Polymarket Whales



Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Market Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1631483758000 Will Novak Djokovic win the US Open? Sell No $1,204.31 1,472.84 0.8177 Tx
1631483688000 Will Novak Djokovic win the US Open? Sell No $1,151.77 1,442.96 0.7982 Tx
1631483474000 Will Novak Djokovic win the US Open? Sell No $1,084.01 1,486.61 0.7292 Tx
1631475112000 Will Novak Djokovic win the US Open? Buy No $2,613.24 8,524.08 0.3066 Tx
1631473698000 What will the ETH floor price of Loot (for Adventurers) be on September 21, 2021? Sell Short 📈 $2,613.24 3,790.76 0.6894 Tx
1631138955000 What will the ETH floor price of Loot (for Adventurers) be on September 21, 2021? Buy Short 📉 $2,500.00 3,790.76 0.6595 Tx