Polymarket Whales

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How many more tweets will be on the @MCuban account on February 10, 2021?

Whales LPs Trades Polymarket

Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1612978206000 Buy 30-39 $1.00 65.59 0.0152 Tx
1612973712000 Sell 30-39 $1.07 20.88 0.0511 Tx
1612973008000 Buy 30-39 $1.00 20.88 0.0479 Tx
1612967060000 Buy 30-39 $5.00 96.89 0.0516 Tx
1612966580000 Sell 30-39 $5.28 50.86 0.1038 Tx
1612966192000 Buy 30-39 $3.00 50.13 0.0598 Tx
1612924053000 Sell 30-39 $6.37 37.00 0.1722 Tx
1612924011000 Sell 30-39 $10.12 50.00 0.2025 Tx
1612923965000 Buy 30-39 $8.57 87.73 0.0977 Tx
1612899790000 Sell 30-39 $16.11 94.83 0.1699 Tx
1612886567000 Sell 30-39 $5.79 20.00 0.2897 Tx
1612862114000 Buy 30-39 $1.00 20.09 0.0498 Tx
1612858142000 Buy 30-39 $6.50 94.74 0.0686 Tx
1612830398000 Sell 30-39 $4.81 100.19 0.0480 Tx
1612819709000 Buy 30-39 $1.00 11.53 0.0867 Tx
1612818203000 Buy 30-39 $3.00 60.02 0.0500 Tx
1612802308000 Buy 30-39 $1.00 28.64 0.0349 Tx
1612663506000 Sell 30-39 $11.51 47.83 0.2407 Tx
1612651798000 Buy 30-39 $10.00 47.83 0.2091 Tx
1612650012000 Sell 30-39 $5.93 36.64 0.1619 Tx
1612592354000 Buy 30-39 $10.00 36.64 0.2729 Tx
1612544765000 Sell 30-39 $13.57 54.91 0.2471 Tx
1612403139000 Buy 30-39 $10.00 54.91 0.1821 Tx