… $2.65 24.09 0.1100 πŸ“– Tx
1708248579000 Will China invade Taiwan in 2024? Sell Yes ❌ $2.65 24.09 0.1100 πŸ“– Tx
1708248439000 Ukraine aid package in February? Sell Yes ❌ $5.00 125.00 0.0400 πŸ“– Tx
1708248439000 Ukraine aid package in February? Buy Yes βœ… $5.00 125.00 0.0400 πŸ“– Tx
1708213322000 Trump jail before election day? Sell No βœ… $10.50 12.50 0.8400 πŸ“– Tx
1708213322000 Trump jail before election day? Sell Yes ❌ $2.00 12.50 0.1600 πŸ“– Tx
1708213242000 Taylor Swift pregnant in 2024? Sell Yes ❌ $10.00 41.67 0.2400 πŸ“– Tx
1708213242000 Taylor Swift pregnant in 2024? Sell No βœ… $31.67 41.67 0.7600 πŸ“– Tx
1708213218000 Biden cognitive test before April? Sell Yes ❌ $5.00 55.56 0.0900 πŸ“– Tx
1708213218000 Biden cognitive test before April? Sell No βœ… $50.56 55.56 0.9100 πŸ“– Tx
1708213186000 Is John McAfee alive? Buy Yes βœ… $2.00 33.33 0.0600 πŸ“– Tx
1708213186000 Is John McAfee alive? Sell Yes ❌ $2.00 33.33 0.0600 πŸ“– Tx
1708213142000 Ukraine aid package in February? Sell Yes ❌ $5.00 128.01 0.0391 πŸ“– Tx
1708213142000 Ukraine aid package in February? Buy Yes βœ… $0.31 7.66 0.0400 πŸ“– Tx
1708213142000 Ukraine aid package in February? Buy Yes βœ… $4.69 120.35 0.0390 πŸ“– Tx
1708213106000 Will Ether Rock sell for over $600k at Sotheby’s? Sell No βœ… $5.00 11.11 0.4500 πŸ“– Tx
1708213106000 Will Ether Rock sell for over $600k at Sotheby’s? Buy No ❌ $5.00 11.11 0.4500 πŸ“– Tx
1708213058000 Ethereum ETF approved by end of March? Sell No βœ… $32.00 40.00 0.8000 πŸ“– Tx
1708213058000 Ethereum ETF approved by end of March? Sell Yes ❌ $8.00 40.00 0.2000 πŸ“– Tx
1708213040000 Will BTC hit $55,000 in February? Buy No ❌ $10.00 22.22 0.4500 πŸ“– Tx
1708213040000 Will BTC hit $55,000 in February? Sell No βœ… $10.00 22.22 0.4500 πŸ“– Tx
1708212874000 Will ETH hit $3,500 by May 31? Sell Yes ❌ $7.54 17.54 0.4300 πŸ“– Tx
1708212874000 Will ETH hit $3,500 by May 31? Sell No βœ… $10.00 17.54 0.5700 πŸ“– Tx
1708212839000 OpenAI Sora public release before May? Sell Yes ❌ $9.61 19.61 0.4900 πŸ“– Tx
1708212839000 OpenAI Sora public release before May? Sell No βœ… $10.00 19.61 0.5100 πŸ“– Tx
1708212711000 OpenSea token in 2024? Sell Yes ❌ $5.00 21.74 0.2300 πŸ“– Tx
1708212711000 OpenSea token in 2024? Sell No βœ… $16.74 21.74 0.7700 πŸ“– Tx
1708212499000 Will OpenAI launch a Web Search Product by March 31? Sell No βœ… $42.63 52.63 0.8100 πŸ“– Tx
1708212499000 Will OpenAI launch a Web Search Product by March 31? Sell Yes ❌ $10.00 52.63 0.1900 πŸ“– Tx
1708211909000 Will USDC flip USDT in market cap in 2024? Sell Yes ❌ $5.00 41.67 0.1200 πŸ“– Tx
1708211909000 Will USDC flip USDT in market cap in 2024? Sell No βœ… $36.67 41.67 0.8800 πŸ“– Tx
1708211823000 Rainbow airdrop by June 30? Sell Yes ❌ $5.00 13.51 0.3700 πŸ“– Tx
1708211823000 Rainbow airdrop by June 30? Sell No βœ… $8.51 13.51 0.6300 πŸ“– Tx
1708211064000 Will BTC hit $55,000 in February? Buy No ❌ $0.41 0.91 0.4500 πŸ“– Tx
1708211064000 Will BTC hit $55,000 in February? Sell No βœ… $0.41 0.91 0.4500 πŸ“– Tx
1708210441000 Will OpenAI announce it has achieved AGI in 2024? Sell No βœ… $41.73 46.73 0.8930 πŸ“– Tx
1708210441000 Will OpenAI announce it has achieved AGI in 2024? Sell Yes ❌ $5.00 46.73 0.1070 πŸ“– Tx
1688038428000 Will the Fed cut rates in 2023? Sell Yes ❌ $9.45 48.00 0.1969 πŸ“– Tx
1688038428000 Will the Fed cut rates in 2023? Sell No βœ… $12.15 15.00 0.8100 πŸ“– Tx
1688038428000 Will the Fed cut rates in 2023? Sell No βœ… $26.40 33.00 0.8000 πŸ“– Tx
1688038400000 Will a nuclear weapon detonate by December 31? Sell No βœ… $9.45 11.05 0.8552 Tx
1687678151000 Will Ukraine sever the land bridge between Crimea and Russia before Nov 1? Sell Yes ❌ $14.41 49.69 0.2900 πŸ“– Tx
1687678151000 Will Ukraine sever the land bridge between Crimea and Russia before Nov 1? Buy Yes βœ… $14.41 49.69 0.2900 πŸ“– Tx
1687678129000 Will a nuclear weapon detonate by December 31? Sell Yes ❌ $1.05 11.05 0.0950 πŸ“– Tx
1687678129000 Will a nuclear weapon detonate by December 31? Sell No βœ… $10.00 11.05 0.9050 πŸ“– Tx
1687678121000 Will a nuclear weapon detonate by June 30? Sell Yes ❌ $5.00 625.00 0.0080 πŸ“– Tx
1687678121000 Will a nuclear weapon detonate by June 30? Buy Yes βœ… $5.00 625.00 0.0080 πŸ“– Tx
1687678045000 Will Do Kwon be extradited to the United States or South Korea? Sell South Korea $20.82 40.82 0.5100 πŸ“– Tx
1687678045000 Will Do Kwon be extradited to the United States or South Korea? Sell United States $20.00 40.82 0.4900 πŸ“– Tx
1687677981000 Will Elon and Zuck announce a fight? Sell No βœ… $56.43 71.43 0.7900 πŸ“– Tx