Polymarket Whales



Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Market Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1646002615000 Will the Ethereum Merge (EIP-3675) occur by July 1, 2022? Buy Yes $248.90 535.30 0.4650 Tx
1646002174000 Will Volodymyr Zelenskyy be President of Ukraine on April 22, 2022? Buy No $300.00 502.02 0.5976 Tx
1643503246000 Will Kanye West release 'Donda 2' (or another new album) by 2/22/22? Buy No $393.70 548.90 0.7172 Tx
1617512626000 Will Matt Gaetz continue to hold Congressional office through June 1, 2021? Buy Yes $299.60 393.70 0.7610 Tx
1617512588000 Will there be enough signatures for a vote on the recall of Gov. Newsom by March 17? Sell Yes $299.60 308.51 0.9711 Tx
1617512514000 Will Andrew Yang win the Democratic primary for Mayor of New York City in 2021? Buy Yes $310.27 471.35 0.6582 Tx
1614462665000 Will Apple, Amazon, or Twitter announce a Bitcoin purchase before April 1, 2021? Buy No $244.60 310.27 0.7883 Tx
1614462627000 Will there be enough signatures for a vote on the recall of Gov. Newsom by March 17? Buy Yes $250.00 308.51 0.8104 Tx