Polymarket Whales

πŸŒ™ β˜€


Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Market Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1712687822000 EigenLayer airdrop by April? Sell No βœ… $1.00 1.03 0.9700 πŸ“– Tx
1712687822000 EigenLayer airdrop by April? Sell Yes ❌ $0.03 1.03 0.0300 πŸ“– Tx
1712687800000 Ethereum spot ETF approved by June 30? Sell No βœ… $2.00 2.44 0.8200 πŸ“– Tx
1712687800000 Ethereum spot ETF approved by June 30? Sell Yes ❌ $0.44 2.44 0.1800 πŸ“– Tx
1712687762000 Ethereum ETF approved by May 31? Buy No ❌ $5.00 6.33 0.7900 πŸ“– Tx
1712687762000 Ethereum ETF approved by May 31? Sell No βœ… $5.00 6.33 0.7900 πŸ“– Tx
1709242382000 Blast exploit by March 7? Sell No βœ… $1.80 2.00 0.9000 πŸ“– Tx
1709242382000 Blast exploit by March 7? Sell Yes ❌ $0.20 2.00 0.1000 πŸ“– Tx
1707140107000 CZ jail before March? Sell Yes ❌ $0.61 1.61 0.3800 πŸ“– Tx
1707140107000 CZ jail before March? Sell No βœ… $1.00 1.61 0.6200 πŸ“– Tx
1707140039000 Will BTC hit $50,000 in February? Sell Yes ❌ $1.00 5.88 0.1700 πŸ“– Tx
1707140039000 Will BTC hit $50,000 in February? Sell No βœ… $4.88 5.88 0.8300 πŸ“– Tx
1699567315000 zkSync airdrop in 2023? Sell Yes ❌ $0.06 1.06 0.0600 πŸ“– Tx
1699567315000 zkSync airdrop in 2023? Sell No βœ… $1.00 1.06 0.9400 πŸ“– Tx
1699567305000 Will ETH hit $2,500 by EOY? Sell No βœ… $0.82 1.32 0.6200 πŸ“– Tx
1699567305000 Will ETH hit $2,500 by EOY? Sell Yes ❌ $0.50 1.32 0.3800 πŸ“– Tx
1699567287000 LayerZero airdrop in 2023? Sell Yes ❌ $0.90 2.00 0.4500 πŸ“– Tx
1699567287000 LayerZero airdrop in 2023? Sell No βœ… $1.10 2.00 0.5500 πŸ“– Tx
1695666264000 LayerZero airdrop by Oct 31? Sell No βœ… $1.58 2.08 0.7600 πŸ“– Tx
1695666264000 LayerZero airdrop by Oct 31? Sell Yes ❌ $0.50 2.08 0.2400 πŸ“– Tx
1683587627000 Will Erdoğan win the 2023 Turkish presidential election? Sell Yes ❌ $3.79 8.79 0.4310 πŸ“– Tx
1683587627000 Will Erdoğan win the 2023 Turkish presidential election? Sell No βœ… $5.00 8.79 0.5690 πŸ“– Tx
1679647471000 Will Donald Trump be President of the USA on September 30? Sell No βœ… $1.00 1.01 0.9900 πŸ“– Tx
1679647471000 Will Donald Trump be President of the USA on September 30? Sell Yes ❌ $0.01 1.01 0.0100 πŸ“– Tx
1679647457000 Will Erdoğan win the 2023 Turkish presidential election? Sell No βœ… $2.00 3.45 0.5800 πŸ“– Tx
1679647457000 Will Erdoğan win the 2023 Turkish presidential election? Sell Yes ❌ $1.45 3.45 0.4200 πŸ“– Tx
1679647447000 Balaji Bet: BTC > $1m USD on June 17? Sell No βœ… $49.00 50.00 0.9800 πŸ“– Tx
1679647447000 Balaji Bet: BTC > $1m USD on June 17? Sell Yes ❌ $1.00 50.00 0.0200 πŸ“– Tx
1671376151000 Will Argentina win the 2022 World Cup? Sell Yes ❌ $2.17 4.00 0.5421 Tx
1671376059000 Will Argentina win the 2022 World Cup? Buy Yes βœ… $3.00 5.43 0.5527 Tx
1671376025000 Will Argentina win the 2022 World Cup? Buy Yes βœ… $3.00 5.45 0.5502 Tx
1659137281000 Will Bitcoin (BTC) reach its all-time high in 2022? Buy No ❌ $1.00 1.05 0.9532 Tx
1653228621000 Will Optimism ($OP) close above $2 on its 1st day of trading? Buy Yes βœ… $1.00 2.14 0.4671 Tx
1653228601000 Will Optimism ($OP) close above $5 on its 1st day of trading? Buy No ❌ $2.00 2.49 0.8038 Tx
1653228573000 Will Tether (USDT) fall below 98 cents by July 30? Buy Yes βœ… $0.50 5.44 0.0920 Tx
1653228551000 Will Amber Heard be found liable for defaming Johnny Depp? Buy Yes βœ… $0.50 1.40 0.3576 Tx