Polymarket Whales



Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Market Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1722709848000 Will Ethereum hit $15k in 2024? Buy No $19.22 20.45 0.9400 📖 Tx
1722709848000 Will Ethereum hit $15k in 2024? Sell No $19.22 20.45 0.9400 📖 Tx
1722709834000 Will North Korea invade South Korea in 2024? Sell No $60.84 65.35 0.9310 📖 Tx
1722709834000 Will North Korea invade South Korea in 2024? Buy No $60.84 65.35 0.9310 📖 Tx
1722262767000 Will Ethereum hit $15k in 2024? Sell No $82.80 90.00 0.9200 📖 Tx
1722262767000 Will Ethereum hit $15k in 2024? Buy No $82.80 90.00 0.9200 📖 Tx
1722262711000 Fed rate cut by December 18? Sell Yes $20.33 21.67 0.9380 📖 Tx
1722262711000 Fed rate cut by December 18? Buy Yes $20.33 21.67 0.9380 📖 Tx
1722261103000 Will Ethereum hit $15k in 2024? Sell No $239.20 260.00 0.9200 📖 Tx
1722261103000 Will Ethereum hit $15k in 2024? Buy No $239.20 260.00 0.9200 📖 Tx
1720723101000 Fed rate cut by September 18? Sell Yes $210.63 256.87 0.8200 📖 Tx
1720723101000 Fed rate cut by September 18? Buy Yes $210.63 256.87 0.8200 📖 Tx
1720722975000 Will Ethereum hit $15k in 2024? Sell No $186.00 200.00 0.9300 📖 Tx
1720722975000 Will Ethereum hit $15k in 2024? Buy No $186.00 200.00 0.9300 📖 Tx
1710960237000 Fed rate cut by September 18? Buy Yes $78.63 87.95 0.8940 📖 Tx
1710960237000 Fed rate cut by September 18? Sell Yes $78.63 87.95 0.8940 📖 Tx
1710960155000 Fed rate cut by December 18? Sell No $0.53 8.68 0.0610 📖 Tx
1710960155000 Fed rate cut by December 18? Buy Yes $4.65 5.00 0.9300 📖 Tx
1710960155000 Fed rate cut by December 18? Sell Yes $20.00 21.68 0.9225 📖 Tx
1710960155000 Fed rate cut by December 18? Buy Yes $7.20 8.00 0.9000 📖 Tx
1710889902000 NATO/EU troops fighting in Ukraine before July? Buy No $70.00 76.09 0.9200 📖 Tx
1710889902000 NATO/EU troops fighting in Ukraine before July? Sell No $70.00 76.09 0.9200 📖 Tx
1710889876000 Will Ethereum hit $15k in 2024? Sell Yes $20.45 170.45 0.1200 📖 Tx
1710889876000 Will Ethereum hit $15k in 2024? Sell No $150.00 170.45 0.8800 📖 Tx
1710889846000 Fed rate cut by September 18? Sell No $18.92 168.92 0.1120 📖 Tx
1710889846000 Fed rate cut by September 18? Sell Yes $150.00 168.92 0.8880 📖 Tx
1710886698000 NATO/EU troops fighting in Ukraine before July? Sell No $164.47 178.77 0.9200 📖 Tx
1710886698000 NATO/EU troops fighting in Ukraine before July? Sell Yes $14.30 178.77 0.0800 📖 Tx
1710886668000 Will Zelensky remain President of Ukraine through March? Sell Yes $164.47 166.30 0.9890 📖 Tx
1710886668000 Will Zelensky remain President of Ukraine through March? Buy Yes $164.47 166.30 0.9890 📖 Tx
1710361671000 NATO/EU troops fighting in Ukraine before July? Buy No $10.00 10.64 0.9400 📖 Tx
1710361671000 NATO/EU troops fighting in Ukraine before July? Sell No $10.00 10.64 0.9400 📖 Tx
1709487964000 NATO/EU troops fighting in Ukraine before July? Sell No $149.86 159.43 0.9400 📖 Tx
1709487964000 NATO/EU troops fighting in Ukraine before July? Buy No $149.86 159.43 0.9400 📖 Tx
1707765444000 Will Israel invade Lebanon before March? Sell Yes $6.13 102.23 0.0600 📖 Tx
1707765444000 Will Israel invade Lebanon before March? Sell No $96.10 102.23 0.9400 📖 Tx
1706352910000 Hamas lose power in Gaza before February? Sell Yes $6.02 26.18 0.2300 📖 Tx
1706352910000 Hamas lose power in Gaza before February? Sell No $20.16 26.18 0.7700 📖 Tx
1706352280000 Will Israel invade Lebanon before March? Sell No $40.00 47.62 0.8400 📖 Tx
1706352280000 Will Israel invade Lebanon before March? Sell Yes $7.62 47.62 0.1600 📖 Tx
1706352250000 Will North Korea invade South Korea in 2024? Buy No $60.00 65.36 0.9180 📖 Tx
1706352250000 Will North Korea invade South Korea in 2024? Sell No $60.00 65.36 0.9180 📖 Tx
1704274783000 Will Zelensky remain President of Ukraine through March? Sell No $8.55 142.50 0.0600 📖 Tx
1704274783000 Will Zelensky remain President of Ukraine through March? Sell No $0.70 8.80 0.0800 📖 Tx
1704274783000 Will Zelensky remain President of Ukraine through March? Sell Yes $155.85 166.30 0.9371 📖 Tx
1704274783000 Will Zelensky remain President of Ukraine through March? Sell No $1.20 15.00 0.0800 📖 Tx
1701424623000 Will Russia & Ukraine declare a ceasefire by EOY? Sell No $148.99 155.85 0.9560 📖 Tx
1701424623000 Will Russia & Ukraine declare a ceasefire by EOY? Buy No $144.67 151.32 0.9560 📖 Tx
1701424623000 Will Russia & Ukraine declare a ceasefire by EOY? Sell Yes $0.20 4.53 0.0450 📖 Tx